تجهيز الدبابات المصرية بصواريخ


خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
20 مايو 2018
25,783 1,727 77
United Arab Emirates
رأيت صور لدبابات مصرية من نوع T62 مجهزة بصواريخ
أي معلومات عنها او عن برنامج التطوير

الصورة الأولى اثناء عرض عسكري ويمكن مشاهدة الصواريخ في حاويتين يمين ويسار برج الدبابة
لاحظ صواريخ سكود بالخلفية

الصورة الثانية مقربة لنظام الصواريخ والحاوية الخاصة بها

هل من معلومات عن نوع الصاروخ و مواصفاته

هذه صورة لنوع مختلف من الصواريخ عدد ٨ صواريخ موزعه في حاويتين يمين ويسار البرج

أرجوا من الزملاء الكرام تعريفنا بهذه التطويرات

إعداد : الصباح @الصباح 🇦🇪

إماراتي وكل بلاد العرب أوطاني
رأيت صور لدبابات مصرية من نوع T62 مجهزة بصواريخ
أي معلومات عنها او عن برنامج التطوير

الصورة الأولى اثناء عرض عسكري ويمكن مشاهدة الصواريخ في حاويتين يمين ويسار برج الدبابة
لاحظ صواريخ سكود بالخلفية
مشاهدة المرفق 433371
الصورة الثانية مقربة لنظام الصواريخ والحاوية الخاصة بها
مشاهدة المرفق 433370
هل من معلومات عن نوع الصاروخ و مواصفاته
مشاهدة المرفق 433372

هذه صورة لنوع مختلف من الصواريخ عدد ٨ صواريخ موزعه في حاويتين يمين ويسار البرج
مشاهدة المرفق 433369
أرجوا من الزملاء الكرام تعريفنا بهذه التطويرات

إعداد : الصباح @الصباح 🇦🇪
مشاهدة المرفق 433380

إماراتي وكل بلاد العرب أوطاني
قواذف دخان للحماية
تطوير التي ٦٢ المصريه


  • T-62modernization made by NORICUM. The modernization includes a replacement of the 115 mm tank gun with a 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 tank gun. The Egyptian Army evaluated the vehicle and incorporated its upgrades in its RO-115 Mark I modernization.
    • RO-115 Mark I: developed in the early 1980s. While retaining the Soviet 115 mm gun, more powerful ammunition allows engaging a target at greater range. Some main guns were replaced with the Royal Ordnance L7 105 mm gun as offered by the Austrian firm NORICUM. Other modifications included a British diesel engine developing 750 hp (559 kW), a two-plane stabiliser, ballistic computer, laser rangefinder in an armoured box over the main armament, a cluster of six smoke grenade launchers on the right side of the turret, a fire control system from BMP-3 IFV and additional armour including reactive armour. The upgrades resulted in an increase of weight to 43 tons.[2][3]
    • T-62E Mark II: Mid 1990s Egyptian refurbishment and modernization program. The tanks were fitted with a license-built German MTU engine developing 880 hp (656 kW). The tanks are armed with a license-built 105 mm M68 tank gun, an Italian fire control system with ballistics computer, infrared vision device, laser rangefinder, gun stabiliser, additional armour including reactive armour, armoured side skirts, modernised suspension and six smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret. It has an upgraded NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical) protection system. The T-62E Mark II carries two Egyptian-made two-round anti-tank missile launchers, or two 2-round launchers for 80 mm D-3000 smoke rockets on an encroachment extension, or a box-type launcher holding two Sakr smoke missiles on each side of the turret.[23] The upgrade did not change the weight of the tank, which remained at 45 tons.
    • RO-120 Mark III: T-62 tank upgrade developed in 2004. This upgrade arms the tank with the 120 mm M-393 tank gun developed by FSUE. The gun is 5.30 m long and weighs 2.6 tonnes. It can be elevated or depressed between −7° and +15°. The tank has a new license-built German MTU engine developing 890 hp (664 kW) and additional armour, including reactive armour and armoured side skirts. The upgrades resulted in a weight increase to 46.5 tons. This upgrade was completed by the end of 2008.
تطوير التي ٦٢ المصريه


  • T-62modernization made by NORICUM. The modernization includes a replacement of the 115 mm tank gun with a 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 tank gun. The Egyptian Army evaluated the vehicle and incorporated its upgrades in its RO-115 Mark I modernization.
    • RO-115 Mark I: developed in the early 1980s. While retaining the Soviet 115 mm gun, more powerful ammunition allows engaging a target at greater range. Some main guns were replaced with the Royal Ordnance L7 105 mm gun as offered by the Austrian firm NORICUM. Other modifications included a British diesel engine developing 750 hp (559 kW), a two-plane stabiliser, ballistic computer, laser rangefinder in an armoured box over the main armament, a cluster of six smoke grenade launchers on the right side of the turret, a fire control system from BMP-3 IFV and additional armour including reactive armour. The upgrades resulted in an increase of weight to 43 tons.[2][3]
    • T-62E Mark II: Mid 1990s Egyptian refurbishment and modernization program. The tanks were fitted with a license-built German MTU engine developing 880 hp (656 kW). The tanks are armed with a license-built 105 mm M68 tank gun, an Italian fire control system with ballistics computer, infrared vision device, laser rangefinder, gun stabiliser, additional armour including reactive armour, armoured side skirts, modernised suspension and six smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret. It has an upgraded NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical) protection system. The T-62E Mark II carries two Egyptian-made two-round anti-tank missile launchers, or two 2-round launchers for 80 mm D-3000 smoke rockets on an encroachment extension, or a box-type launcher holding two Sakr smoke missiles on each side of the turret.[23] The upgrade did not change the weight of the tank, which remained at 45 tons.
    • RO-120 Mark III: T-62 tank upgrade developed in 2004. This upgrade arms the tank with the 120 mm M-393 tank gun developed by FSUE. The gun is 5.30 m long and weighs 2.6 tonnes. It can be elevated or depressed between −7° and +15°. The tank has a new license-built German MTU engine developing 890 hp (664 kW) and additional armour, including reactive armour and armoured side skirts. The upgrades resulted in a weight increase to 46.5 tons. This upgrade was completed by the end of 2008.. The T-62E Mark II carries two Egyp

شكر للعضو EGY predator

وضحت الصورة... الصواريخ في T62 المطورة ممكن ان تكون ضد الدبابات ATGM أو دخانية 80mm D-3000

The T-62E Mark II carries two Egyptian-made two-round anti-tank missile launchers, or two 2-round launchers for 80 mm D-3000 smoke rockets on an encroachment extension, or a box-type launcher holding two Sakr smoke missiles on each side of the turret.[23] The upgrade did not change the weight of the tank,
هذة الصور التقطت سنة 1980 فى العرض العسكرى الذى اغتيل فية الرئيس السادات
و هى صورايخ مضادة للدروع لتغطية الفرق بين مدى مدافع الدبابات السوفيتية التى يتسلح بها العربو الدبابات الامريكية التى يتسلح بها الاسرائليين
و هذا الفرق فى المدى كان السبب فى خسائر كبيرة للسوريين فى الجولان و للمصريين فى تطوير الهجوم .
هذا حل زكى بسيط من المصريين اعتمدة الروس والامريكان و الاسرائليين فىما بعد .