الأدميرال ناخيموف ستصبح أقوى سفينة حربية تابعة للبحرية الروسية وواحدة من أقوى السفن في العالم بعد التحديث
Russia’s Nuclear Battlecruisers: Modernization
Despite the Kirovs’ fall from grace, the Russian navy is attempting to revive their glory days with a complete refit of Admiral Nakhimov, which began in earnest in 2014. The battlecruiser will receive new weapons, radars, and other electronics.
The specifics of Nakhimov’s new arsenal are not known, but the 3M22 Zircon hypersonic missile, reportedly capable of reaching speeds up to Mach 9, is expected to be a large part of it. Smaller than a P-700, Admiral Nakhimov could be able to carry as many as 60 Zircons.
Admiral Nakhimov’s upgraded arsenal could also include Kalibr cruise missiles and dual-purpose Oniks land-attack and anti-ship missiles.
Weapons that will be included after the refit are the Fort-M surface-to-air missile system, the Pantsir-M CIWS, and the Paket-NK and Otvet anti-submarine missiles.
Russian officials have said they expect Admiral Nakhimov to be delivered to the Navy by late 2022. It will be the most powerful warship in the entire Russian navy and one of the most powerful in the world.

Russia's Nuclear Battlecruisers: Last Battleships Floating or a Waste of Steel?
With the possible exception of the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, no ships in the Russian navy are as important or held in higher regard than Kirov-class, or Russia's nuclear battlecruisers.