يبدو أن المملكة العربية السعودية طلبت نسخة بحرية من أنظمة الصواريخ الموجهة LIG Nex1 Poniard 2.75
وأنظمة اخرى إضافية وفي وقت سابق تم التأكيد من خلال مصادر متعددة أن المملكة العربية السعودية
قد اشترت بالفعل عددًا غير معروف من النظام منذ عدة سنوات .
Saudi Arabia is apparently requesting naval variant of LIG Nex1 Poniard (Bigung) 2.75 inch guided rocket systems and additional land-based systems It's been confirmed through multiple sources that Saudi Arabia already purchased an unknown number of Poniards several years ago.
So far, only land-based version has been fielded with the Republic of Korea Marine Corps. The Republic of Korea Navy opted to go with longer-ranged Biryong 130mm guided rocket system LIG Nex1, however, has advertised air and naval variants at various defense exhibitions. If I had to guess, Saudi Arabia is requesting naval variant to use as point-defense system against unmanned suicide craft used by Houthi and Iranian forces.
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