مصر تنشط في جزيرة نورا الاريترية


طاقم الإدارة
مشرف عام
4 أكتوبر 2018
17,012 266 10
حسب مجلة البداية الايطالية فان مصر تنشط في جزيرة نورا الاريترية
وهنالك معلومات بخصوص اقامة قاعدة بحرية مصرية هناك على جزيرة نورا بالقرب من باب المندب وتعزيز انتشار البحرية المصرية في البحر
لردع كلا من البحرية الايرانية التي لديها تحركات في باب المندب والبحرية التركية التي تنشط بالقرب من القرن الافريقي
مصر تسيطر على شمال البحر الاحمر وتنشط بشكل ملحوظ في جنوب البحر كذالك بالتعاون مع إريتريا .
توقيع اتفاقية لوجود تواجد عسكري مصري بجزيرة نورا الاريترية

According to what was published by the English language magazine The Arab weeky
the signing of an agreement for a strategic partnership between Egypt and Eritrea for the presence of military forces on the island of Nora, located in the Dakhla peninsula , may not be very remote Eritrean coast which would thus be added to that already present in Sawa always in Eritrea.

It is no coincidence that starting from 2016, Egypt has put in place a maritime strategy in order to consolidate its projection of maritime power as evidenced by the agreement in progress with Fincantieri .

Well, from a geostrategic point of view - as underlined by VK Boulding in 1989 in his fundamental text Conflict and Defense: A General Theory - the projection capacity (i.e. the ability of a State to demonstrate its power or to intervene with significant military forces far away from the national territory to support its foreign policy and to defend its interests) is absolutely decisive in a conflict in which naval or land forces play a very important role.

Precisely for this reason the maintenance of naval or air infrastructures allows a country - as in the case of Egypt and Turkey and even more in the case of the USA - to have a sort of extension of the force present on the national territory thus reducing the negative factors that could occur in the absence of extensive and widespread military infrastructure.

From a strictly geopolitical point of view, the fact that Eritrea faces the southern part of the Red Sea and that Egypt controls the Suez Canal undoubtedly contributes to the need to strengthen the maritime presence on these fundamental hubs of international trade both in terms of containment antiturco than antiraniano .

It is no coincidence that in January 2020 an agreement was signed for the implementation of the Council of Arab and African States bordering the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in order to safeguard their national interests.

توقيع اتفاقية لوجود تواجد عسكري مصري بجزيرة نورا الاريترية

According to what was published by the English language magazine The Arab weeky
the signing of an agreement for a strategic partnership between Egypt and Eritrea for the presence of military forces on the island of Nora, located in the Dakhla peninsula , may not be very remote Eritrean coast which would thus be added to that already present in Sawa always in Eritrea.

It is no coincidence that starting from 2016, Egypt has put in place a maritime strategy in order to consolidate its projection of maritime power as evidenced by the agreement in progress with Fincantieri .

Well, from a geostrategic point of view - as underlined by VK Boulding in 1989 in his fundamental text Conflict and Defense: A General Theory - the projection capacity (i.e. the ability of a State to demonstrate its power or to intervene with significant military forces far away from the national territory to support its foreign policy and to defend its interests) is absolutely decisive in a conflict in which naval or land forces play a very important role.

Precisely for this reason the maintenance of naval or air infrastructures allows a country - as in the case of Egypt and Turkey and even more in the case of the USA - to have a sort of extension of the force present on the national territory thus reducing the negative factors that could occur in the absence of extensive and widespread military infrastructure.

From a strictly geopolitical point of view, the fact that Eritrea faces the southern part of the Red Sea and that Egypt controls the Suez Canal undoubtedly contributes to the need to strengthen the maritime presence on these fundamental hubs of international trade both in terms of containment antiturco than antiraniano .

It is no coincidence that in January 2020 an agreement was signed for the implementation of the Council of Arab and African States bordering the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in order to safeguard their national interests.

خطوه مهمه جدا
توقيع اتفاقية لوجود تواجد عسكري مصري بجزيرة نورا الاريترية

According to what was published by the English language magazine The Arab weeky
the signing of an agreement for a strategic partnership between Egypt and Eritrea for the presence of military forces on the island of Nora, located in the Dakhla peninsula , may not be very remote Eritrean coast which would thus be added to that already present in Sawa always in Eritrea.

It is no coincidence that starting from 2016, Egypt has put in place a maritime strategy in order to consolidate its projection of maritime power as evidenced by the agreement in progress with Fincantieri .

Well, from a geostrategic point of view - as underlined by VK Boulding in 1989 in his fundamental text Conflict and Defense: A General Theory - the projection capacity (i.e. the ability of a State to demonstrate its power or to intervene with significant military forces far away from the national territory to support its foreign policy and to defend its interests) is absolutely decisive in a conflict in which naval or land forces play a very important role.

Precisely for this reason the maintenance of naval or air infrastructures allows a country - as in the case of Egypt and Turkey and even more in the case of the USA - to have a sort of extension of the force present on the national territory thus reducing the negative factors that could occur in the absence of extensive and widespread military infrastructure.

From a strictly geopolitical point of view, the fact that Eritrea faces the southern part of the Red Sea and that Egypt controls the Suez Canal undoubtedly contributes to the need to strengthen the maritime presence on these fundamental hubs of international trade both in terms of containment antiturco than antiraniano .

It is no coincidence that in January 2020 an agreement was signed for the implementation of the Council of Arab and African States bordering the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in order to safeguard their national interests.

ده انت راجل عظمة شكرا
بنسبة 90% الاتفاقية لبناء قاعدة جوية مصرية لتسهيل المشاكل اللوجيستية لاي ضربة مقبلة لاثيوبيا
كم المسافه بينها وبين سد النهضه؟

750 كلم بالضبط

مما يتيح لجميع انواع الطائرات المقاتلة المصرية الوصول اليه والبقاء جوا بالاجواء الاثيوبية لفترات طويلة
750 كلم بالضبط

مما يتيح لجميع انواع الطائرات المقاتلة المصرية الوصول اليه والبقاء جوا بالاجواء الاثيوبية لفترات طويلة

وهل تظن اثيوبيا غير قادره على الرد او الدفاع عن نفسها الحرب مش لعبه ارواح تهدر وطاقات تذهب سدى اتمنى الحل الدبلوماسي لهذه المشكله بين الدولتين
التواجد المصري الإماراتي في ارتريا منذ فترة طويلة وزاد بعد زيادة التواجد التركي جنوبا و محاولة تركيا التواجد العسكري في السودان في عهد البشير ، اعتقد الموضوع بالدرجة الأولي موجه لحماية باب المندب لاي تدخل تركي اوً إيراني ، العلاقات المصرية الإريترية استراتيجية منذ عقود.
وهل تظن اثيوبيا غير قادره على الرد او الدفاع عن نفسها الحرب مش لعبه ارواح تهدر وطاقات تذهب سدى اتمنى الحل الدبلوماسي لهذه المشكله بين الدولتين

نعم غير قادرة

لو حدث و استخدمنا الخيار العسكري
سيكون الخيار الاخير بعد انتهاء كل المحاولات الدبلوماسية
واصرار اثيوبيا علي تهديد الامن المائي لمصر

الذي قال عنه السيسي بوضوح لن نفرط فيه
التعديل الأخير:
وهل تظن اثيوبيا غير قادره على الرد او الدفاع عن نفسها الحرب مش لعبه ارواح تهدر وطاقات تذهب سدى اتمنى الحل الدبلوماسي لهذه المشكله بين الدولتين
لا احد يريد حربا ، فمصر اكثر دول المنطقة عانت من الحروب وتحولت من اغني دول الشرق الأوسط الي اقلهم ، لكن مصر في مفاوضات منذ عقد من الزمن دون نتيجه و تعند الموقف الإثيوبي
وهل تظن اثيوبيا غير قادره على الرد او الدفاع عن نفسها الحرب مش لعبه ارواح تهدر وطاقات تذهب سدى اتمنى الحل الدبلوماسي لهذه المشكله بين الدولتين
اثيوبيا لا تريد الحل ولو رأت وارادت القياده المصريه انه لامفر من ضربه فلن تستطيع اثيوبيا الدفاع عن سدها بأي شكل من الأشكال
تواجد عسكري دائم في تلك الجزيرة لمراقبة الية عمل السد وكورقة ضغط في حال اخلال اثيوبيا بالعهود
لا اعتقد ان القاعده موجهه لاثيوبيا لعده اسباب اهمها اتفاقيه السلام بين ارتيريا واثيوبيا مؤخرا وثانيا انا القاعده تستطيع اثيوييا الوصول لها بسهوله وستكون في مرمي نيرانها
القاعده موجهه للتواجد التركي في المنطقه
لو كان معانا فلوس كنا اشترينها منهم زي ما امريكا عملت في الاسكا .بس يالة ميضرش برضو ?