المغرب و مصر يتصدران جاذبية الاستثمار بالقارة الافريقية


عضو مميز
26 مارس 2015
116,342 996 6
التقرير يخص RMB Holdings

مصر الرتبة الاولة
المغرب الرتبية الثانية
جنوب افريقيا الرتبة الثالثة

  1. Egypt
    With a highly sophisticated business sector, Egypt has massive market potential. The country has drastically improved its business environment which has enhanced economic growth and once again placed it on the international investment map.
  2. Morocco
    With an anticipated medium-term growth rate of 4% and as a new member of the Economic Community of West African States, Morocco has greatly enhanced its investment potential since the Arab Spring.
  3. South Africa
    Despite slipping down yet another notch, South Africa remains an African hotspot for investment, and for a good reason. While many other African countries face liquidity constraints, South Africa’s financial markets and its level of financial inclusion continues to secure its space as a prime investment destination.
  4. Kenya
    After the 2017 elections were disputed and Kenya experienced a political reconciliation, the country achieved a growth rate of over 5% and was propelled into a higher spot on the list. An upsurge in FDI and substantial government investment in the country’s infrastructure has further bolstered the economy which is becoming increasingly diverse.
  5. Rwanda
    According to the scoring system of the World Bank, Rwanda has the second-best business environment on the continent. In less than 10 years the country has more than doubled its operational efficiency. There is significant investment in domestic industries and FDI is steadily increasing.
  6. Ghana
    A strong democratic stance resulting in political stability, which, along with the country’s easy business environment, is creating a strong growth outlook. This is particularly focused around the oil and gas industries.
  7. Côte d’Ivoire
    Côte d’Ivoire has several large infrastructure projects backed by foreign investment, the government and aid inflow underway. Known for its economic diversity, the country is experiencing robust growth rates supported by pro-business reforms and political stability.
  8. Nigeria
    Nominally, Nigeria has the largest economy in Africa. Because of its rich resources and favourable demographics, the country attracts strong FDI. Improved macroeconomics, implemented changes in FX regulations and recovered commodity prices have all played a role in helping Nigeria maintain its ranking in the top 10.
  9. Ethiopia
    With a massive population of close to 100 million, consumer demand is rising exponentially in Ethiopia. But while it is the fastest-growing economy in Africa, the constraints on foreign ownership is still hampering FDI.
  10. Tunisia
    A favourable operating environment and a reasonable market size has supported the re-entry of Tunisia into the top 10. A simplified new investment code has begun to attract multinational manufacturing companies and boosted FDI.

بالتوفيق للبلدين شخصيا احسدكم ع صناعه السيارات?
بالتوفيق داءما
فين الجزائر
خصص الرئيس الجزائري عبد المجيد تبون طائرة خاصة لنقل إبراهيم غالي، زعيم "البوليساريو"، إلى القمة الإفريقية في العاصمة الإثيوبية أديس أبابا، والتي انطلقت اليوم الأحد، بحضور رؤساء الدول والحكومات.

ووضعت الخطوط الجوية الجزائرية طائرة خاصة لوفد قيادة "البوليساريو" للمشاركة في أشغال الدورة العادية الثالثة والثلاثين لمؤتمر قمة رؤساء دول وحكومات الاتحاد الإفريقي، التي تعقد بمقر الاتحاد الإفريقي يومي 9 و10 فبراير الجاري، تحت شعار "2020 السنة الإفريقية لإسكات صوت البنادق وتهيئة الظروف لتنمية إفريقيا".

وتسخر الجزائر، منذ سنوات، كل إمكاناتها المادية لتأمين تنقلات قيادة "البوليساريو" إلى العواصم الإفريقية، لدعم الحركة الانفصالية للإضرار بمصالح المغرب، في وقت تتبرأ فيه من نزاع الصحراء وتحصره بين المغرب و"البوليساريو".
نعم هناك شركات سياحية متخصصة في جلب المنتجين للمغرب وجلب الشركات العالمية لصناعة الافلام الهوليودية