كورونا الصين ، انتشار سريع و هلع كبير !

يرسل العدو التركي المساعدات المسروقه لاسرائيل ويترك شعبه يتكدس ويتقاتل في حرب شوارع مما ينذر بثورة جياع ..
وسط جائحة فيروس كورونا العالمية ، اندلع بركان كراكاتوا في إندونيسيا ، وهو أحد أقوى البراكين المسجلة في العالم.

لنهاردة تركيا تجاوزت 47 ألف أصابة بكورونا ،أصابات النهاردة بس تقترب من ال5 ألاف وإجمالي وفيات تجاوز الألف ..
أول حالة إصابة في مصر كانت يوم 15 فبراير
أول حالة إصابة في تركيا كانت يوم 9مارس
يعني بفرق أكتر من 3 أسابيع تقريبا
في فترة 3 أسابيع دي ،الموجة عالسوشيال ميديا كانت بتوحي إن تسجيل الدولة لحالات كورونا ده يعتبر دليل على الفشل والفساد والإستهتار بحالات المواطنين
مع إعلان تركيا عن إصابات كورونا وبدء التزايد الإنفجاري في أعداد الإصابات عندهم معايير تقيم الفشل عالسوشيال ميديا أتعكست
وبقت الدولة اللي تعلن عن إصابات أكتر هي الدولة المتقدمة اللي بتعمل مسحات أو تحاليل أكتر ومع تجاهل تام لأرقام الوفيات اللي هي مقياس صعب جداً على أي حكومة إخفائه

هل كلامي ده شماته في تركيا ؟
مقدرش أنكر أني ممكن أشمت في أشخاص بعينهم لو عارف أنهم محرضين او ممولين للإرهاب في مصر ومتورطين في دم جنودنا وظباطنا
بس الشماتة في مواطنين مدنين سواء مصابين أو وفيات مقدرش أشوفها غير جُبن وخسة ووساخة بصراحة
ده غير أن كورونا صعب حد عاقل يعتبره مصدر شماته لأنه جائحة عالمية ومصير العالم كله في مواجهته مرتبط ببعضه
الفكرة كلها إن الإستغلال السياسي لكورونا في مصر و إتخاذه زريعة للهجوم على الدولة والحكومة والرئيس وتصفية أحقاد أو خلافات سياسية مقرف جداً ومقزز وبلمح نبرة شماتة مستترة في كلام بعض الناس اللي للأسف حاملين للجنسية المصرية و كل ده عشان يقولك أنا صح والنظام الحالي اللي أنا دايما بتهمه بالفساد والفشل في كل المجالات هو فعلا فاشل
الغريبة إن القنوات والصفحات اللي متبنية الخطاب ده وموجهة عقول كتير من الناس بتبث وتمول علناً من تركيا ولسه بيقولوا الخطاب ده بكل بجاحة وده حقهم بما أنهم شوية مأجورين وكل واحد بيحافظ على أكل عيشه
المصيبة أنك لسه مصدقهم وبتردد كلامهم زي النعجة و معتقد في قرارة نفسك أنك موضوعي وذو رأي حصيف و بتتعامل على الأساس ده و أنت الحمار بيفهم أكتر منك و من أبوك بتاع عشر مرات مثلا
مشاركة لكم في المعلومة
انا أقرأها مثلكم

As posted by Prof. Hwyda Arafat
Prof. of Biomedical sciences at New England University.

New hypothesis is coming up for lung involvement in COVID 19. Based on observations from the different studies published recently: Most of the postmortem analysis revealed pulmonary thrombosis, not typical ARDS. Also patient hypoxemia is not responding to PEEP, but high Fio2 .
Like methemoglobin, the virus structural protein sticks to heme - displaces oxygen - displaces iron - free iron toxicity causes inflammation of alveolar macrophages- leads to CT scan changes. No benefit of invasive ventilation . May require frequent blood transfusions.
The virus attacks beta chain, dissociates heme, removing iron & converting it to porphyrin.
Virus can dissociate oxy-Hb, carboxy-Hb and glycosylated Hb. Lung inflammation from inability of both oxygen & CO2 exchange, ground glass x rays, like CO2 poisoning.
Chloroquine competes for binding to porphyrin. Favipiravir binds to the virus envelope protein with very high affinity, prevents entry into the cells as well as binding of structural protein to porphyrin.

To summarize
COVID doesn’t cause pneumonia or ARDs .. We are treating a presumed wrong disease
SARS2 Corona Virus binds to hemoglobin in a certain way that releases the iron ion into the circulation
Hb looses its capacity to bind with oxygen thus oxygen is not supplied to major organs. Which is why we see resistant hypoxia coupled with very rapid multi-organ failures.

* To simplify it more, we can take the example of CO-poision where Hb is unable to carry oxygen.

* The free iron released into the circulation is so toxic as it causes a powerful oxidative damage to the lungs (which explain the bilateral -and always bilateral- ground glass opacities seen on Chest CT of those patients, that was mistakenly treated as bilateral pneumonia)

* The body tries to compensate by elevating the rate of Hb synthesis which explains why Hb is high in those patients
* Other compensatory mechanisms to deal with the iron load such as increasing ferritin level explain the very high ferritin observed in those patients

* This hypothesis could explain why we are losing patients so rapidly and why mechanical ventilation is not so much effective in treatment and using ARDS mechanical ventilation protocol is not causing much benefit. Actually it could be causing more lung damage

* Sure more research is needed to understand the exact pathogenesis because this is the only hope for proper treatment . You can not treat what you do not actually know.

- This also could explain why the high ferritin as a bad prognosis marker (too much iron means too much Hb lost its O2 carrying capacity)

-Why there is monocytosis as the body needs excess macrophages to engulf the excess iron load. Also why there is lymphopenia as the WBCs differentiation is favored towards monocytes line rather than lymphocytes line.
-Why liver injury exists with high levels of transaminases and why it is associated with worse prognosis
مشاركة لكم في المعلومة
انا أقرأها مثلكم

As posted by Prof. Hwyda Arafat
Prof. of Biomedical sciences at New England University.

New hypothesis is coming up for lung involvement in COVID 19. Based on observations from the different studies published recently: Most of the postmortem analysis revealed pulmonary thrombosis, not typical ARDS. Also patient hypoxemia is not responding to PEEP, but high Fio2 .
Like methemoglobin, the virus structural protein sticks to heme - displaces oxygen - displaces iron - free iron toxicity causes inflammation of alveolar macrophages- leads to CT scan changes. No benefit of invasive ventilation . May require frequent blood transfusions.
The virus attacks beta chain, dissociates heme, removing iron & converting it to porphyrin.
Virus can dissociate oxy-Hb, carboxy-Hb and glycosylated Hb. Lung inflammation from inability of both oxygen & CO2 exchange, ground glass x rays, like CO2 poisoning.
Chloroquine competes for binding to porphyrin. Favipiravir binds to the virus envelope protein with very high affinity, prevents entry into the cells as well as binding of structural protein to porphyrin.

To summarize
COVID doesn’t cause pneumonia or ARDs .. We are treating a presumed wrong disease
SARS2 Corona Virus binds to hemoglobin in a certain way that releases the iron ion into the circulation
Hb looses its capacity to bind with oxygen thus oxygen is not supplied to major organs. Which is why we see resistant hypoxia coupled with very rapid multi-organ failures.

* To simplify it more, we can take the example of CO-poision where Hb is unable to carry oxygen.

* The free iron released into the circulation is so toxic as it causes a powerful oxidative damage to the lungs (which explain the bilateral -and always bilateral- ground glass opacities seen on Chest CT of those patients, that was mistakenly treated as bilateral pneumonia)

* The body tries to compensate by elevating the rate of Hb synthesis which explains why Hb is high in those patients
* Other compensatory mechanisms to deal with the iron load such as increasing ferritin level explain the very high ferritin observed in those patients

* This hypothesis could explain why we are losing patients so rapidly and why mechanical ventilation is not so much effective in treatment and using ARDS mechanical ventilation protocol is not causing much benefit. Actually it could be causing more lung damage

* Sure more research is needed to understand the exact pathogenesis because this is the only hope for proper treatment . You can not treat what you do not actually know.

- This also could explain why the high ferritin as a bad prognosis marker (too much iron means too much Hb lost its O2 carrying capacity)

-Why there is monocytosis as the body needs excess macrophages to engulf the excess iron load. Also why there is lymphopenia as the WBCs differentiation is favored towards monocytes line rather than lymphocytes line.
-Why liver injury exists with high levels of transaminases and why it is associated with worse prognosis
هذا الفيروس خبيث ولا يزال غامض وكل يوم يكتشف أشياء جديده..
أسأل الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم أن يرفع هذا البلاء
صحيح لا احد يتشمت

الحمدلله اللي عافانا

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