السفينة باليابان وضعها كارثي
احتمالية تسجيل حالات انتحار امر وارد لو طالت المدة
هذا شخص امريكي بنفس السفينة يحدث كل يوم وش يصير
r/AMA - I’m a US citizen aboard the Diamond Princess quarantined off the coast of Yokohama, Japan. AMA!
9,156 votes and 2,125 comments so far on Reddit
تحديث اليوم من ضمنه قال:
10:00 Someone on our Facebook group mentioned that they’ve heard someone loudly crying for two hours in the room next to them. Someone commented, confessing that it may have been them due to having kidney stones the last 24 hours. The awful thing is that she’s afraid to leave the boat for medical treatment, because she’s afraid that her quarantine would start over if she left. Good thing we picked up extra medical staff!
( شخص بجانب حجرتهم يصيح بشكل شديد بسبب على مايبدو حصوة بالكلى )