ستقوم روسيا بتسويق نسخة تصديرية من الMIG-35 موجهة نحو السوق الخارجية، وذلك بدآ من 22 أكتوبر.
Russian Aircraft Corporation قالت ان هذه النسخة ستتوفر على قطع غيار مقاومة للمناخ الحار و الرطب ورادار جديد مخصص لسوق التصدير و تعديلات اخرى ?
Russian Aircraft Corporation (RAC) said that a version of the aircraft modified with anti-corrosion parts for hot and humid operations, a different outer-mould line, an open-systems architecture, an electro-optic/infrared search and track (EO/IRST) sensor, and a new active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar has been developed for the international market
While the export variant of the MiG-35 is aimed at the wider international market, the Director General of MiG Corporation, Ilya Tarasenko, noted that the aircraft would make "a very interesting proposal" for African nations looking for a cost-effective combat aircraft