قال رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني عمران خان يوم الثلاثاء إن الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب طلب منه المساعدة في نزع فتيل التوترات مع إيران وأنه تحدث بالفعل مع الرئيس الإيراني حسن روحاني في محاولة للتوسط.
قال أيضا أنه كان في السعودية قبل نيويورك وتحدث مع الأمير محمد بن سلمان الذي طلب منه أيضًا التحدث إلى روحاني.
Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan said on Tuesday that U.S. President Donald Trump had asked him to help defuse tensions with Iran and that he had already spoken with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in an attempt to mediate
Khan said he had been in Saudi Arabia before New York and spoken with Prince Mohammed bin Salman who also asked him to talk to Rouhani
قال أيضا أنه كان في السعودية قبل نيويورك وتحدث مع الأمير محمد بن سلمان الذي طلب منه أيضًا التحدث إلى روحاني.
Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan said on Tuesday that U.S. President Donald Trump had asked him to help defuse tensions with Iran and that he had already spoken with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in an attempt to mediate
Khan told reporters at the United Nations on TuesdayI immediately spoke to President Rouhani yesterday after the meeting with President Trump, but I can’t say anything right now more than this except that we’re trying and mediating
Khan said he had been in Saudi Arabia before New York and spoken with Prince Mohammed bin Salman who also asked him to talk to Rouhani
Pakistan's Khan says he is mediating with Iran after Trump asked him to help
Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan said on Tuesday that U.S. President Donald...