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خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
25 مايو 2008
41,253 35 0
السلام عليكم
ما رأيكم بهذه الصورة إخواني
سام 6 متحرك؟ و من الأصغر؟
عربة سام ٦ مع صاروخين غربيين و واحد شرقي

ما قصت هذه العربة و هل الرادار واحد و يوجه النوعين
ربما نسخ للعرض فقط
الصور الاولى اعتقد تمتلك رادار (دائري)
امتحان open book
حسنا ماقصتها
Wojskowe Zaklady Usbrojenia Nr 2 (WZU-2) in Grudziadz has announced a scheme to upgrade the Russian 2K12 Kub (SA-6 'Gainful') tracked surface-to-air missile system by adding Raytheon RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missiles. The RIM-7 missile is cheaper than AMRAAM and more available for international customers. The RIM-7P, a surface launched derivative of the AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missile, has been out of production for some time but is due to be supported by Raytheon until at least 2025. WZU-2 hopes to make the first live firing of a RIM-7P from the 2P25M2-P1 launcher in mid-2008, if all necessary permissions can be obtained from the US government. The WZU-2 has also developed the successful 1S91M2-P1 SURN upgrade package used by the operational units of Poland and Hungary and by training and simulation commands of German

انا غشيت باستخدام البحث عن طريق الصورة
Wojskowe Zaklady Usbrojenia Nr 2 (WZU-2) in Grudziadz has announced a scheme to upgrade the Russian 2K12 Kub (SA-6 'Gainful') tracked surface-to-air missile system by adding Raytheon RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missiles. The RIM-7 missile is cheaper than AMRAAM and more available for international customers. The RIM-7P, a surface launched derivative of the AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missile, has been out of production for some time but is due to be supported by Raytheon until at least 2025. WZU-2 hopes to make the first live firing of a RIM-7P from the 2P25M2-P1 launcher in mid-2008, if all necessary permissions can be obtained from the US government. The WZU-2 has also developed the successful 1S91M2-P1 SURN upgrade package used by the operational units of Poland and Hungary and by training and simulation commands of German

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