لاتيفيا تقتني البلاك هوك


عضو مميز
27 يونيو 2018
2,588 109 0
United Arab Emirates
الصفقة تقدر قيمتها بي 200 مليون دولار

العدد المتعاقد عليه هي 4 من نوع UH-60M مجهزة ب USG configurations

الصفقة تشتمل على العديد من التجهيزات :

١- عدد 10 محركات من نوع T700-GE-701D ( ٢
تستخدم كغيار)

٢- عدد 10 انظمة مدمجة للتموضع العالمي ( 2 تستخدم كغيار )

٣- مجهزة ب Aviation Mission Planning System

٤- مجهزة بخمسة انظمة FLIR من نوع Talon Forward Looking Infrared Radar ( واحدة تستخدم كغيار )

٥- 10 انظمة من نوع AN/ARC-201D/E ( ٢ كغيار )

٦- 10 انظمةradios من نوع AN/ARC-231 ( ٢ كغيار )

٧- 5 انظمة تحديد الصديق من العدو محمولة ( IFF ) من نوع
AN/APX-123A ( واحدة كغيار )

٨- 5 انظمة radio من نوع AN/ARC-220 Radio ( واحدة كغيار )

٩- 20 خوذة من نوع AN/AVS-6

و يشمل العقد ضمان الطائرات و قطع الغيار و التدريب

The US Department of State has approved a possible $200 million Foreign Military Sale to Latvia of equipment associated with the integration of the four UH-60M Black Hawk Helicopters and related equipment, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) said in a 3 August statement.

According to the statement by the DSCA, the Government of Latvia has requested to buy four UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters in standard USG configuration with designated unique equipment and Government Furnished Equipment (GFE), ten T700-GE-701D engines (8 installed and 2 spares), ten Embedded Global Positioning Systems/Inertial Navigation Systems (8 installed and 2 spares).

The contract also covers Aviation Mission Planning System, five Talon Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR) (4 production and 1 spare), ten AN/ARC-201D/E (8 production and 2 spares), ten AN/ARC-231 radios (8 production and 2 spares), five (5) AN/APX-123A Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponder (4 production and 1 spare), five AN/ARC-220 Radio (4 production and 1 spare), twenty AN/AVS-6 Helmet Mounted Night Vision Devices, aircraft warranty, air worthiness support, spare and repair parts, support equipment, communication equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, ground support equipment, site surveys, tool and test equipment.

The estimated total case value is $200 million.

The DSCA noted that these UH-60 helicopters will allow for interoperability with U.S. and NATO forces in rapid response to a variety of missions, and quick positioning of troops with minimal helicopter assets.

The sale of these UH-60 helicopters to Latvia will significantly increase its capability to provide troop lift, border security, anti-terrorist, medical evacuation, search and rescue, re-supply/external lift, and combat support in all weather. Latvia intends to use these helicopters to modernize its armed forces and expand its existing Army architecture in its efforts to provide multi-mission support in the region.

The UH-60M Black Hawk is the primary medium lift helicopter performing a wide range of missions that encompass Air Assault, MEDEVAC, CSAR, Command and Control, and VIP transport.

Digital avionics and autopilot reduce pilot workload while enhancing situational awareness. Wide chord blades and increased power from the two GE engines give ‘Mike’ aircraft additional lift and range capability.

The UH-60M is more effective with its integrated digital cockpit, moving map display, enhanced GPS/INS system and fully coupled flight controls.

More powerful with T700-GE-701D engine and new wide chord blades. More survivable with an enhanced laser warning system (AVR2B), Upturned Exhaust System, and the Common Missile Warning System (CMWS).

More reliable with Integrated Vehicle Health Management System (IVHMS), enabling a systematic transition to new metrics, more proactive and predictive processed, and to support Condition Based Maintenance (CBM).
