تـايوان تعلن فقدان مقاتلة من طراز ميراج 2000

3 أبريل 2015
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أعلنت القوات الجوية في تايوان اليوم (الأربعاء) فقدان طائرة مقاتلة بينما كانت تحلق فوق بحر الصين الشرقي خلالدورية روتينية.

وقالت القوات الجوية التايوانية - في بيان نقلته شبكة "إيه بي سي نيوز" الأمريكية - إن المقاتلة وهي من طراز "ميراج 2000" اختفت من شاشات الرادار بعد أكثر من نصف ساعة من إقلاعها من قاعدة جوية في مدينة "هسينشو" جنوب العاصمة تايبيه.

من جانبها، أفادت وسائل إعلامية بأنه تم إرسال عدد من السفن البحرية والطائرات للبحث في المنطقة عن المقاتلة إلا أنه لم يعثر عليها حتى الآن.

Asia Pacific
Taiwan grounds Mirage jets after plane goes missing

مشاهدة المرفق upload_2017-11-9_16-41-1.gif
A French-made Mirage fighter flies over Ching Chuan Kang Air Base in Taiwan AFP/SAM YEH
08 Nov 2017 01:07PM (Updated: 08 Nov 2017 01:08PM)
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TAIPEI: Taiwan's air force said Wednesday (Nov 8) it has grounded all its Mirage jets as it searched for a pilot who went missing while conducting a training mission in one of the French-made fighters.

The single-seat Mirage-2000 flown by Captain Ho Tzu-yu disappeared from the radar at 6.43pm on Tuesday off the northeast coast of the island, 34 minutes after taking off, according to the air force.

Authorities dispatched 17 military planes as well as 10 naval and coastguard vessels to conduct a search but there has so far been no sighting of the missing plane, it said.

"We hope Ho can be safely rescued soon," said Lieutenant General Chang Che-ping, the air force's deputy chief.

All Mirage jets have been grounded since the incident, Chang said.

Chang described Ho as an "excellent pilot" and said there was no sign of any problems or irregularities after he took off from a base near the northwestern city of Hsinchu.

Ho graduated from the Air Force Academy in 2013 and had accumulated around 227 hours in the Mirage-2000, the air force said.

Chang declined to comment on reports that Ho's health may have been a factor in the disappearance, saying an investigation into the cause of the incident was still under way.

He confirmed that Ho had taken time off work in 2015 on health grounds but declined to elaborate.

Taiwan purchased 60 Mirage 2000-5 jets in 1992 from France in an arms deal that upset China.

Beijing claims sovereignty over Taiwan even though the two sides split in 1949 after a civil war and is fiercely opposed to the island developing its military capability.

There were five accidents involving Mirage fighters in Taiwan between 1999 and 2013, killing three pilots.

In 2012, Taiwan temporarily grounded all its Mirage jets after one of its pilots died while conducting a training mission in France.

Read more at http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news...-mirage-jets-after-plane-goes-missing-9386314