
Russia, Algeria to Discuss Air Defense Systems, Aircraft Deliveries at MAKS-2017

Russia will hold negotiations with Algeria on the potential deliveries of air defense systems and aircraft at the MAKS-2017 air show, the director of Russia's Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Dmitry Shugaev, said Tuesday.

ZHUKOVSKIY (Moscow Region) (Sputnik) — Two weeks ago, the head of Russia's Rosoboronexport arms exporter, Alexander Mikheev, told Sputnik that Egypt's purchase of Russian Ka-52K helicopters and equipment for the Mistral-class helicopter carriers, the signing of a contract for deliveries of Russian Su-35 Flanker multirole fighters to Indonesia and discussions of possible deliveries of Russian-made S-400 air defense systems to Turkey would be on the agenda of the July 18-23 MAKS-2017 air show. However, negotiations with Algeria had never previously been mentioned

"We are planning to hold negotiations with our partners from Egypt, we will discuss deliveries of helicopters for 'Mistrals.' Aside from this, the negotiations with our partners from Algeria and Turkey, generally focusing on the air defense and aircraft, have been scheduled," Shugaev told reporters at MAKS-2017 air show.

The MAKS-2017, one of the world's largest aviation shows established 25 years ago, is being held in Zhukovsky, 40 kilometers (25 miles) south-east of Moscow on July 18-23. About 700 Russian and 180 foreign corporations and companies from 36 countries are expected to participate in the air show, including Russia's state technology corporation Rostec, arms exporter Rosoboronexport, arms manufacturer Almaz-Antey, Russian Helicopters, and several companies from the space industry.

قال نائب وزير الدفاع الروسي يوري بوريسوف
خلال المعرض الدولي للطيران و الفضاء لعام 2017 ماكس:
نحن ندرس تطوير محتمل لطائرة حديثة للإقلاع والهبوط العمودي/القصير
و أضاف : قد يكون هذا بتطوير مقاتلة " ياكوفليف " المنتجة سابقا Yak-141
من أجل العمل على حاملة الطائرات الروسية الجديدة المتوقع دخولها الخدمة في 2025

حاملة الطائرات الثقيلة / الـعـاصـفـة /

الـطـائـرة الـمـقـاتـلـة يـاكـوفـلـيـف 141

البعثة الايرانية عرضت القنبلة الذكية سديد
سديد هي قنبلة جوية ذكية تستخدم لتدمير أنواع مختلفة من الأهداف المتحركة أو الثابتة
صممت سديد مبدئيا ليتم إطلاقها من الطائرات بدون طيار، مثل شاهد 129
الوزن 34 كغ
يمكن للقنبلة سديد تدمير اي هدف ضمن دائرة نصف قطرها القاتل 30 م

Russia, Algeria to Discuss Air Defense Systems, Aircraft Deliveries at MAKS-2017

Russia will hold negotiations with Algeria on the potential deliveries of air defense systems and aircraft at the MAKS-2017 air show, the director of Russia's Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Dmitry Shugaev, said Tuesday.

ZHUKOVSKIY (Moscow Region) (Sputnik) — Two weeks ago, the head of Russia's Rosoboronexport arms exporter, Alexander Mikheev, told Sputnik that Egypt's purchase of Russian Ka-52K helicopters and equipment for the Mistral-class helicopter carriers, the signing of a contract for deliveries of Russian Su-35 Flanker multirole fighters to Indonesia and discussions of possible deliveries of Russian-made S-400 air defense systems to Turkey would be on the agenda of the July 18-23 MAKS-2017 air show. However, negotiations with Algeria had never previously been mentioned

"We are planning to hold negotiations with our partners from Egypt, we will discuss deliveries of helicopters for 'Mistrals.' Aside from this, the negotiations with our partners from Algeria and Turkey, generally focusing on the air defense and aircraft, have been scheduled," Shugaev told reporters at MAKS-2017 air show.

The MAKS-2017, one of the world's largest aviation shows established 25 years ago, is being held in Zhukovsky, 40 kilometers (25 miles) south-east of Moscow on July 18-23. About 700 Russian and 180 foreign corporations and companies from 36 countries are expected to participate in the air show, including Russia's state technology corporation Rostec, arms exporter Rosoboronexport, arms manufacturer Almaz-Antey, Russian Helicopters, and several companies from the space industry.

هل من ترجمة ....
اخر الاخبار
في يوم 18/7/2017 إفتتح الرئيس الروسي فلادمير بوتين معرض الدفاع والتسلح الروسي MAKS-2017 القريب من موسكو؛الصناعة الدفاعية الروسية كانت حاضرة بقوة من خلال العملاق الروسي Rosoboronexport التي ترأست الحفل بتوقيع عدة معاهدات وصفقات عسكرية مع مختلف الزبناء الاجانب.
روسيا عرضت جناح مهم من مختلف الصناعات الحربية كطائرات SU-30 و SU-35 و Mig-29/M/M2 و Mig-35 كما أن SU-34 كانت حاضرة ونجد نسخة YAK-130 و T-50 و IL-76T2 أما المروحيات فنجد MI-35M و MI-28NE و MI-26T2 وKA-52.
المعرض شمل العديد من منظومات الدقاع الصاروخية متل S-300 وS-400 وTOR-M2E و Buk-M2E وPantsir-S1


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بعد تسريب صورته منذ اسابيع الروس يعرضوت الدرون الموديلار medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) Orion-E unmanned air system (UAS) في ماكس 2017 وهو من انتاج الشركة الروسية الخاصة لصناعة التقنيات الدفاعية Kronstadt Technologies

flight speed of 120-200 km/h

maximum endurance of 24 hours (with standard payload)

ceiling of 24,600 ft

flight range of 250-300 km
