مقاتلة الجيل الخامس الجديدة من شركة ميج تأخذ المسمى PAK DP

صقر الامارات 

خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
26 يوليو 2008
103,638 1,452 2
Russia’s next fighter is designated PAK DP
The director general of the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG (RSK MiG) revealed that the next fifth-generation fighter will be designated as PAK DP.

By Konstantin Tyurpeko (http://russianplanes.net/id161326) [CC BY-SA 4.0 or CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Intended to replace the MiG-31, the research and development work of PAK DP will start from 2019.

“We are currently developing the concept of a long-range interceptor aircraft to bring a proposal to our main customer,” he said.


افاد المدير العام لشركة ميج الروسية ان مقاتلة الجيل الخامس الجديدة التي تعمل عليها الشركة ستكون بإسم PAK DP وستهدف لإستبدال الميج 31 .

اعمال البحث والتطوير ستبدأ من عام 2019
اذا كان هذا هو المشروع المتفق عليه مع الامارات فهو مؤشر ايجابي في المشروع الواعد :)

Russia's Rostec to co-develop 5th-gen fighter with UAE

By: Jill Aitoro, February 20, 2017 (Photo Credit: Alan Lessig/Staff)
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — Russia defense heavyweight Rostec will partner with the UAE Ministry of Defence to co-develop a fifth-generation light combat fighter, company CEO Sergey Chemezov said at IDEX in Abu Dhabi Monday.

Development, which is based upon its MiG-29 twin-engine fighter aircraft, will kick off in 2018, and will take an estimated seven to eight years, Chemezov said during a media briefing with journalists. He elaborated in an exclusive one-on-one interview with Defense News.

“That’s not fast, because it takes quite a long period of time to develop,” he said speaking through a translator. “We anticipate local production here in the Arab Emirates, for the needs of Emirates. And of course [we expect development to support the needs of] the neighboring countries."

Details about how the partnership would be structured have not been finalized, though Chemezov said it could potentially function as a joint venture between the company and UAE or UAE's domestic suppliers.

اتمنى ان نشهد في معرض ماكس 2017 بعد يومين اخبارا جديدة تخص السوخوي ٣٥ الاماراتية ومشروع الجيل الخامس بين روسيا والامارات ..

وربما هذا التصميم !!


بعون الله تعالى ،، نقلة هائلة للتصنيع الدفاعي الاماراتي ..
اتمنى ان نشهد في معرض ماكس 2017 بعد يومين اخبارا جديدة تخص السوخوي ٣٥ الاماراتية ومشروع الجيل الخامس بين روسيا والامارات ..

بالتوفيق لبلادي الامارات

و من إنجاز لآخر بإذن الله
من خلال قراءات بسيطة وجدت بعض الاختلافات فمن يستطيع ان يفتينا فيها !!

هنا يتحدثون عن ان الـ PAK DP هي مقاتلة اعتراضية بعيدة المدى تهدف لاستبدال الميج 31 وانهم بدأوا بالعمل على تحديد الجوانب الالكترونية ( الافيونكس ) الخاصة بالمشروع وان هذه الانظمة ستكون جديدة للـ PAK DP.

he said. On 13 August 2015 VKS Commander Viktor Bondarev also said that development work on Prospective Aviation Complex Long-range Interception (PAK DP) to replace the MiG-31 will begin no earlier than 2019. "Start of development work on the creation of long-term aviation complex long-range interception - no earlier than 2019," - he said. "Dates of the development work on the creation PAK DP does not affect the state of the park interceptors aerospace forces," - said Bondarev. General Director of JSC "Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Engineering V.V.Tihomirova" ( "NIIP Tikhomirov name", located in Zhukovsky) Yuri White on 12 August 2015 stated that "NIIP named VV Tikhomirov, "have already begun work on the definition of the complex shape of electronic prospective aviation complex long-range interception (DP PAC), which in the future will replace the MiG-31. "Development of the system" Barrier "fighter-interceptor MiG-31 was a milestone for our institution and became his" calling card ". So, of course, we could not stay out of participation in the work of creating a new radio-electronic complex for PAK DP.


وهنا مصدر يتحدث عن مشروع المقاتلة الاعتراضية عالية السرعة PAK DP ( وانها قد تكون من فئة الجيل السادس ) القادرة على الطيران في ارتفاعات عالية جدا بسرعة كروز تصل لـ 4 الى 4.3 ماخ . وتم الكشف عن ان تسميتها ستكون ميج 41 .

Description: The Russian Air Force PAK DP is a high speed interceptor project designed as the replacement for the Mig-31BM aircraft beginning in 2026-2028 timeframe. The MIG Corporation is developing the new aircraft with the Research & Development (R&D) scheduled to start in 2019. The PAK DP may well be a sixth generation aircraft capable of flying at extremely high altitudes with a cruise speed around Mach 4-4.3. In January 2016, it was revealed that the new aircraft will be named Mig-41.


الآن ... بحسب احدث ما تم نشره , ستكون التسمية الرسمية PAK DP

لكن هل هي نفس المقاتلة التي اتفقت عليها الامارات وروسيا ( شركة ميج ) ام انها مشروع آخر !!

صورة تخيلية لما قد يشكل تصميم الميج 41





متشوق لرؤية احدث ابداعات ميج ...
يبدو ان هناك عدة مشاريع بخلاف الـ PAK FA الخاص بشركة سوخوي

Russia To Unveil Futuristic Fighter, Bomber Aircraft Models At MAKS
Our Bureau

02:06 PM, August 17, 2015

Sukhoi T-50 (PAK-FA)
- A +
Russia is working on several futuristic fighter and bomber models in addition to the PAK-FA stealth fighters, scale models of some of which will be displayed at the upcoming MAKS 2015 air and defense exhibition in Moscow this month-end.

Work is being carried out in major aviation complexes to build next generation stealth aircraft. Russia plans to acquire 65 units of the T-50 (Pak-FA) fifth generation fighter aircraft by 2020, build80 new cargo aircraft (PAK TA) by 2024, develop PAK DA bomber by 2019 and to begin work on PAK DP (as a replacement for MiG-31) in 2017, Sputnik reported last week.

The PAK FA heavy multi-role fighter, capable of competing for air superiority and using precision-guided weapons with US F-22 Raptor is scheduled for delivery to the Russian Air Force in early 2017. The initial 12 aircraft will be purchased by 2017 and the rest after 2020. The T-50 is the name of the prototype aircraft designed by Sukhoi for the PAK FA program.

The PAK DA will have a subsonic flying wing and will be equipped with advanced types of precision guided weapons, including hypersonic weapons. The bomber itself will fly at subsonic speeds.

The design includes a combat radius of around 3,500 kilometers with full payload, a loaded weight of 100 to 120 tons, 4 engines
and the possible use of some equipment from the Sukhoi PAK FA project such as avionics and engines. The next-generation strategic bomber design is being developed by the Tupolev Design Bureau.

The development work began in 2014. First flights will begin in 2019, and the bomber is to enter service in 2025.


لدينا 3 مسميات كما جاء اعلاه :

PAK DP ( المقاتلة الاعتراضية المصممة لاستبدال الميج 31 وتحدثنا عنها اعلاه )

PAK DA ( الجناح الطائر , طائرة شبحية قاذفة مزودة باسلحة دقيقة متقدمة واسلحة هايبرسونيك ولها مدى قتالي يبلغ 3,500 كم بحمولة كاملة , يصل الوزن وهي محملة مابين 100 الى 120 طن ومزودة بعدد 4 محركات )

PAK TA ( طائرة شحن جديدة , موعد الانجاز 2024 )
على ما يبدو .. هناك مشاريع واعدة ,, لكن ما يهمني تحديدا هو مشروع الجيل الخامس بين الامارات وروسيا

Russia and UAE to Work on Fifth Generation Fighter Jet

(Source: TASS; published Feb 20, 2017)

ABU-DHABI --- Russia and the United Arab Emirates will pool efforts to develop a light fifth generation jet, Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said on Monday.

"We’ve signed an agreement on industrial cooperation in the field of military engineering. This will enable us to push ahead with the fifth-generation-jet project, in which the UAE will participate," Manturov said at the 13th international weapons show IDEX-2017.

For his part the head of the United Aircraft Corporation, Yuri Slyusar, told TASS that research into a fifth generation get was in the initial phase.

"Joint work on a light fifth-generation jet with the UAE is in the initial phase. We are working on proposals addressed to the UAE. We believe it will be a good plane. We are prepared to present the results of our R&D efforts to our counterparts," he said.

Russia will be represented in the project by the UAC as the leader organization. Sukhoi will contribute its research into fifth generation get, and MiG, its ideas regarding single-engine planes. The concept of a new aircraft is still to be determined.

"We have not formulated the concept of a fifth-generation jet so far. We are still undecided if it is going to be a single-engine or twin engine plane. The agreement signed enables us to start that work," he added.


المثير للاهتمام هو التالي :

1- المقاتلة المقترحة ستكون مقاتلة جيل خامس خفيفة .

2- الروس مستعدون لعرض نتائج جهود البحث والتطوير لنظرائهم الاماراتيين .

3- شركة سوخوي ستساهم بأبحاثها في مجال الجيل الخامس وشركة ميج بأفكارها فيما يخص مقاتلات المحرك الواحد .. الكونسبت لا يزال لم يتم تحديده .

4- لم يتم التقرير لغاية الآن هل ستكون مقاتلة بمحرك واحد ام بمحركين , الاتفاقية الموقعة تسمح لهم ببدء العمل .


هل سنرى ارتباطا بين مشروع PAK FA الخاص بشركة سوخوي ومشروع PAK DP + مشروع الجيل الخامس الخاص بميج والامارات ( ان كان مشروعا مختلفا ) !!!

نقطة اخرى ايجابية هو عرض خلاصة الـ R&D من شركة سوخوي وابحاثها على منصة برهنة التكنولوجيا PAK FA




تجربتهم في الحاويات الداخلية + اخبار عملهم على تطوير محركات شبحية خاصة بالـPAK FA + بدء الاهتمام بتطوير التصميم ليراعي الشبحية ( يشكل ذلك فهما اقرب لمتطلبات التصميم الشبحي للمشاريع القادمة )

هذي قاذفه مشروع ادخال نسخه جديده وحديثه للقاذفات الروسيه لاستبدال القديمه


يبدو ان هناك عدة مشاريع بخلاف الـ PAK FA الخاص بشركة سوخوي

Russia To Unveil Futuristic Fighter, Bomber Aircraft Models At MAKS
Our Bureau

02:06 PM, August 17, 2015

Sukhoi T-50 (PAK-FA)
- A +
Russia is working on several futuristic fighter and bomber models in addition to the PAK-FA stealth fighters, scale models of some of which will be displayed at the upcoming MAKS 2015 air and defense exhibition in Moscow this month-end.

Work is being carried out in major aviation complexes to build next generation stealth aircraft. Russia plans to acquire 65 units of the T-50 (Pak-FA) fifth generation fighter aircraft by 2020, build80 new cargo aircraft (PAK TA) by 2024, develop PAK DA bomber by 2019 and to begin work on PAK DP (as a replacement for MiG-31) in 2017, Sputnik reported last week.

The PAK FA heavy multi-role fighter, capable of competing for air superiority and using precision-guided weapons with US F-22 Raptor is scheduled for delivery to the Russian Air Force in early 2017. The initial 12 aircraft will be purchased by 2017 and the rest after 2020. The T-50 is the name of the prototype aircraft designed by Sukhoi for the PAK FA program.

The PAK DA will have a subsonic flying wing and will be equipped with advanced types of precision guided weapons, including hypersonic weapons. The bomber itself will fly at subsonic speeds.

The design includes a combat radius of around 3,500 kilometers with full payload, a loaded weight of 100 to 120 tons, 4 engines
and the possible use of some equipment from the Sukhoi PAK FA project such as avionics and engines. The next-generation strategic bomber design is being developed by the Tupolev Design Bureau.

The development work began in 2014. First flights will begin in 2019, and the bomber is to enter service in 2025.


لدينا 3 مسميات كما جاء اعلاه :

PAK DP ( المقاتلة الاعتراضية المصممة لاستبدال الميج 31 وتحدثنا عنها اعلاه )

PAK DA ( الجناح الطائر , طائرة شبحية قاذفة مزودة باسلحة دقيقة متقدمة واسلحة هايبرسونيك ولها مدى قتالي يبلغ 3,500 كم بحمولة كاملة , يصل الوزن وهي محملة مابين 100 الى 120 طن ومزودة بعدد 4 محركات )

PAK TA ( طائرة شحن جديدة , موعد الانجاز 2024 )
روسيا سرقت كل أموال الهند عن طريق Pak-fa، إذا كان هاذا المشروع مع الإمارات العربية المتحدة فأتمنى أن يكونوا أكثر حزما مع الروس
سؤال ..

لماذا الامارات توجهت للروس لطائرات الجيل الخامس بينما عقيدة تسليحهم غربية ؟

هل من اسباب ذلك ايمانهم ان الغرب وامريكا على جه الخصوص ما راح يعطونهم الجيل الخامس !

او لانه لا توجد مشاريع غربية واضحة المعالم للجيل الخامس عكس المشاريع الروسية القائمة او المستبلية !

او ربما نقول نقل التقنية من الروس اسهل !

يهمني الجواب فلا تحرمونا آرائكم وحواراتكم

اذا سؤالي ليس بالمكان الصحيح وسلب حق اخوي كاميكازي الامارات كموضوع خاص ومختلف فأرجوا من الادارة عمل موضوع خاص به مشكورا