نظام الدفاع الجوي الالماني سكايغارد لدولة شمال افريقية

14 سبتمبر 2016
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حصلت احدى دول شمال افريقيا على نظام سكاي غارد الالماني للدفاع الجوي قصير المدى من راينمتال الالمانية

DUSSELDORF, Germany, March 4 (UPI) -- An unidentified country in the North African region has placed a follow-on order with Rheinmetall Defense or Skyguard air defense fire units.

The contract carries a value of about $128 million.

"Skyguard air defense technology, employed by over 40 countries around the world, has clearly lived up to this customer nation's expectations," Rheinmetall Defense said. "The existing basic contract, plus previous expansions, already accounts for sales volume of 582 million euro ($801.4 million), meaning that the new order brings the total -- including services and spare parts -- to 665 million euro ($915.7 million) for this country."

Skyguard is a towed, automatic 35mm air defense cannon system with a pulse Doppler search radar, a pulse Doppler tracking radar and a coaxial television camera.

Rheinmetall Defense, which is headquartered in Germany, provided no information on the number of units ordered or their delivery schedule.


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