اعتماد تطوير الرافال للمعيار F-4 ..

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26 يوليو 2008
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Rafale: towards standard F4

Saint-Cloud, 22 March 2017 – On 20 March 2017, the French Minister for Defense, Mr. Jean-Yves Le Drian, authorized the start of development of the new RAFALE F4 standard.

Dassault Aviation and the 500 French companies associated with the RAFALE program wish to thank the French Ministry of Defense, the Defense procurement agency (DGA), the French Air Force and the Navy for their confidence.

The policy underpinning the RAFALE program is continuous development to adapt the aircraft to changing needs, through a succession of standards. As early as 2023, a first version of the F4 standard will follow the F3-R standard, scheduled for qualification in 2018.

“I am delighted by the Minister for Defense’s decision. The F4 standard will incorporate operational experience feedback and enable continuous improvement of the RAFALE to be maintained. It will reinforce the national skills and technological capabilities essential for preparing the development of the next generation of combat aircraft”, stated Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation. “I am also delighted that the Defense Ministry underlines the need to continue with acquisition of the RAFALE, beyond the 4th tranche currently in production, in order primarily to meet the needs of the French Air Force. Finally, this robust national foundation will constitute a launch pad for our aircraft in future export markets.”

About the Rafale:
The Rafale is a twin-jet fighter aircraft able to operate from both an aircraft carrier and a shore base. The fully versatile Rafale is able to carry out all combat aviation missions: air superiority and air defense, close air support, in-depth strikes, reconnaissance, anti-ship strikes and nuclear deterrence. The Rafale entered service with the French Navy in 2004 and with the French Air Force in 2006. With more than 30,000 flight hours in operations, it has proven its worth in combat in Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Iraq and Syria. The Rafale was ordered by Egypt, Qatar and India.

About Dassault Aviation:
With more than 10,000 military and civil aircraft delivered to more than 90 countries over the past century, Dassault Aviation can offer recognized know-how and experience in the design, development, sale and support of all types of aircraft, from the Rafale fighter to the Falcon range of high-end business jets, as well as military unmanned air systems. In 2016, Dassault Aviation reported revenues of €3.6 billion. The company has almost 12,000 employees.


تم بالامس اعتماد تطوير الرافال للمعيار الجديد F-4 بوسطة من قبل وزير الدفاع الفرنسي ,, وتنص سياسة برنامج الرافال على تعاقب التطويرات بما يتواكب مع الاحتياجات المتغيرة وذلك عن طريق المعايير المتعاقبة ( F-1 , F-2, F-3 الخ ..) ..

ويخطط ان يتم انجاز المعيار F-4 بحلول 2023 بعد المعيار F-3R والمخطط ان يحصل على التأهيل ( Qualification ) بحلول 2018.

وافاد ايريك ترابير , رئيس ومدير داسو التنفيذي : المعيار F-4 سيتضمن نتائج الخبرة العملياتية وسيسمح بـ ( التطويرات المستمرة ) للرافال , المعيار F-4 سيقوي المهارات والقدرات التكنولوجية الوطنية المطلوبة لاعداد تطوير ( الجيل المقبل ) من الطائرات المقاتلة .



خبر راائع :)

معيار جديد يتم اعتماده بوسطة الفرنسيين انفسهم ( بدون الاشارة لضرورة ان يتحمل الزبون الذي يطلب هذا المعيار كلفة التطوير ) ... نفس الشيء حدث مع معيار F-3R حيث اعتمدوه وسيحصل على التأهل بحلول السنة القادمة .

الاشارة الاخرى المثيرة للاهتمام هو ان الرافال F-4 ستساعد الفرنسيين للتجهيز لمقاتلة الجيل المقبل ( لو نظرنا للرافال هي مصنفة كمقاتلة جيل رابع/رابع+ والحديث يدور حول - جيل قادم - فقد يحوي المعيار F-4 تجهيزات وتعديلات متعددة ليتمكنوا من خلالها من تطوير الجيل الجديد ,, وهنا اراه الجيل الخامس )

في فضول لمعرفة ماهية تطويرات المعيار F-4 ... تعديلات تصميمية تعزز الشبحية !! حاويات اسلحة داخلية !!! افيونكس جيل خامس !! الخ ...
ولا زالت الرافال تتطور ,, ضاربة بعرض الحائط اصحاب نظرية ان الرافال معوقة خاب الرجا فيها :)
مشكلة الفرنسيين أنهم فرنسيين

أطلع شوف العالم وش تسوي وارجع فرنسا مره ثانية
التسليم الأولي للمعيار الرابع للسلاح الجو الفرنسي راح يكون في 2023 معناته أي زبون أجنبي راح يكون التسليم 2024-2025 ... إذا جيل رابع معزز بتقنيات تخفي ممكن يكون خيار جيد.
وعلى ماذا سيحتوي هذا التطوير

يبدو ان الفرنسيين متأخرين كثيرا في صناعه البديل لها طالما هذا المعيار مرصود لعام 2023 :/
ولا زالت الرافال تتطور ,, ضاربة بعرض الحائط اصحاب نظرية ان الرافال معوقة خاب الرجا فيها :)

مليار مبروك يا سيف ... اتمني بعد هذا التطوير ان تتجاوز معشوقتك " الفلتر " الاماراتي العنيد
مليار مبروك يا سيف ... اتمني بعد هذا التطوير ان تتجاوز معشوقتك " الفلتر " الاماراتي العنيد

الله يبارك فيك صديقي :)

أتمنى ذلك .. خاصة ان هناك عدة خيارات قوية على الطاولة وعليها اثبات نفسها ..
مليار مبروك يا سيف ... اتمني بعد هذا التطوير ان تتجاوز معشوقتك " الفلتر " الاماراتي العنيد
اذا كان المعيار يحتوي عل تقنيات الجيل الرابع فقط .. الا تظن ان موضوع التعاقد راح يكون فيه مخاطرة كبيرة خصوصا انه التسليم راح يكون بعد 7 أعوام
في خبر ذي علاقة ... اتساءل عن خيار الامارات المقبل خاصة في ضل اعتماد المعيار F-4 ( والرافال خيار موجود على طاولة المفاوضات الاماراتية منذ فترة طويله )

في ايدكس 2017 تم اعلان نية الامارات في بناء الجيل الخامس بالتعاون مع شركة روستيك الروسية اضافة لاعلان ( موافقتها على شراء ) السوخوي 35 على المدى المتوسط لحين انجاز الجيل الخامس .

U.A.E. to Build Russian Warplane as Mideast Tensions Rise

Deena Kamel Yousef and Christopher Jasper
February 20, 2017, 6:46 PM GMT+4
  • Plans concerns successor to MiG-29 light fighter, Rostec says
  • Gulf state agrees to procure latest Sukhoi model in interim



The United Arab Emirates signed an outline agreement to buy Sukhoi Su-35 warplanes and will work with Russia to develop a next-generation fighter that could enter service in seven or eight years, according to Moscow-based industrial conglomerate Rostec Corp.

While the latest version of the Sukhoi jet, based on the Su-27 Flanker and previously exported to China, would satisfy the Gulf state’s more immediate requirements, the proposed future model would essentially be “a brand new fighter,” Rostec Chief Executive Officer Sergey Chemezov said Monday.

Though most likely based on the Mikoyan MiG-29, a light warplane known as the Fulcrum in the West, the aircraft would be “highly technological” and feature modern engines, avionics and weapons, Chemezov said at the IDEX defense expo in Abu Dhabi, the U.A.E. capital. Work could start in 2018, he said.

Iran’s resurgence as a regional power following last year’s nuclear deal with the U.S. is spurring military spending in the Middle East after budgets stuttered following the oil-price slump. Countries included Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. are already engaged in aerial strikes against Tehran-backed Yemen and are likely to switch the focus of spending to more-offensive programs, a study by defense and security specialist IHS Jane’s said last week.

The future fighter proposed by Russia would be built in the U.A.E. “full cycle” following completion of design work and the production of test aircraft, according to Chemezov, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin.

Fifth-Generation Jet
The two-engine, single-seat MiG-29 was developed as an air-superiority fighter to counter U.S. aircraft including the F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon.

Lockheed Martin Corp. F-35 Lightning II and F-22 Raptor, though it’s not clear if it would boast the same stealth capabilities. The agreement parallels one between Russia and India on developing a new-generation fighter, Chemezov said. That deal was held up for several years before being revived in 2016.

Rostec and Russia’s defense manufacturers are also targeting business in Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, though cooperation isn’t as advanced as it is with the U.A.E., Chemezov said, adding that the Mideast is attractive as a “market with money in it, and good paying ability.”

Further bolstering ties, Rostec said separately that the Kremlin-backed Russian Direct Investment Fund has formed a consortium of Middle Eastern interests to purchase a 12 percent stake in Russian Helicopters for an initial investment of $300 million. That could potentially increase to $600 million.

Precision Missiles
The report from IHS Jane’s suggests that Mideast states will take steps to enhance the attacking abilities of their warplane fleets, investing in precision air-to-ground missiles, advanced guidance systems and air-to-air refueling gear that extends the duration of flights.

Combined budgets for the region are likely to reach $180 billion a year by 2020, Jane’s forecasts, predicting that the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia -- which has a fleet of Panavia Tornado ground-attack aircraft and 72 modern Eurofighter Typhoon fighters ordered from BAE Systems Plc -- will “start to spend heavily” as the potential threat from Iran increases.

European missile maker MBDA is seeing increased interest in precision weaponry, it said at IDEX, as the International Defence Exhibition is known. The venture between BAE, Airbus Group SE and Leonardo SpA is pursuing $2 billion of orders in the Mideast that it hopes to secure this year, about half the global total, Florent Duleux, the company’s vice president for the region, said in an interview.

Chemezov said that Rostec is also ready to supply defensive weaponry to Iran if approached, having provided the Islamic republic with S300 surface-to-air missile systems worth $1 billion last year.

Boeing Co. said separately at IDEX that it aims to finalize Mideast deals for existing fighter models with the U.S. government and the buyers in coming months. Dennis Swanson, the company’s vice president for global defense marketing, said the sale of F-15s to Qatar and F/A-18 Super Hornets to Kuwait will be an “important part” of sustaining production lines.

The contracts for as many as 72 F-15s and up to 32 F/A-18Es and eight F/A-18Fs could be worth as much as $31.1 billion, including through-life servicing and parts.


الخبر يتحدث عن اقتناء احدث اصدارات السوخوي ( على حد علمي , الاحدث هي السوخوي 35 S ) اضافة لبناء الجيل الخامس المبنية على الميج-29



هذا الخبر المهم في مدلولاته + خبر اليوم + الخيارات التي كانت موجودة اصلا على طاولة المفاوضات ( الاف 15 والاف 18 بأحدث تطويراتها منذ عام 2011 + التايفون تقريبا مع الرافال في نفس فترة العرض على الامارات + اخبار متواتره وتلمحيات عن الاف 35 )


كل هذا يجعل من الامر مشوقا جدا جدا جدا :)
F-35 فرنسية.

مليار مبروك يا سيف ... اتمني بعد هذا التطوير ان تتجاوز معشوقتك " الفلتر " الاماراتي العنيد

هنا اشارة مهمة :

خبر بعنوان ( محادثات الرافال F-4 مع الامارات على مقربة من انجازها )

Rafale F4 talks with the UAE (almost) finalized

11371 Messages
mercredi 23 juin 2010
  • 0_dot.gif
    Jean-François LINTANFF
    Délégué régional, TLF - Ile-de-France, Bretagne, Centre et Pays de Loire
    PARIS, France
    qalaat.wordpress.com June 21, 2010

    Last week France’s Defense Minister Herve Morin has said technical talks with the United Arab Emirates were being finalized. France was expected to cover part of the modernization costs for the gulf state’s fleet of Rafale jet fighters.

    Morin told France Info radio that the project’s cost was estimated at $2.47 billion. He denied reports, however, that the cost of the plan has increased.

    The remarks spawned from a report in the French daily La Tribune claiming that that the cost of the deal with the United Arab Emirates would climb to between $5.2 and $6.7 billion.

    The project concerns the upgrading of 60 Rafale combat aircraft which the United Arab Emirates wants to replace its aging fleet of 60 Mirage 2000-9 fighters. They mark the first signs of a co-development initiative with a foreign partner and customer. They also pave the way for possible provision of the new F4 version model to the French air force and navy.

    An agreement reached by “the end of 2010″ with the UAE would open the way for delivery of the more capable Rafale model in 2014 and a flying operational life in 2015, said the official, who is familiar with the negotiations. The talks on cooperation also mean the French Air Force and Navy could get an advanced F4 version of the Rafale earlier than planned. The F3 standard is just entering service and is expected to fly until 2018-20.

    The main additional capabilities under discussion with the UAE include an active electronically scanned array radar (Thales RBE2 AA -AESA Radar), advanced electronic warfare and frontal sector optronics gear, a nine ton thrust version of the M88 engine, and MBDA’s Meteor BVRAAM to its weapons capabilities.

    Development costs for the Rafale jet for Abu Dhabi may reach between 4 billion and 5 billion euros, French daily La Tribune reported, citing unidentified people. Abu Dhabi will fund half of the cost at most. The rest will be shared between Dassault Aviation SA, Thales SA and Safran SA in line with their project stakes of around 37.5 percent, 37.5 percent and 25 percent respectively, according to the newspaper.

    A buyback of the Mirage 2000-9 fleet flown by the UAE has not been agreed with France, but remains a “hypothesis among others,” the official said. There is “a small club” of countries flying the Mirage 2000 into which the UAE could sell the 2000-9 aircraft, the official said

    The twin-engine fighter Rafale is considered Dassault’s crown jewel in France’s arms industry. Its manufacturer is bidding for lucrative deals in Brazil and India, making pitches also to Libya and Kuwait.


هل يمكن ان تكون الامارات انتظرت لحين اعتماد معيار الـ F-4 بوسطة الفرنسيين ( وخلال الفترة القادمة قد نشهد انفراجة ما ) !!!!

يدور الحديث حول مواصفات اساسية للمعيار F-4 :

الايسا RBE-2 AA

حزمة حرب الكترونية متقدمة

معدة كهروبصرية امامية

محرك بقوة دفع 9 طن

اضافة الميتيور لحزمة التسليح .
ههههههههههههههه لا تكون هذي خزانات بعد

العصفور التانكر

هل من تطوير لردار على قدر الحاجة ... ؟​

دائما تدخل لتشوش الفرحة بمشاركات غير مفيدة للاسف ...

عموما : خبر ينصف الرافال ويغيض الحاقدين :)

الرافال تتقدم مع التايفون في المنافسة في ماليزيا ...

Rafale appears in the lead as Malaysia seeks new fighter jets: defense source


FILE PHOTO: A French Dassault Rafale jet receives fuel from a U.S. Air Force KC-10 tanker aircraft near Iraq October 26, 2016. U.S. Air Force/Senior Airman Tyler Woodward/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo

By Joseph Sipalan | LANGKAWI, MALAYSIA

France's Rafale fighter jet is emerging as the frontrunner as Malaysia looks to replace its aging fleet of combat aircraft, a source in the Southeast Asian nation's defense ministry said on Wednesday, despite narrowing its defense spending this year.

French President Francois Hollande was expected to make a pitch for the Rafale, made by Dassault Aviation SA, when he and his team visit Malaysia next week, the source said.

"The ministry's top leadership have been promoting the Rafale," said the source, who was not authorized to speak to media on the negotiations.

"It's been done in promotional material for LIMA, and even at top government meetings," the source said, referring to this week's biennial Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition.

Malaysia was looking to buy up to 18 jets in a deal potentially worth more than $2 billion, the source said.

Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein was reported in media as saying that the race for new fighter jets has narrowed down to the Rafale and the Eurofighter Typhoon, built by BAE Systems.

The plan is to replace the Royal Malaysian Air Force's (RMAF) squadron of Russian MiG-29 combat planes, nearly half of which are grounded.

Dassault, which declined comment when approached, has kept a low profile in the race. BAE has been on a consistent and public campaign over the past six years to win the Malaysia contract, even establishing a regional office in the capital, Kuala Lumpur.

Steve Osborne, BAE's sales director for military air and information for the Asia Pacific region, said the Typhoon had a good chance of landing the deal as the company already supplied defense equipment to Malaysia.

"We believe this gives the government of Malaysia the confidence in us that they may go with us...," said Osborne.

An industry and a government source with knowledge of the negotiations said any decision would take at least two more years, as Prime Minister Najib Razak is focused on more domestic concerns in the run up to national polls that must be held by 2018.

Malaysia cut its total defense budget by 12.7 percent to 15.1 billion ringgit ($3.41 billion) this year, as Najib grapples with growing public discontent over rising living costs.

Besides Dassault and BAE, other suitors courting Malaysia are Russia's Sukhoi and Sweden's SAAB, which is selling its single engine Gripen.

Two industry sources said Sukhoi was also in talks with Indonesia, potentially to deliver up to two full squadrons of the new SU-35 planes. An Indonesian ministry official said in November that the ministry was looking to buy "nine or 10" of the planes, though the award had not been finalised.

SAAB, which is proposing a lease arrangement with Malaysia for use of the Gripen, is also in the running for a deal to deliver 36 single engine multi-role combat aircraft to the Philippines, according to an industry source who has direct knowledge of the negotiations.

"We're expecting a decision by the Philippine government between 2018 and 2020. Their procurement process is scheduled to happen between 2021 and 2024," the source said.

Defense spending in the Asia Pacific region is expected to hit $250 billion from 2016-20, IHS Janes Defence Weekly said in December, spurred by rising tension in the South China Sea where China has created several islands, worrying the United States and some of China's neighbors.

China claims most of the South China Sea, through which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei also have claims.


كونها تقدمت للنهائي فهذا لوحده يدحض عنها التهم التي ساقوها في حقها ( قصور في اداء المهام , ضعف , عدم قابلية تطور , الخ ... )

اقتناء الهند + قطر + مصر ,, وربما ماليزيا والامارات قريبا + خبر اعتماد تطويراتها القادمة ( والآفاق التي قد ينتجها ذلك ) ... لهو بمثابة شهادة التقدير الرفيعة التي تنالها الرافال في الشرق والغرب ..

الرافال رائعه لكن ينقصها بنظري بعيد عن خزان وقودها ووالخ

الذي ينقصها ذخائر اوربيه وامريكيه
الرافال رائعه لكن ينقصها بنظري بعيد عن خزان وقودها ووالخ

الذي ينقصها ذخائر اوربيه وامريكيه

على العكس افضل شيء انه فرنسا لها ذخائر خاصة بها ..... الذي يريد ذخائر اوروبية وامريكية ليشتري اليوروفايتر او ف16 او ف15 ..ما ينقص الرافال محرك اقوى وحاويات داخلية وستصبح قريبة من الجيل الخامس