The RBG 40mm/6 M11 revolver-type grenade launcher was spotted into hands of al-Safwa Islamic Brigade & Suqur al-Shamal rebels in Nother Aleppo.
A twitter post uploaded Monday 13th March showed photos of a Serbian multiple grenade launcher into hands of Syrian rebels group. The RBG 40mm/6 M11 is a revolver grenade launcher developed by Yugoimport SDPR J.P..
RBG 40mm/6 M11 Revolver-type Grenade Launchers 40 mm represents modern infantry light fire suport weapon. It features 6-round drum, drum revolving by means of helical spring which is wound prior to firing, resp. during drum loading, while cocking of triggering mechanism and firing employs the principle of double-action revolver. The weapon is manufactured by investment casting, forging and cutting. Materials used are aluminum alloy and steel used for the mechanisms.
Weapon barrel employs rifled bore. Launcher weight is 5.4 kg, length with folded stock is 600 mm, with extended stock overall length is 825 mm. Weapon is featuring with an advanced sighting system based on “Piccatiny” mounting rail and reflex “red dot” sight enabling high precision and fast two-eye open shooting at effective direct fire ranges of 50 m to 375 m. Effective range anvelope by indirect fire covers 200 m to 400 m. The RBG 40mm/6 M11 weapon/ammunition system ensures precision firing (hitting of house window – size target ) at direct ranges up to 150-200 m, and hitting of area targets up to weapon’s maximum range.