Influence on the Chengdu FC-1Edit
Following the cancellation of U.S. and European companies’ participation in the development of the Westernized Chengdu J-7variant known as the "Super-7", Chinalaunched a program in 1991 to develop an indigenous successor to its MiG-21-based design, designated FC-1 ("Fighter China 1"). To expedite its development, officials of the Chengdu Aircraft Industries Corporation(CAC) or the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) – perhaps both – approached Mikoyan for technical support. In 1998, CATIC purchased Izd 33 design and test information from the Mikoyan design bureau, along with other research and development assistance. These designs were used in the development of the JF-17/FC-1 by Pakistan and China