رايثون تتطور الباتريوت الكويتى الى الطراز +3


9 يوليو 2014
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تلقت رايثون 523 مليون دولار لتحديث 6 وحدات باتريوت كويتية الى الطراز +3

وسيكتمل التطوير بحلول العام 2022 سيتم تزويد الكويت محطة افراد mms و معالج رقمى للرادار و معالج مساعد حديث

المعالج الرقمى سيساعد الصاروخ على التعرف على الاهداف وتحسين قدراته بنسبة 40% وجعل كل شئ رقمى

محطات الافراد مزودة بشاشات lcd ملونة و touchscreen و ازرار

المعالج المساعد فى قلب غرفة التحكم والسيطرة يساعد على سرعة المعالجة للبيانات

المعالج المساعد سيساعد على دمج تكنولوجيا المستقبل

Raytheon has received a USD523 million contract to modernise six Patriot fire units to configuration 3+ for Kuwait.

The work is expected to be completed in March 2022 and entails providing Kuwait with the Patriot modern man station (MMS), radar digital processor (RDP), and modern adjunct processor (MAP).

Raytheon could not provide any specifics about the Kuwaiti contract.

Kuwait is a member of the 13-nation Patriot Partnership and is able to leverage the developmental work of the United States and other Patriot international partners.

Configuration 3+ has a number of important upgrades, Michael Nachshen, spokesperson for Raytheon, told IHS Jane's on 28 June.

"[The fully digital] RDP enables the PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) interceptor to realise more of its potential. The RDP is a ruggedised, commercial, off-the-shelf processor that reduces Patriot's operations and maintenance cost while improving its previously impressive reliability by approximately 40 percent," Nachshen said.

"The MMS is a user interface with colour LCD displays, touchscreens, and soft keys," he added.

The contract with Kuwait was announced on 23 June.

The MAP is an expandable processing platform at the heart of the command-and-control modernisation. MAP increases Patriot's computer processing power by several orders of magnitude while also providing significant expansion capability for the future, Nachshen added.

"MAP seamlessly integrates today's technology, such as the MMS, and enables integration of future cutting-edge technologies as they are developed.

الكويت مشاء الله وانظمة الدفاع وخصيصاً لعبتهم الباتريوت مشاء الله تبارك الله