شركه Destini Bhd الماليزيه تعرض جيل جديد من سفن الدوريه (New Generation Patrol Craft -NGPC) وقد تم اختيار منصه التحكم عن بعد SMASH المزوده بمدفع عيار 30 ملم من انتاج شركه Aselsan التركيه لتسليح هذا النوع الجديد من السفن
Meanwhile, Destini Bhd displayed in public for the first time a model of the New Generation Patrol Craft (NGPC) which its subsidiary, Destini Shipbuilding and Engineering Sdn Bhd is building. DES is building six NGPC under a contract worth RM381.3 million for the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency.
Destini Armada Sdn Bhd chief executive Alastair J Bisset said the model was a good representation of the NGPC being built at the Destini shipyard at Port Klang. The boats will be armed with Aselsan 30mm RWS
نموذج لسفينه الدوريه الجديده للشركه الماليزيه , مسلحه بمنصه التحكم عن بعد SMASH
منصه التحكم عن بعد Aselsan SMASH
Meanwhile, Destini Bhd displayed in public for the first time a model of the New Generation Patrol Craft (NGPC) which its subsidiary, Destini Shipbuilding and Engineering Sdn Bhd is building. DES is building six NGPC under a contract worth RM381.3 million for the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency.
Destini Armada Sdn Bhd chief executive Alastair J Bisset said the model was a good representation of the NGPC being built at the Destini shipyard at Port Klang. The boats will be armed with Aselsan 30mm RWS

منصه التحكم عن بعد Aselsan SMASH