الصحافة الأوربية تعاتب الأجهزة الأمنية البلجيكية لعدم إتخاذ التحذيرات المغربية محمل الجد
About a week before the tragic day lived yesterday from Brussels Moroccan secret services warned the West that it was preparing a new series of high-profile attacks in the heart of Europe. It is not the first time that Rabat offers its collaboration, and it's not the first in which Western countries that receive the information the underestimate.
According to information gathered by Moroccans thanks to an informant who lives near the border between Tunisia and Libya he was also preparing a 'action on sensitive targets that would have resulted in even more dire consequences than those who have seen (an attack on a nuclear power plant) , and not by chance yesterday after the attacks to 'airport and the subway of Brussels, the Belgian government has placed at mid-day the safety of all the country's nuclear power plants and' evacuation of the personnel of the Doel and Tihange sites.
Of course since Saturday Morocco he has asked the Royal Air Maroc and other minor companies in the country to change the traditional European routes, if possible, to avoid flying over Belgium, France and Spain. Also flights departing from Italian airports Monday and yesterday were generally retarded and have followed to reach Casablanca or Rabat non-traditional routes along the Mediterranean, and passing of Tunisia and especially on 'Algeria that was usually avoided. Moroccans also flights departing from and arriving in 'Central Europe, including Belgium, have preferred to expand the routes and follow the sea rather than across the various European countries according to their services were at risk. A decision therefore confirms the fears of Morocco of an attack on a nuclear power plant (otherwise the interior stairs would be avoided, not the overflight of those areas).
The Moroccan secret services are at the moment the most reliable on jihadist terror, and particularly on the movements of 'Isis and groups that flank the caliphate.
They have the best infiltration capacity in those clandestine cells and often tiny beyond the traditional intelligence network of European countries. And above all they need to gather information and to fight that kind of terrorism because they are likely to have it imported into the house. Morocco seemed until a few years ago immune, and had done everything to prevent the emergence of 'its borders to radical Islamism' interior. Precisely for this reason King Mohammed VI had given birth to a chain of Islamic schools of State, where he teaches as a first commandment to "do not kill our neighbor." All Imams are therefore controlled by the Kingdom of Morocco, and is not allowed to 'teaching of' Islam for those without those official trappings. Despite this d 'origin protection, the radicalism that prevents capillary sprout, still managed to get in another way thanks to the network of Moroccan immigrants, often for more than a generation. Children born and raised in the West or otherwise emigrated from children to represent the real emergency of Morocco. Indoctrinated by foreign Imam, they married the jihaddiste theories, in some cases have gone to recruit cells scattered across Europe, and often fall in the country of origin to seek new followers. And 'the true national emergency, and' only way to deal with it is the painstaking work of the 'Moroccan intelligence.
That Morocco is the most informative source on organized terrorist network Isis is demonstrated by the fact that just yesterday the services of Rabat secrets have spread from a few hours' bombing photos and identikit of five suspects of the bombings in Brussels, some of whom were just of Moroccan origin as is also the 'last Pimpernel Parisian massacres of November 13: the thirty-one Mohamed Abrini, that the police Europe' s chase but could not find any trace. Abrini, born in Morocco and moved to France as a child, was repaired a few years later, still a minor as the 'friend Salah Abdeslam in Brussels, Molenbeek in the neighborhood where the boy was officially a boulangerie.
Before the spread of those mug shots of possible terrorists of 'airport and subway station at the end of yesterday morning was held at' Casablanca airport a police summit, police and security services of the country. From the first circulating information it seems that they were preparing an operation to detect a dangerous head jihaddista that with a false passport had departed from Turkey, stopping for a while in Sirte, Libya, where he came into contact with militia of the Caliphate, and from there just would had to go to Morocco. Why in airports of the Kingdom and especially in Casablanca where he was expected, were exceptional security measures taken.
كشفت الصحيفة الأسبوعية الإيطالية
“ليبيرو كوتيديانو” أن الأجهزة الأمنية المغربية حذرت نظيرتها البلجيكية أسبوعا واحداً قبل الهجمات الإرهابية التي عرفتها العاصمة بروكسيل في مطار المدينة وبمحطة للميترو،من احتمال وقوع هجمات إرهابية قد تستهدف العاصمة الأوربية “بروكسيل”.
وأضافت الأسبوعية الإيطالية في عددها الصادر اليوم الأربعاء أن الأجهزة الأمنية المغربية وعبر متعاون معها في الحدود التونسية الليبية توصلت إلى معلومات موثوقة تفيد بوجود خطط لضرب منشأة نووية في بلجيكا.
واعتبرت الصحيفة الإيطالية أن الأجهزة الأمنية الإيطالية سارعت بعد وقوع التفجيرات الإرهابية في بروكسيل إلى تشديد الحراسة علي مفاعلين نووين مملوكين لوحدة إلكترابل التابعة لشركة “جي.دي.إف سويز” “تيهانغ 2” وطاقته 1008 ميغاوات، ومفاعل “دويل 3” وطاقته 1006 ميغاوات.
هذا وانتقد مجموعة من الخبراء العسكريين عدم تجاوب السلطات البلجيكية مع التحذيرات الأمنية التي تتلقاها من دول سواء المجاورة أو المتعاونة على مكافحة الإرهاب كما حدث مع تركيا التي قال رئيسها أردوغان تعليقاً على تفجيرات بروكسيل “بلجيكا أطلقت سراح أحد المشتبه بهم في الضلوع في التفجيرات الإرهابية رغم تحذيرنا” ، مشيرا إلى أنه تم إلقاء القبض على الرجل في مدينة غازي عنتاب، في جنوب تركيا بالقرب من الحدود السورية في يونيو من العام الماضي.