الناتو: نشاط الغواصات الروسية وصل مستوى حقبة الحرب الباردة


عضو مميز
10 مارس 2015
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أعلن اللواء كلايف جونستون قائد القيادات الموحدة للقوات البحرية في حلف شمال الأطلسي "الناتو" أن نشاط الغواصات الروسية في الوقت الراهن يكاد يصل مستوى نشاطها خلال الحرب الباردة.

وقال جونستون لصحيفة "IHS Jane’s 360" الأربعاء 3 فبراير/شباط إن "شمال الأطلسي يتحول مجددا الى منطقة قلق للحلف، حيث يتم حاليا رصد نشاط للغواصات الروسية هو الأكبر منذ حقبة الحرب الباردة".
وأضاف اللواء البحري أن "غواصات الأسطول البحري الروسي أجرت قفزة تقنية نوعية، والناتو يرصد إمكانيات روسية لا مثيل لها"، معتبرا أن روسيا استطاعت بلوغ هذا التقدم "بفضل الاستثمارات الضخمة التي لم ينتبه إليها الغرب".

وأكد أن "ذلك ما كان ليثير قلقنا لو كنا نعرف الخطط العسكرية أو سبب نشرهم القوات والخطوات التي يتخذونها.. فنحن لا نفهم أي مهمات استراتيجية وعسكرية تضعها روسيا نصب أعينها"، مشيرا الى أن خطط القيادة الروسية تبقى سرية للحلف بسبب النشاط الروسي متعدد الاتجاهات والذي "يثير توتر" بريطانيا وباقي أعضاء "الناتو".

Russian submarine activity topping Cold War levels
Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
02 February 2016

Russian submarine activity in the North Atlantic is again at Cold War levels, according to NATO's top military commander Source: Russian MoD
Key Points
  • NATO is seeing Russian submarine activity in the North Atlantic return to Cold War levels
  • Russian submarines have also made a major jump in technical capability, according to NATO's top naval commander
Russian submarine activity in the North Atlantic is currently equalling or even surpassing Cold War levels, according to NATO's top naval officer.

The North Atlantic was again and area "of concern" for the alliance, Vice Admiral Clive Johnstone, Commander of NATO's Maritime Command, said, with the commanders of his submarine cells currently reporting "more activity from Russian submarines than we've seen since the days of the Cold War".

Not only are Russian submarines returning to Cold War levels of operational activity, but Russian submarines have made a major jump in technological performance, Vice Adm Johnstone said, with NATO seeing "a level of Russian capability that we haven't seen before".

Russia, he said, "through an extraordinary investment path not mirrored by the West" has made "technology leaps that [are] remarkable, and credit to them." Russian submarines now "have longer ranges, they have better systems, they're freer to operate", he said. The alliance has also "seen a rise in professionalism and ability to operate their boats that we haven't seen before", noted Vice Adm Johnstone, adding, "that is a concern".

Together, this meant that the level of Russian submarine activity NATO is currently seeing in the North Atlantic is "very different from the period of quiet submarine activity that perhaps we've seen in the past".

However he added, "I think none of that would worry us if we knew what the game plans were or we knew why they were deploying or what they were doing … we don't understand what the strategic and operational objectives are of the Russian state." This was because "a lot of what the Russians are doing at the moment we don't understand, and is obscure and is shrouded in other activity which makes us nervous, and makes nations nervous".