Turkey has funded development of Aselsan's Akkor active protection system (APS) for its new Altay main battle tank (MBT), it has been announced.
The Turkish Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) said on 30 November it had awarded Aselsan a EUR54 million (USD57 million) contract for development and qualification of the system. The contract will see the creation and testing of two prototype Akkor systems by Aselsan.
Akkor was revealed by Aselsan at the IDEF 2015 defence exhibition in May, and has been specifically developed to provide both a soft-kill and a hard-kill self-defence capability for the Altay MBT. The SSM noted that the system was modular and applicable to various other armoured vehicles. At IDEF it was exhibited on an Arma 6x6 infantry fighting vehicle.
Aselsan has been funded by Turkey to complete the development of its Akkor active protection system (APS). Akkor is seen here on display at IDEF 2015 in Istanbul. The various hard-kill subcomponents are shown, including the radar, computer, a two-round launcher, cross-sections of a loaded launch tube, and a cross-section of one of the hard-kill munitions. (Christopher F Foss)
The Akkor APS includes a centralised control unit and internal display, with the soft-kill system including laser-warning receivers and smoke dispensers; the hard-kill system includes four radar units for 360° coverage and two twin-cell trainable launchers armed with two hard-kill unguided 'smart' munitions.
Serial production of the Akkor system is envisaged to begin in 2017 so that the system will be available for Turkey's first batch of 250 Altay MBTs. The company says it has been funding the development of Akkor since 2008 and has been conducting field tests of the radar, central computer systems, and the hard-kill munitions since 2010.
Based on cross-sections of the Akkor 'smart' munitions seen at IDEF, Akkor's kill-mechanism seems to rely on a high-explosive concussive blast effect to defeat incoming threats. The 'smart' element comes from the detonation method, which has variously been reported as being proximity-based or down to an intelligent fuze programmed prior to launch by the Akkor control system.
الانتاج الكمي سيبدأ لهذا النظام عام 2017 مع اول 250 دبابة للجيش التركي
تغطية 360 درجة وقادر على العمل بكل ظروف الاختبار (من غير مصدر)
يمكن تركيبه على العديد من المركبات المدرعة
اختباراته بدأت من اكثر من خمس سنوات الى الان ويبدو انه جاهز
بالاضافة الى نقل تقنيات تصنيع المحرك الجديد من النمسا فصنع هذا النظام انجاز لوحده وحتى ان لم ينجح بالبدء فسيعملون عليه حتى ينجحونه