السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ... اليكم مجموعة من المنتجات الاماراتية المتميزة في مجال الـ SDV ( مركبات ايصال السباحين ) والمعروفة بغواصات الكوماندوز ..
شركة الامارات للتكنولوجيا البحرية EMT قامت بصنع عدة انواع من غواصات الكوماندوز مستفيدة في ذلك من استثماراتها المالية والتكنولوجيا الاوروبية .. هذه العربات لديها تأثر بالتصاميم الفرنسية ... تم تسويق النموذج FWS-5 في اواخر سنة 2000 ( تسلسل التصميم من الـ FWS-1 ولغاية الـ FWS-4 يشير لكيفية تطور التصاميم )
EMT Barracuda SDV
Sat 23 May 2015By H I Sutton
The FWS-5 Barracuda Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (SDV) is built by Emirates Marine Technology (EMT) based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Benefiting from significant financial investment plus technology and expertise sourced in Europe, the FWS family of SDVs has a distinctly French influence. The FWS-5 design received some marketing in the late 2000s but the designs before it, FWS-1 > 4, are virtually unknown. Looked at together they show a clear design progressions.
The FWS (retrospectively FWS-1) was a relatively simple wo-man wet-sub modelled loosely on the French Navy's Vostock design ( Cross-Ref, Vostock ). It had a cylindrical hull with a tandem cockpit in the forward half. Relative to the Vostock it had a less streamlined nose and forward hydroplanes mounted in front of the cockpits. The small standard propeller indicates that this was only ever an experimental type, designed to test the water. In that sense it clearly worked as the following designs will show.
The follow-on design was significantly longer with a pointed bow and no forward watershield (which was unnecessary in military applications anyway so most SDVs don't have them). The forward hydroplanes were protected by a frame and the propeller was larger and shrouded.
FWS-3 & 4 SDV
Further developments introduced advanced technology batteries carried in bullet-nosed pods recessed into the lower hull. A large storage bay was now provided behind the cockpits.
FWS-5 Barracuda SDV
The final two-man design, the FWS-5 represents the mature produce. It is incredibly long for a two-man craft being the exact same length as the 6-man dry SDV UOES-3 Button 5.60 ( Cross-Ref, UOES-3 Button 5.60 ). The design incorporates a larger mission bay and a telescopic mast behind the second cockpit.
شركة الامارات للتكنولوجيا البحرية EMT قامت بصنع عدة انواع من غواصات الكوماندوز مستفيدة في ذلك من استثماراتها المالية والتكنولوجيا الاوروبية .. هذه العربات لديها تأثر بالتصاميم الفرنسية ... تم تسويق النموذج FWS-5 في اواخر سنة 2000 ( تسلسل التصميم من الـ FWS-1 ولغاية الـ FWS-4 يشير لكيفية تطور التصاميم )
EMT Barracuda SDV
Sat 23 May 2015By H I Sutton


The FWS (retrospectively FWS-1) was a relatively simple wo-man wet-sub modelled loosely on the French Navy's Vostock design ( Cross-Ref, Vostock ). It had a cylindrical hull with a tandem cockpit in the forward half. Relative to the Vostock it had a less streamlined nose and forward hydroplanes mounted in front of the cockpits. The small standard propeller indicates that this was only ever an experimental type, designed to test the water. In that sense it clearly worked as the following designs will show.


The follow-on design was significantly longer with a pointed bow and no forward watershield (which was unnecessary in military applications anyway so most SDVs don't have them). The forward hydroplanes were protected by a frame and the propeller was larger and shrouded.

FWS-3 & 4 SDV

Further developments introduced advanced technology batteries carried in bullet-nosed pods recessed into the lower hull. A large storage bay was now provided behind the cockpits.

FWS-5 Barracuda SDV

The final two-man design, the FWS-5 represents the mature produce. It is incredibly long for a two-man craft being the exact same length as the 6-man dry SDV UOES-3 Button 5.60 ( Cross-Ref, UOES-3 Button 5.60 ). The design incorporates a larger mission bay and a telescopic mast behind the second cockpit.