كشف معهد بحث بريطاني عن دراسة حول تدخلات القوات الخاصة البريطانية في أنحاء العالم منذ سنة 2013 حيث قامت بعمليات في عدد من الدول العربية من بينها الجزائر سوريا ليبيا العراق السودان اليمن و عمان
Mapping of national and international credible newspapers, undertaken by research charity Action on Armed Violence, shows that, since 2011, UK Special Forces (UKSF) have been primed to contact or surveil hostile forces in Algeria, Estonia, France, Iran/Oman (Strait of Hormuz), Iraq, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Mediterranean (Cyprus), Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen.
في الجزائر يذكر التقرير على ان القوات الخاصة البريطانية SAS تدخلت في عملية عين أميناس سنة 2013 في الجزائر
Algeria: In January 2013, a small number of SAS counter-terrorism experts were flown to Algeria to provide advice and assistance in the aftermath of a gas plant massacre. The UK later offered training by British Special Forces to Algeria as part of a security partnership.

Britain’s Special Forces on service in at least 19 countries since 2011 - AOAV
The UK's Special Forces have been reported on operations in almost twenty countries in just over 10 years. Here we outline why this might be concern.