قال وزير الدولة للدفاع شريباد نايك يوم الأربعاء إن القوات الجوية الهندية فقدت 27 طائرة ، بما في ذلك 15 طائرة مقاتلة وطائرة هليكوبتر ، في حوادث منذ عام 2016.
وقال في رد مكتوب في Lok Sabha إن مقدار الخسارة المؤقتة في 11 حالة من حوادث التصادم كان حوالي 524.64 كرور روبية.
وشمل ذلك تحطم طائرة مقاتلة من طراز ميج 21 كان يقودها قائد الجناح أبيناندان فارتامان خلال معركة حربية مع طائرات سلاح الجو الباكستاني في 27 فبراير.
في نفس اليوم ، تحطمت مروحية من طراز Mi-17 مما أسفر عن مقتل ستة من أفراد القوات الجوية.
تحطمت طائرة نقل AN-32 في أروناتشال براديش ، مما أسفر عن مقتل 13 من أفراد القوات الجوية في وقت سابق من هذا الشهر .
Indian Air Force lost 27 aircraft, including 15 jets and choppers, in crashes since 2016
A total of 27 aircraft, including fighter jets and helicopters, have been lost in crashes since 2016, the government has told Parliament

Press Trust of India New DelhiJune 26, 2019UPDATED: June 26, 2019 17:16 IST
In 2019-20, so far, an AN-32 transport aircraft crashed in Arunachal Pradesh, killing 13 air force personnel earlier this month (Reuters photo for representation)
The Indian Air Force lost 27 aircraft, including 15 fighter jets and helicopters, in crashes since 2016, Minister of State for Defence Shripad Naik said Wednesday.
The quantum of provisional loss in 11 cases of crashes was approximately Rs 524.64 crore, he said in a written reply in Lok Sabha.
In the 2016-17 fiscal, six IAF fighter jets, two helicopters, one transport aircraft and one trainer crashed. In 2017-18, the air force lost two fighter jets and one trainer aircraft in crashes.
The number rose sharply in 2018-19 with the IAF losing seven fighter jets, two helicopters and two trainers.
This included the crash of the MiG-21 fighter jet which was being piloted by Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman during a dog-fight with Pakistan Air Force planes on February 27.
On the same day, an Mi-17 helicopter also crashed killing six air force personnel.
In 2019-20, so far, an AN-32 transport aircraft crashed in Arunachal Pradesh, killing 13 air force personnel earlier this month.
READ | The IAF's airplane crisis
READ | Post Balakot strike, Indian Navy hunted for Pakistani submarine for 21 days
WATCH | An-32's black box recovered from crash site in Arunachal Pradesh
For the latest World Cup news, live scores and fixtures for World Cup 2019, log on to indiatoday.in/sports. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter for World Cup news, scores and updates.
وقال في رد مكتوب في Lok Sabha إن مقدار الخسارة المؤقتة في 11 حالة من حوادث التصادم كان حوالي 524.64 كرور روبية.
وشمل ذلك تحطم طائرة مقاتلة من طراز ميج 21 كان يقودها قائد الجناح أبيناندان فارتامان خلال معركة حربية مع طائرات سلاح الجو الباكستاني في 27 فبراير.
في نفس اليوم ، تحطمت مروحية من طراز Mi-17 مما أسفر عن مقتل ستة من أفراد القوات الجوية.
تحطمت طائرة نقل AN-32 في أروناتشال براديش ، مما أسفر عن مقتل 13 من أفراد القوات الجوية في وقت سابق من هذا الشهر .
Indian Air Force lost 27 aircraft, including 15 jets and choppers, in crashes since 2016
A total of 27 aircraft, including fighter jets and helicopters, have been lost in crashes since 2016, the government has told Parliament

Press Trust of India New DelhiJune 26, 2019UPDATED: June 26, 2019 17:16 IST

In 2019-20, so far, an AN-32 transport aircraft crashed in Arunachal Pradesh, killing 13 air force personnel earlier this month (Reuters photo for representation)
- Six IAF fighter jets were lost in 2016-17
- Seven fighter jets were lost in 2018-19
- This year so far, one transport aircraft has been lost
The Indian Air Force lost 27 aircraft, including 15 fighter jets and helicopters, in crashes since 2016, Minister of State for Defence Shripad Naik said Wednesday.
The quantum of provisional loss in 11 cases of crashes was approximately Rs 524.64 crore, he said in a written reply in Lok Sabha.
In the 2016-17 fiscal, six IAF fighter jets, two helicopters, one transport aircraft and one trainer crashed. In 2017-18, the air force lost two fighter jets and one trainer aircraft in crashes.
The number rose sharply in 2018-19 with the IAF losing seven fighter jets, two helicopters and two trainers.
This included the crash of the MiG-21 fighter jet which was being piloted by Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman during a dog-fight with Pakistan Air Force planes on February 27.
On the same day, an Mi-17 helicopter also crashed killing six air force personnel.
In 2019-20, so far, an AN-32 transport aircraft crashed in Arunachal Pradesh, killing 13 air force personnel earlier this month.
READ | The IAF's airplane crisis
READ | Post Balakot strike, Indian Navy hunted for Pakistani submarine for 21 days
WATCH | An-32's black box recovered from crash site in Arunachal Pradesh
For the latest World Cup news, live scores and fixtures for World Cup 2019, log on to indiatoday.in/sports. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter for World Cup news, scores and updates.

Indian Air Force lost 27 aircraft, including 15 jets and choppers, in crashes since 2016
A total of 27 aircraft, including fighter jets and helicopters, have been lost in crashes since 2016, the government has told Parliament