أمريكا تدرس إمكانية بيع طائرات بدون طيار من نوع MQ-9 Reapers المسلحة للمغرب
هذا هو عنوان المقال :
These 5 Countries NEED U.S. Drones Now
و المغرب من بين الدول الخمس الذي يتحدت عنها المقال

the U.S. government should consider selling armed MQ-9 Reapers to this North African nation.
هذا هو عنوان المقال :
These 5 Countries NEED U.S. Drones Now
و المغرب من بين الدول الخمس الذي يتحدت عنها المقال
ملاحظة : المغرب يملك طائرات بدون طيار للمراقبة من نوع بريداتور
The North African nation of Morocco has a government friendly to the United States and its interests. Further, the country is located in an area of the globe that is plagued with Islamic fundamentalist militants who must be combated. Mali, the Algerian desert and the chaos in Libya are all in Morocco’s neighborhood.
Morocco’s military is well funded, well equipped and well trained by the standards of the region. The country already operates a fleet of advanced Lockheed Martin F-16s and other U.S. equipment. This fact has not been lost on the U.S. government, which granted General Atomics an export license to sell the unarmed Predator XP to the country—but it is not clear if the deal went through. Nonetheless, the U.S. government should consider selling armed MQ-9 Reapers to this North African nation.
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