الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"


صقر هههههههههههههههههههههههه وبشويه

طالما ان الرجل يبذل جهدا ويعذب نفسه لنقل الأخبار ووضع الصور لنا لنطلع عليها ، اذن هو صقر كحال باقي الصقور في المنتدي :ANSmile04[1]:
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

نخن نناقش ال 100 طائره اخي وليس تاريخ الأعلان. الذي اعرفه ان ايران انتجت فقط 5 مقاتلات وزودتهم بمحركات روسيه قديمه كانت بمخازنها ، اما مسأله ال 100 هذه بحاجه الي 200 محرك واريد ان اعرف من اين اتت بهم ايران طالما ان روسيا والصين لا تصدر اسلحه لآيران في ظل الحصار عليها. وانت قلت ان ايران صرحت بأنها لديها 100 طائره ووعدت بوضع الرابط.

انتجت 6 طائرات اول اعلانها ازرخش ؟ اذ تم انتاجها منذ 1999

نحن الان فى 2013

و الخبر فى سنة 2011 سبتمبر

وهذه غلوبل سيكورتى تتحدث عن انتاج عام 1999-2000 م و الجيش الايرانى طلب 30-35 طائرة انذاك

In June 1999 it was reported that Iran had begun series production of the Azarakhsh. By mid-2000 four aircraft were said to have been undergoing operational tests and a production of about ten aircraft per year was foreseen to fulfil an order of 30-35 aircraft, which it seems never materialised. As of 2000 series production was expected to start in 2001. As of 2001 there were said to be six in inventory, with a production schedule established for 30 aircraft over the following three years. This did not happen. Some 30 were ordered, but only 6 to 9 were actually built and it is not clear whether they are in service.

المحرك ليس معروف لكن غلوبل سيكوورتى تقول هو على الاغلب

It was thought to be powered by two Klimov RD33 engines (the same as the RSK MiG-29 Fulcrum, which is in Iranian service

و ايران تقول انه محرك محلى.. و اظن ان RD 33 كبير الحجم على طائرة من حجم ازرخش او صاعقة لذا فاظن انه محلى على الارجح

رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

نخن نناقش ال 100 طائره اخي وليس تاريخ الأعلان. الذي اعرفه ان ايران انتجت فقط 5 مقاتلات وزودتهم بمحركات روسيه قديمه كانت بمخازنها ، اما مسأله ال 100 هذه بحاجه الي 200 محرك واريد ان اعرف من اين اتت بهم ايران طالما ان روسيا والصين لا تصدر اسلحه لآيران في ظل الحصار عليها. وانت قلت ان ايران صرحت بأنها لديها 100 طائره ووعدت بوضع الرابط.

ازرخش و بعد تطويرها الصاعقة مرت عديدة

هنا نتحدث عن تاريخ الانتاج - حسب غلوبل سيكورتى- ازرخش 1997 - ازرخش 2000 و 2001 - ازرخش 2007 - ازرخش 2008


Iran appears to have used the designation "Azarakhsh" (Thunder) to reference at least three and possibly four different aircraft configurations. None of these designs has entered serial production, and the promiscuous use of this name remains something of a puzzle. Iran is under no obligation to disclose all the details of its arms program, and to the contrary, following the old Soviet maxim of "show the best and hide the rest" is evidently engaged in a perception management effort seeking to magnify its apparent military strength by displaying "new" weapons. Some part of the confusion about "Azarakhsh" may simply reflect the confusion of Western observers, but in their bewilderment they have been assisted by the Islamic Republic.

Azarakhsh - 1997

Iran was not known to have possessed advanced technology to build fighter planes. However, in April 1997 Iranian Brigadier General Arasteh, a deputy head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (serving under Major General Ali Shahbazi, the joint chief of staff) claimed that Iran had successfully designed, constructed, and tested its first fighter aircraft, the Azarakhsh. According to one theory, Iran cobbled together an aircraft by reverse-engineered elements from a number of other aircraft. Evidently a modified F-5, this Iranian design evolved from an examination of the wide variety of fighter aircraft in Iran's inventory, which included both the F-4 and F-5, along with training and experimentation.
The Owj Industrial Complex was established 1987 to design and manufacture all kinds of aircraft. The benchmark chosen was Northrop F-5, with which the IRIAF has had considerable experience. The Azarakhsh (lightning) fighter was to be a nearly exact copy of the F-5E Tiger II. Externally it is distinguishable by a [barely visible] 17cm extension of the nose, accommodating a new radar incorporating Iranian parts and technology and reportedly based on a Russian design - Kopjo. It is clearly a proof-of-concept and reverse-engineering demonstrator rather than an operational aircraf.
Brigadier General Arasteh stated in April 1997 that the "production line of this aircraft will begin work in the near future." Iranian officials announced in September 1997 that Iran had started mass producing its first locally-designed fighter-bomber. In February 1999 commander of the Air Force Brigadier-General Habibollah Baqaei offered a report on the achievements of the air force. He said the Air Force had made great progress since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in the operational, technical, educational and research fields and in manufacturing fighter planes of Azarakhsh and training plane of Tondar as well as radar receivers and is strong enough to defend the air-space of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In June 1999 it was reported that Iran had begun series production of the Azarakhsh. By mid-2000 four aircraft were said to have been undergoing operational tests and a production of about ten aircraft per year was foreseen to fulfil an order of 30-35 aircraft, which it seems never materialised. As of 2000 series production was expected to start in 2001. As of 2001 there were said to be six in inventory, with a production schedule established for 30 aircraft over the following three years. This did not happen. Some 30 were ordered, but only 6 to 9 were actually built and it is not clear whether they are in service.
According to the Air Force's Gen. Safari, head of the OIC, this establishment had so far produced the Azarakhsh fighter-bomber aircraft, a reverse-engineered version of the F-5E. The second prototype of the Azarakhsh was reported to have flown in mid-February 2001 [contradicting other reports], together with the first prototype of another Iranian jet trainer design called the Tondar. Other OIC accomplishments include the rebuilding of 17 American-built fighter aircraft heavily damaged during the war with Iraq.
Azarakhsh was said to have strengthened and reinforced composite wings, providing capability to carry 1,000 kg guided bombs, a laser designator and a new, more advanced radar with some Russian parts. Additional improvements are in the possibility to carry locally developed new air-to-ground (Zulfiqar) and Shabaz-1/2 unguided, large caliber rockets in addition to the normal Sidewinders and Chinese PL-5 (7?) air-to-air missiles and bombs. The General Electric J-85 engines were uprated with higher thrust.
The IRIAF was forced to abandon production plans for the Azarakhsh, as it was an almost exact copy of the F-5E Tiger II. Consequently, Owj Industries designed the Sa'eqeh-80, which first flew on 30 May 2004. Two single and 1 double-seater Azarakhsh (of possibly 6 built by 2001) participated to the National Army Day fly-past at Tehran on 17 April 2008

Azarakhsh - 2000

In March 2000 Jane's Defense weekly reported that Iran's indigenous Azarakhsh (lightning) fighter was a scaled-up U.S. Northrop Grumman F-5f Tiger, incorporating Russian avionics. The two-seater multirole aircraft was previously believed to have been an assembly of an existing Russian or Chinese fighter with modifications. Quoting Iranian sources, Jane's suggested that the resulting derivative was about 10 to 15 per cent larger than an F-5F and was intended primarily for air-to-ground operations. Iran, it said, had yet to publicly release photos of the fighter, which so far had only been shown at a distance on Iranian television. The weekly believed that only four examples of the Azarakhsh may be in existence and that series production may not start until 2001.
Azarakhsh was said to feature shoulder mounted air intakes. It is said to be 10-15 percent larger than the F-5. It was said to incorporate an Iranian-designed radar, but some of the avionics modules were actually of Russian design. The Azarakhsh was said to use an upgraded version of N-019 Topaz (N-019ME) radar. In 2001 the Azarakhsh (Lightning) fighter was reported to resembles a 10-20% scaled-up version of the two-seat Northrop F-5F Tiger II with an 8,000kg (17,700lb) maximum take-off weight. It was thought to be powered by two Klimov RD33 engines (the same as the RSK MiG-29 Fulcrum, which is in Iranian service) and equipped with Russian systems and avionics including the Phazotron Topaz radar.
appears to have been a paper airplane and was never seen in public

Azarakhsh - 2007

On 18 July 2007 Iran's Defence Minister Brigadier-General Mostafa Najjar said the defence ministry and military would hold joint military exercises "within next month." He told reporters on the sidelines of a Majlis session that new weapons would be introduced in the military maneuver. The Defence minister said that Azarakhsh fighter planes would be introduced in the exercise.
In August 2007 the Fars News Agency reported that Iran had successfully performed a test flight of the Azarakhsh fighter. The test flight was performed in Isfahan where a number of high-ranking military officials including the Defense Minister were present, an Iran's Air Force official has said. Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar had earlier announced that Azarakhsh would be used in a forthcoming wargames.
Iran had successfully tested its new Azarakhsh (Thunder) fighter, Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar said on 06 August 2007. The Azarakhsh was said to be the fifth generation of Iranian aircraft and it was developed in Isfahan by the Iranian army, Defense Ministry, and aircraft-manufacturing company HESA. Iran is also working on a second type of Azarakhsh aircraft called the Saqeh (Lightning).
On 06 August 2007 Iran showed off for the first time a new fighter jet said to be modelled on the American F-5 but built using domestic technology, state media reported. The "Azarakhsh" (Lightning) jet - one of the first to be home-produced by Iran - made a successful flight in the central city of Isfahan in a ceremony attended by Defence Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar and other officials. The fly-by in Isfahan appeared to have been the first time the Azarakhsh jet had been shown in public. "The success of this domestically developed fighter plane is another example of the technological achievements of our country," said Isfahan governor Morteza Bakhtiari, according to the state-run IRNA news agency. "At a time when the United States is selling its arms to its allies in the region, our country's specialists are taking big strides every day towards self-sufficiency in defence," he added. The development of the plane was first announced in September last year, when military officials said that it was "comparable" to the US F-5 fighter jet. Iran had also developed another homemade war plane named "Saegheh" (Thunder) which it has described as similar to the American F-18 fighter jet.
The aircraft had been manufactured in cooperation with experts from the Army, Defense Ministry and HESA aircarft manufacturing industries in the central province of Isfahan, the minister told reporters. "The Azarakhsh fighter plan is now at the stage of industrial production and its mass production will start in the future," said the minister. He added that the fighter's successful test would lead to plans for "manufacturing of the fifth generation of Iranian aircraft." Army and Defense Ministry experts were working on the second type of Azarakhsh fighters called Saeqeh (alternately translated as Thunderbolt or Lightning), which would be also tested in the near future, Mohammad-Najjar added.
The Azarakhsh prototype seen in 2007 featured a double tail, new afterburners and bigger air inlet indicating exchange of engines. The Azarakhsh air inlets were rectangular, as in the F-4 Phanton. The Azarakhsh also had an modification in the area of the wing next the air inlet.
On 23 September 2007 President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inspected three models of jet fighters -- Saeqeh, Azarakhsh and Tazarv -- Iran Air Force unveiled on the anniversary of the Iraqi invasion of Iran in 1980. He attended the Air Force Base 1 in Southern Tehran to appreciate the technical teams involved in manufacturing the Iranian made jet fighters. Saeqeh and Azarakhsh jet fighters manufactured jointly by the Ministry of Defense and Logistics of the Armed Forces and the Air Force of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran are for military missions and Tazarv (pheasant) is for training. President Ahmadinejad expressed pleasure with success of Iranian technicians in manufacturing the planes.

Azarakhsh - 2008

The "Azarakhsh" serial final version seen in 2008 had finer lines, a ram air inlet aft of the wing [common to all F-5s but in evidence on this variant] and leading edge extension (LEX) "teeth" in the wings. The most visible feature is that the basic layout of the plane has been changed from a low wing aircraft with air inlets above the wing to a mid-wing aircraft with inlets below the wings. The wings were probably set higher to allow wider choice of munitions.
The high performance of modern fighters such as the F/A-18 in air combat manoeuvers is due in large part to its aerodynamic shape, and in particular, to the effect of the sharp, highly- sweptback leading edge extension (LEX) that extends forward from each wing root. At angles of attack typical in air combat manoeuvres, each LEX generates a large vortex above the aircraft. The lifting forces due to the LEX vortices give the aircraft its manoeuvring capability. The manoeuvrability does not come without penalty, however. The centerline core of the LEX vortex can undergo the phenomenon of vortex bursting or vortex breakdown. This occurs when smooth, steady airflow along the vortex core suddenly breaks down and becomes disturbed and unsteady. The core also expands considerably in diameter. Under air combat manoeuvring conditions the unsteady flow downstream of the vortex burst position impacts on the fins and tailplane of the aircraft, causing high dynamic loads on these surfaces. Severe structural vibration results, with consequent detrimental effects on the fatigue life of the aircraft structure.
Survivability and structural requirements in advanced aircraft require cooling and thermal management of aircraft and propulsion structures. Additionally, some applications of aircraft technology, particularly those applications on supersonic aircraft, require sources o وهذهf cooled, high pressure air. Conventional methods for propulsion system cooling in current aircraft engines typically employ either engine fuel, or air from one of the various sources in the propulsion system as a coolant. Among the traditional sources of cooling air are ram air from the inlet. A characteristic of fixed area inlet configurations is that the ducted air speed generally increases with vehicle speed and higher speeds generally improve the rate of convective heat transfer from the heat generating component to the ducted air. Low ducted air temperatures also improve the rate of heat transfer.
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

ماشاء الله الأن أصبح هناك طائرتين ,, قاهر السوداء وقاهر البيضاء ,, أتمنى ما أدخل المنتدى غدا وأجد قاهر الوردية وقاهر البرتقالية :rolleyes[1]:
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

صناعة محركات الطائرات فى ايران

رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

هذه اي لون ؟؟؟

رقم الخبر: 9107140832
2013 february 02 - 10:46
شؤون ايرانية


احمدي نجاد في مراسم ازاحة الستار عن احدث مقاتلة ايرانية:

"قاهر 313" في مصاف المقاتلات الاكثر تطورا في العالم
اكد رئيس الجمهورية محمود احمدي نجاد، بان المقاتلة الايرانية الاحدث "قاهر 313" تعتبر في مصاف الطائرات الحربية المقاتلة الاكثر تطورا في العالم.
طهران (فارس)
وفي مراسم ازاحة الستار عن المقاتلة الايرانية الجديدة "قاهر 313" والتي جرت صباح اليوم السبت في القاعدة الجوية الاولى "مهرآباد" بطهران، اشار الرئيس احمدي نجاد الى ان الشعب الايراني يقدم كل يوم منجزا جديدا للبشرية وقال، ان هذه الطائرة هي مقاتلة قاذفة قام الخبراء الايرانيون بوضع تصاميمها وصنعها وتحظى بمميزات بارزة جدا.
واضاف رئيس الجمهورية، ان هذه الطائرة تعد من ضمن الطائرات الاكثر تطورا في العالم اليوم حيث تحدثت مع الطيار الذي قام بقيادتها في تحليق تجريبي والذي ابدى ارتياحه واعتبرها بانها ممتازة.
وتابع قائلا، ان هذه الطائرة قامت بالتحليق عدة آلاف من الساعات على الاقل وان الطيار الذي قادها وهو عارف بجميع خصائصها راض جدا عن ادائها.
واكد على قدرات خبراء البلاد في الوصول الى مختلف الابداعات والمنجزات واضاف، ان هذه المسالة مؤشر الى عمق ايمان وتخصص العلماء والخبراء الايرانيين الذين بامكانهم تحقيق اي منجز وتطور.
واكد بان قوة ايران العسكرية ليست للهجوم والهيمنة على اي دولة بل هي لاغراض الردع والدفاع، مضيفا، ان قوة ايران العسكرية تجسيد لايمان الشعب الايراني الذي بامكانه الدفاع عن نفسه باقل كلفة ممكنة.
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

انتجت 6 طائرات اول اعلانها ازرخش ؟ اذ تم انتاجها منذ 1999

نحن الان فى 2013

و الخبر فى سنة 2011 سبتمبر

وهذه غلوبل سيكورتى تتحدث عن انتاج عام 1999-2000 م و الجيش الايرانى طلب 30-35 طائرة انذاك

In June 1999 it was reported that Iran had begun series production of the Azarakhsh. By mid-2000 four aircraft were said to have been undergoing operational tests and a production of about ten aircraft per year was foreseen to fulfil an order of 30-35 aircraft, which it seems never materialised. As of 2000 series production was expected to start in 2001. As of 2001 there were said to be six in inventory, with a production schedule established for 30 aircraft over the following three years. This did not happen. Some 30 were ordered, but only 6 to 9 were actually built and it is not clear whether they are in service.

المحرك ليس معروف لكن غلوبل سيكوورتى تقول هو على الاغلب

It was thought to be powered by two Klimov RD33 engines (the same as the RSK MiG-29 Fulcrum, which is in Iranian service

و ايران تقول انه محرك محلى.. و اظن ان RD 33 كبير الحجم على طائرة من حجم ازرخش او صاعقة لذا فاظن انه محلى على الارجح


ايران لا تصنع محركات ، هي محركات الميغ - 29 التي طلبتها ايران من روسيا وخزنتها في مخازنها وهذا سبب عدم صنع ايران للمزيد منها لانها بكل بساطه ليس لديها محركات لصنع مقاتله والخيارات الوحيده لديها هي ان تشتريها من الخارج وهذا امر لا تقدر عليه ايران في ظل الحصار او ان تصلح وتعيد تأهيل محركات من مقاتلات قديمه خرجت من الخدمه وهذا ماتستطيع ايران ان تفعله فقط في الوقت الحالي.

بالمختصر المفيد ايران تستطيع بناء مقاتله او 10 مقاتلات في احسن الأحوال ولكنها لا تستطيع ان تصنع مقاتلات كثيره ، حتي ان السرب الذي اعلنت عن تشكيله لا يعد سرب بالمصطلحات العسكريه لان عدد الطائرات التي قالت ايران انها صنعتها من الصاعقه وعملت منها سربا هي 5 بينما السرب حسب المقاييس العسكريه يجب ان لا يقل عن 18 مقاتله.

A squadron in air force, army aviation, or naval aviation is mainly a unit comprising a number of military aircraft, usually of the same type, typically with 12 to 24 aircraft, sometimes divided into three or four flights, depending on aircraft type and air force. Land based squadrons equipped with heavier type aircraft such as long-range bombers, or cargo aircraft, or air refueling tankers have around 12 aircraft as a typical authorization, while most fighter equipped units have an authorized number of 18 to 24. Sea based units rarely have more than 12 aircraft authorized at a time. In most air forces, two or more squadrons form a group or wing.
Re: رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

هذه اي لون ؟؟؟

أكيد الطائره بقدرة قادر طارت من الارض بطريقه سحريه. قوانين الفيزياء ما تمشي على ايران. قال ايش قال قوانين فيزياء هههههه مو على ايران يالحبيب.
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

وتابع قائلا، ان هذه الطائرة قامت بالتحليق عدة آلاف من الساعات على الاقل وان الطيار الذي قادها وهو عارف بجميع خصائصها راض جدا عن ادائها...


وترجمة فوفو الفارسية للانجليزية ؟!!

نقدر لإيران محاولاتها الجاده في اللعب بالعقول. لكن نحن منتدى عسكري و هذه المحاولات لا تنجح هنا.

خيرها في غيرها يا ايران.
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

ايران لا تصنع محركات ، هي محركات الميغ - 29 التي طلبتها ايران من روسيا وخزنتها في مخازنها وهذا سبب عدم صنع ايران للمزيد منها لانها بكل بساطه ليس لديها محركات لصنع مقاتله والخيارات الوحيده لديها هي ان تشتريها من الخارج وهذا امر لا تقدر عليه ايران في ظل الحصار او ان تصلح وتعيد تأهيل محركات من مقاتلات قديمه خرجت من الخدمه وهذا ماتستطيع ايران ان تفعله فقط في الوقت الحالي.

بالمختصر المفيد ايران تستطيع بناء مقاتله او 10 مقاتلات في احسن الأحوال ولكنها لا تستطيع ان تصنع مقاتلات كثيره ، حتي ان السرب الذي اعلنت عن تشكيله لا يعد سرب بالمصطلحات العسكريه لان عدد الطائرات التي قالت ايران انها صنعتها من الصاعقه وعملت منها سربا هي 5 بينما السرب حسب المقاييس العسكريه يجب ان لا يقل عن 18 مقاتله.

A squadron in air force, army aviation, or naval aviation is mainly a unit comprising a number of military aircraft, usually of the same type, typically with 12 to 24 aircraft, sometimes divided into three or four flights, depending on aircraft type and air force. Land based squadrons equipped with heavier type aircraft such as long-range bombers, or cargo aircraft, or air refueling tankers have around 12 aircraft as a typical authorization, while most fighter equipped units have an authorized number of 18 to 24. Sea based units rarely have more than 12 aircraft authorized at a time. In most air forces, two or more squadrons form a group or wing.

غير صحيح

لان محركات الميغ 29 من نوع RD 33 كبيرة على طائرات بحجم ازرخش او الصاعقة بحيث يجب تغيير التصميم
وهذا هو الدليل ايضا من global securty
هذه شائعات فقط !!

Shaequeh was never powered by RD-33, which is very big engine for the F-5 and woul require a redesign all tail part first. That never happened - it was just rumor

اعتقد باننى اوضحت لك ذلك

رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

صناعة محركات الطائرات فى ايران

الفيديو لا يحتوي على أي إثبات يدل على صناعة إيران للمحركات النفاثة الخاصة بالطائرات المقاتلة .. جل ما شاهدته هو صناعة إيران للشفرات الموجودة في مداخل المحرك .. أو ما يعرف بال cold section هو بالمناسبة أي مخرطة محترمة تصنعه في ورشتها ...لكن لم أشاهد ما يدل على صناعة إيران أجزاء حساسة مثل حجر الإحتراق وتوربينات الضغط أو العادم أو الأجزاء المسؤولة عن حقن الوقود وال flame holder الموجودة في ( hot section ).. بإختصار لم أشاهد في الفيديو أي شيء يدل على صناعة حقيقية للمحركات النفاثة
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

صناعة محركات الطائرات فى ايران

حسنا في الفيديو رأينا محركات كثيره ، بدايتها كانت محركات صواريخ وهذا امر ليس بصعب علي ايران طالما انها تتعاون مع كوريا الشماليه التي امدتها بتكنولوجيا صنع الصواريخ ومحركاتها

رأينا قطع غيار وهو الأمر الوحيد الذي قدرت ايران علي صنعه حتي تتمكن من عمل عمره واستبدال القطع الباليه في محركات طائراتها طبعا القطع البسيطه وليست المعقده التي تتطلب وجود الآت صناعيه متخصصه لا تمتلكها ايران.

رأينا محركات مكبسيه تستخدم المراوح مخصصه للطائرات الغير مأهوله وهي محركات ليست معقده التصميم وتستطيع اي ورشه مجهزه جيدا تستطيع ان تصنعها.

رأينا طائره انطونوف - 140 بمراوحها والتي تسميها ايران " ايران - 140 " ومشروعها هو عباره عن اتفاقيه بين ايران واوكرانيا تقوم بموجبه اوكرانيا بتزويد ايران بالقطع اللازمه لتجمعها في مصانع شركه هيسا الأيرانيه وهذا يفسر ظهور محركاتها المجمعه " وليست المصنوعه في ايران " في الفيديو.

اذن السوال هو اين المحركات النفاثه الخاصه بالمقاتلات الحربيه ؟
التعديل الأخير:
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

غير صحيح

لان محركات الميغ 29 من نوع rd 33 كبيرة على طائرات بحجم ازرخش او الصاعقة بحيث يجب تغيير التصميم
وهذا هو الدليل ايضا من global securty
هذه شائعات فقط !!

اعتقد باننى اوضحت لك ذلك


حسنا ربما لا تكون محركات الميغ - 29 المستخدمه ولكن هذا لا يجيب علي السوال وهو لماذا اكتفت ايران فقط بصنع 5 مقاتلات مع العلم بأن اول طيران فعلي لمقاتله الصاعقه كان في 2004 ودخولها الخدمه الفعليه في 2006؟ يعني 7 سنوات و 5 مقاتلات فقط ؟

التعديل الأخير:
رد: Re: رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

أكيد الطائره بقدرة قادر طارت من الارض بطريقه سحريه. قوانين الفيزياء ما تمشي على ايران. قال ايش قال قوانين فيزياء هههههه مو على ايران يالحبيب.


رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

One noticeable difference on the Sa’eqeh is that the single F-5E tail fin of the Azarakhsh was replaced by twin F/A-18 style composite tail fins. It is believed that Sa’eqeh incorporates a fly by wire system, required due to the aerodynamic unstableness created by the new tail fins. More significantly, it is believed that the J-85 turbojet engines used in the Azarakhsh were replaced with Iranian made afterburning turbofan J-85 engines with substantial technology from the TF-30 engine. These engines have considerably more thrust than their older

طائرة ازرخش تم تزويدها بمحرك تيربو فان J-85 محلى الصنع




The HESA Saeqeh or Saeqeh-80 (Thunderbolt) is an Iranian single seat, twin engine fighter jet. It is the second generation of the Iranian Azarakhsh fighter and, like the first generation, appears to be based on the United States F-5E. The Saeqeh is a joint product of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force and the Iranian Ministry of Defense. The Saeqeh had the ability to track down enemy aircraft, engage in combat, target locations on the ground, and carry an assortment of weapons and ammunition. The first prototype of the jet was shown on state television making a test flight in July 2004. According to the translation by the Washington-Based Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) of a broadcast on Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN), the Saeqeh became operational on September 6, 2006, when it participated in an Iranian military wargame exercise called "Blow of Zulfiqar". In February 2010, the Iranian military has introduced a new squadron of domestically-manufactured Saeqeh fighter-bombers to the country’s Air Force to strengthen its deterrence power. In September 2011, Iran displayed the first squadron of Saeqeh (Thunderbolt) fighter jets produced during an air show staged during military parades at the beginning of the Week of Sacred Defense according to the FARS News Agency

ايضا تم ذكره .



رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

حسنا ربما لا تكون محركات الميغ - 29 المستخدمه ولكن هذا لا يجيب علي السوال وهو لماذا اكتفت ايران فقط بصنع 5 مقاتلات مع العلم بأن اول طيران فعلي لمقاتله الصاعقه كان في 2004 ودخولها الخدمه الفعليه في 2006؟ يعني 7 سنوات و 5 مقاتلات فقط ؟


افتراضك خاطىء

من قال ان ايران لديها 5 طائرات من سنة 1999 ؟

غير صحيح ؟؟ و لا يوجد دليل و عليك ان تضع البيانات الايرانية - كما وضعت الخبر - مالم يكون لديك دليل لتعاكسه

باقى الاعضاء :

اصبح الموضوع لديهم تهريج كالعادة


رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

One noticeable difference on the Sa’eqeh is that the single F-5E tail fin of the Azarakhsh was replaced by twin F/A-18 style composite tail fins. It is believed that Sa’eqeh incorporates a fly by wire system, required due to the aerodynamic unstableness created by the new tail fins. More significantly, it is believed that the J-85 turbojet engines used in the Azarakhsh were replaced with Iranian made afterburning turbofan J-85 engines with substantial technology from the TF-30 engine. These engines have considerably more thrust than their older

طائرة ازرخش تم تزويدها بمحرك تيربو فان J-85 محلى الصنع




The HESA Saeqeh or Saeqeh-80 (Thunderbolt) is an Iranian single seat, twin engine fighter jet. It is the second generation of the Iranian Azarakhsh fighter and, like the first generation, appears to be based on the United States F-5E. The Saeqeh is a joint product of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force and the Iranian Ministry of Defense. The Saeqeh had the ability to track down enemy aircraft, engage in combat, target locations on the ground, and carry an assortment of weapons and ammunition. The first prototype of the jet was shown on state television making a test flight in July 2004. According to the translation by the Washington-Based Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) of a broadcast on Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN), the Saeqeh became operational on September 6, 2006, when it participated in an Iranian military wargame exercise called "Blow of Zulfiqar". In February 2010, the Iranian military has introduced a new squadron of domestically-manufactured Saeqeh fighter-bombers to the country’s Air Force to strengthen its deterrence power. In September 2011, Iran displayed the first squadron of Saeqeh (Thunderbolt) fighter jets produced during an air show staged during military parades at the beginning of the Week of Sacred Defense according to the FARS News Agency

ايضا تم ذكره .




كلام غير صحيح ,,,, المشكلة أن المقطع اللي جبته عن صناعة الطائرات في إيران أورد مقاطع عن عمليات صيانة وتغيير لقطع معدنية تالفة لمحرك j-85 !!!!!!!!!!!!! طوط !!!!! ولا يوجد فيه ما يدل على صناعة هذا المحرك أو شبيه له

وأنا من هذا المنبر أتحداك أن تأتي بمقاطع فيديو تظهر صناعة المحرك الخاص بالأزارخش ...:showoff[1]:
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

افتراضك خاطىء

من قال ان ايران لديها 5 طائرات من سنة 1999 ؟

غير صحيح ؟؟ و لا يوجد دليل و عليك ان تضع البيانات الايرانية - كما وضعت الخبر - مالم يكون لديك دليل لتعاكسه

باقى الاعضاء :

اصبح الموضوع لديهم تهريج كالعادة



## رحم الله آمراً عرف قدر نفسه ##
رد: الرئيس الايراني يزيح الستار عن المقاتلة "قاهر 313"

one noticeable difference on the sa’eqeh is that the single f-5e tail fin of the azarakhsh was replaced by twin f/a-18 style composite tail fins. it is believed that sa’eqeh incorporates a fly by wire system, required due to the aerodynamic unstableness created by the new tail fins. More significantly, it is believed that the j-85 turbojet engines used in the azarakhsh were replaced with iranian made afterburning turbofan j-85 engines with substantial technology from the tf-30 engine. These engines have considerably more thrust than their older

طائرة ازرخش تم تزويدها بمحرك تيربو فان j-85 محلى الصنع




the hesa saeqeh or saeqeh-80 (thunderbolt) is an iranian single seat, twin engine fighter jet. It is the second generation of the iranian azarakhsh fighter and, like the first generation, appears to be based on the united states f-5e. The saeqeh is a joint product of the islamic republic of iran air force and the iranian ministry of defense. The saeqeh had the ability to track down enemy aircraft, engage in combat, target locations on the ground, and carry an assortment of weapons and ammunition. The first prototype of the jet was shown on state television making a test flight in july 2004. According to the translation by the washington-based middle east media research institute (memri) of a broadcast on islamic republic of iran news network (irinn), the saeqeh became operational on september 6, 2006, when it participated in an iranian military wargame exercise called "blow of zulfiqar". In february 2010, the iranian military has introduced a new squadron of domestically-manufactured saeqeh fighter-bombers to the country’s air force to strengthen its deterrence power. In september 2011, iran displayed the first squadron of saeqeh (thunderbolt) fighter jets produced during an air show staged during military parades at the beginning of the week of sacred defense according to the fars news agency

ايضا تم ذكره .




المضلل باللون الوردي يأكد بأن المعلومات المذكوره اعلاه هي مجرد تكهنات لم يثبت صحتها بالدليل ومع ذلك لنفترض انه صحيح وان ايران تمكنت من تحويل محرك التوربو جيت J-85 وهو المحرك الخاصه بالمقاتله أف - 5 القديمه الي محرك توربو جيت بحارق لاحق ، هل تعرف مامعني ذلك ؟ معناه ان المقاتله سوف تستهلك الكثير من الوقود وبالتالي سوف يقل مدي طيرانها وتزيد بصمه محركها الحراريه.

اذن ايران صنعت طائره سيئه مدي طيرانها اقل من مدي طيران الأف-5 طالما انها مزوده بحارق لاحق AFTER BURNER هذا بأفتراض ان المعلومات التي ذكرت اعلاه صحيحه.

شكرا علي المعلومات القيمه عن الخرده الأيرانيه الصاعقه التي لم اكن اعرفها سابقا :celebrate14[1]:

معلومه ، اغلب طائرات الجيل الرابع الحديثه ليست بحاجه الي استعمال الحارق اللاحق لتصل الي سرعات عاليه فوق صوتيه وبالتالي لن تستهلك وقودها بسرعه.
التعديل الأخير: