صنع في الاردن

أقصد لدى الأردن أخي فالدبابة فونيكس لم تدخل بأعداد كافية لنقول أنها دخلت الانتاج الكمي وغيرها من المعدات
ام 60 طور منها الخدمة 180 الى فينيكس
وهذ ذكر لبعض ما دخل الخدمة من منتجات اردنية في الجيش الاردني

مركبة سوسنة الصحراء عدد 450
الية الثعلب عدد 200
الية الجواد عدد 65 (لدى الامن العالم واظن ان العدد اكبر من ذلك )
ارجي 12 عدد 40
Matador عدد 25

وغيرها الكثير مما دخل الخدمة في الاردن من مدافع هاون و راجمات من عيار107 واسلحة خفيفة
1 ) نشاب 32


خطوط الانتاج :

شركة جدارا هي عبارة عن مشروع مشترك بين الاردن والجانب الروسي أنشئت لتجميع وتصنيع وتطوير قذائف صاروخية. أول منتج لها سوف يكون RPG-32 "Nash-shab" ، وهو سلاح محمول قصير المدى لديه ميزة فريدة من نوعها.

الحزم :

الحزمة الرئيسية :

1- قاذف الصواريخ "نشاب"
2- منظار بصري نهاري قياسي من نوع 1P81
3- صاروخ ضد الدروع ترادفي من نوع ATG-32
4- صاروخ حراري متعدد الاستعمالات والوظائف من نوع TBG-32

الحزمة الإضافية (إختيارية) :

1- منظار بصري نهاري مع مقدرة مدى ليزرية من نوع GS-2R
2- منظار ليلي من نوع NV/A-1

الحزمة التدريبية :

1- قذائف تدريبية (مصغرة) من نوع IRG-32V
2- مشبه تدريبي ليزري (سيموليتر) لغايات التدريب الصفي والميداني


• مميزات وايجابيات نظام نشاب :

• مدى مميز ضمن الصواريخ المحمولة على الكتف قصيرة المدى
• يتميز بفاعليته العالية ولا يتأثر بالتشويش.
• يحتوي على الية للتفجير الذاتي وبذلك يوفر عامل الامان في ميادين الرماية .
• القاذف منفصل عن القذيفة حيث تسمح للمستخدم بخزن الصاروخ منفصل عن جهاز الاطلاق وهي من أساسيات الخزن الاّمن.
• سهل الاستخدام ولا يحتاج الى فترة تدريب طويلة.
• القاذف يمكن استخدامه لرماية 200 قذيفة .
• يمتلك قدرات تدميرية عالية لكلا النوعين من الصواريخ .
• يمكن رمايته من داخل الاماكن شبه مغلقة محدودة الحجم الداخلي.
• يتوفر مشبه (سيموليتر) يستخدم للتدريب الصفي والميداني.
• يتوفر منظار ليلي لمشاغلة الاهداف الليلية .

2) صاروخ ضد الدروع ترادفي من نوع ATG-32

المواصفات الفنية

وزن الصاروخ مع الحاوية 7.5 كغم
طول الصاروخ مع الحاوية 1000 ملم


3 ) صاروخ حراري متعدد الاستعمالات نوع TBG-32

المواصفات الفنية
وزن الصاروخ مع الحاوية 7.5 كغم
طول الصاروخ مع الحاوية 1000 ملم


4 ) قاذف الصواريخ "نشاب"

المواصفات الفنية
الوزن : 3 كغم
الطول : 375 ملم
العيار : 105 ملم
العمر التشغيلي : 200 صاروخ
معدل الرماية : 3 صاروخ/دقيقة (على الأقل)
زمن تحويل النظام من وضعية الحفظ إلى وضعية الرماية : 45 ثانية (أقصى قيمة)


5) منظار بصري نهاري قياسي من نوع 1P81

المواصفات الفنية
القاذف 1P81 مزود بمنظار بصري رئيسي طراز 1P81 .
المنظار عبارة عن جهاز بصري نهاري الكتروني مزود بـ كمبيوتر حساب المقذوفات وبعينية ثنائية قدرة التكبير ويوفر مدى رؤيا للهدف لمدى يصل لغاية (700) متر. يتكون المنظار من الهيكل مع أداة تثبيت ضاغطة، الوحدة البصرية الموجودة داخل المنظار، بكرة تشغيل المنظار وتضبيط شدة الإضاءة، بكرة التضبيط الأفقي، بكرة إدخال المدى، بكرة نوع الصاروخ وبكرة إدخال درجة الحرارة.

في حالة المسير أو الحفظ للمنظار، يتم وضع المنظار داخل سبطانة القاذف ويتم تثبيته بواسطة ملاقط التثبيت الموجودة على الهيكل الخارجي للقاذف مما يمنع المنظار من الحركة أو السقوط.

على شبكة المنظار يوجد كل من أقواس الرمي لهدف دبابة وهدف أفراد، علامة التسديد مع إشارات إدخال تصحيحات الرياح الجانبية وتحديد تسبيقة رماية الأهداف المتحركة، كما يوجد على الشبكة مبين المدى الرقمية.

التكبير المرئي : 2 ×
مدى مجال الرؤيا البصرية : 50 - 700 متر
مجال درجة حرارة الإستخدام : من -40 لغاية + 50 مْ
الوزن : 1.55 كغم
مصدر التغذية الكهربائية : بطايات جافة نوع AA عدد 2


6 ) منظار بصري نهاري مع مقدرة مدى ليزرية من نوع GS-2R

المواصفات الفنية
1- المنظار مزود بما يلي:
- موجدة مدى ليزرية LRF.
- متحسس حراري لقياس درجة حرارة البيئة المحيطة.
- كمبيوتر بالستي (مقذوفي).
- لوحة التحكم بالمنظار.
- وحدة مصدر التغذية الكهربائية.
2- المنظار عبارة عن جهاز مع عدسة المجهر، يوفر إمكانية مشاهدة ومراقبة الهدف ويتكون المنظار من الهيكل مع وحدة تثبيت، الوحدة البصرية الإلكترونية ووحدة قياس المسافة الموجودة داخل هيكل المنظار.
3- تتكون الوحدة البصرية الإلكترونية من منظومة المنشور مع العدسات، الشبكة الإلكترونية، المنشور ويتم تحقيق عملية قياس مسافة الهدف من خلال الضغط على كبسة الليزر، عندها يقوم الحاسب المقذوفي (Ballistic Computer) بإنتاج القيمة المقاسة أو القيمة المدخلة للمسافة يدوياً مع الأخذ بعين الإعتبار تصحيحات الحرارة (أوتوماتيكياً أو يدوياً) لمختلف أنواع الصواريخ وبعدها أوتوماتيكياً يقوم الحاسب الآلي بتحريك علامة التسديد بمقدار زاوية التسديد الضرورية.
4- المنظار المحدث مزود بشبكة رياضية تتميز بالثبات.
5- المنظار مزود بقاعدة تركيب مختلف أنواع المناظير الليلية.
6- الحساب الأوتوماتيكي لزاوية التسديد.
7- الحركة الأوتوماتيكية لعلامة التسديد بناءً على نتائج حساب زاوية التسديد بواسطة الكمبيوتر.
8- الوزن (بدون البطاريات) لا يزيد عن 2.4 كغم.
9- الأبعاد 196×175×122 ملم.
10- التكبير البصري 3 × .
11- زاوية مجال الرؤيا 17ᵒ .
12- مجال قياس المسافة بإستخدام الليزر من 50 ولغاية 1000 م.
13- من المعلومات التالية تظهر على شبكة المنظار:
- المسافة المقاسة للهدف.
- درجة حرارة الجو المحيط.
- نوع الصاروخ.
- مبين إنخفاض الجهد الكهربائي للبطاريات.


7 ) منظار ليلي من نوع NV/A-1

المواصفات الفنية

1- المنظار عبارة عن تلسكوب بصري مع أنبوبة التكثيف الصوري من الجيل الثالث.
2- يتم تركيب وتثبيت المنظار الليلي على العدسة الشيئية الأمامية للمنظار البصري النهاري GS-2R
3- التكبير المرئي للمنظار 1× .
4- زاوية مجال الرؤيا 17ᵒ
5- مصدر التغذية الكهربائية عبارة عن بطارية واحدة نوع AA
6- الأبعاد 155×53×86 ملم.
7- مسافة كشف الأهداف لغاية 600 م.
8- مسافة تمييز الأهداف 400 م.
9- الظروف الطبيعية كما يلي: ليلة مضيئة (ليلة مضاءة بالنجوم)، بدون غيوم ووضوح رؤيا – 5 كم.
10- يعمل المنظار ضمن درجات الحرارة المحيطة من – 40 ولغاية + 50 ᵒم.


8 ) قذائف تدريبية (مصغرة) من نوع IRG-32V

المواصفات الفنية
إستخدام ذخيرة (صواريخ) صغيرة العيار يحاكي إستخدام الصواريخ الحقيقة بمدى الرماية كما هي في الواقع فالصاروخ التدريبي بوضعيته عند الرماية مماثل للصاروخ الحقيقي من حيث الشكل، الحجم والوزن، يتم رمايته بإستخدام القاذف النموذجي المستخدم للصواريخ الحية وينتج الصاروخ دخان، صوت ووميض على الهدف.


9 ) مشبه تدريبي ليزري (سيموليتر)

المواصفات الفنية
يعمل السيموليتر بإستخدام قاذف ومنظار بصري نموذجية بنفس الحجم والوزن، يعمل النظام على توفير سينايوهات بأهداف مختلفة بما في ذلك العمليات القتالية النهارية والليلية مما يؤمن التدريب المتكامل والتقييم لنتائج رمايات الرماة، السيموليتر سهل الإستخدام ويمكن تجميعه وتشغيله في أماكن مختلفة.

كل الفخر بهذا الابداع الاردني من الجيش العربي الاردني
مجهود مميز ورائع نتمنى المزيد من التقدم مشاريع راقيه وهي نواه حقيقيه للوصول للتصنيع العسكري النتكامل فاإلى الامام وشكراً .


Stallion is a 4x4 LAV designed to have several operational & tactical missions, whether as a tactical reconnaissance vehicle or as a light armored vehicle within peace keeping missions or even as an internal security & border patrol vehicle.


Innovatively designed and developed with a monocoque hull
Highly customized and integrated compact drive line
Unsurpassed situational awareness and night operability
Advanced portal independent suspension with hub reduction
Advanced light weight wheel aluminum rims with CTIS, run flat and bead lock


Double Cab Logistics Vehicle
Double Cab with Kornet-E ATGM
Single Cab with IGLA AAM
Single Cab with Light MRLS


crew 7+1
Armament M60 MG(7.62*51 Ammo)
RWS (optional)
Engine Turbo charged diesel , 6 cylinder , 270 hp
Transmission Auto 6 speeds
Suspension Independent suspension with rear, front and central differential locks
Maximum Road Speed 125 (km/h)
front Slope Gradient 60%
Side Slope Gradient 40%
Trench Crossing 900 mm
Vertical Obstacle 500 mm
Range On Road 500 Km



MAP II is a heavy tracked vehicle platform, converted by KADDB based on the platform of Centurion MBT new hull is designed of built with addition of two main crew doors in the front and back of the vehicle.

It fulfills multi-purpose roles in the support of mechanized armored units based on their needs. It may be used as a personnel carrier, ammunition carrier, ambulance and command of control vehicle.

MAP II provides full protection against medium caliber KE ammunition for the 13 crew members on board.

Crew 2+11
Technical • Complete reutilization of Tariq MBT mechanical & electrical • components to make it as affordable as possible.
• Four top deck crew hatches (500x550mm) in size.
• The front door is 750 mm in width, 1000mm in height.
• The rear crew door width is:450mm at lower end & 850mm in higher end.
Armament 0.5 Cal. MG, can be armed with manned / unmanned medium caliber turret system Light weight Turret.
Ammunition Front Line Ammo. On board, includes:
1. M50 MG Ammo. (12.7x99)
2. M60 MG Ammo. (7.62x51)
3. RPG Launchers: 3 off
Mobility Comparable to Centurion MBT
Survivability Against Medium KE ammo
Payload Ability to carry 13 soldiers with all their armament and gear​



8x8 wheeled Armored Vehicle Platform, with the capability of being utilized for a number of variants including: APC, IFV, and Tank killer armed with up to 105mm caliper main gun.

  • Concept Dimensions (LxWxH) : 8.5 x 2.8 x 2.7 m.
  • Average Weight: 25 tons (depending on installed armour of mission payload).
  • Performance: Max Speed 100 Km/h.
  • Climbing capacity: 60%.
  • Operation Range : 700 Km.
  • Suspension: Independent tetra back bone suspension.
  • Driveline 8x8 System.
  • Steering: 4 wheel steering.

Desert Iris


The Desert Iris is an all-terrain all-wheel drive, light weight, utility vehicle, designed, developed, and manufactured by KADDB based on newly designed space frame chassis to meet the Jordan Armed Forces specific requirements for a multi-mission, agile, light patrol vehicle.

  • The design is based on a space frame chassis
  • Low profile fast attack platform
  • Efficient independent suspension
  • Light, compact, and air-transportable
  • Can be armed by a variety of weapons based on the mission profile
Total Length (m) 4.1
Total width (m) 1.8
Height (m) 1.7
Gross Vehicle Weight (kg) 1650
Engine 100 hp, 2.8 liter diesel engine
Transmission Manual, 5 speeds
Maximum range (km) 600
Maximum Road Speed (km/hr) 120
Gradient 60%
Side slope 40%
Ground Clearance (m) 0.25
Number of Crew 3+1
Armament 7.62 mm, 12.7 mm MG, 106 mm gun, and ATGMs​

AL-WASHAQ Variants


The purpose of this project is to Redesign and Modifying the vehicle profile whether by shortening the vehicle height or by increasing the rear cargo box space and payload to make the ATV vehicle flexible to suit and accept different applications such as:

  • 4x4 Al-Washaq ATV with more powerful engine
  • Single Cab
  • 4x4 Al-Washaq ATV armed with GAW and flamethrower
  • 4x4 Al-Washaq ATV armed with quad NASHAB
  • 4x4 Al-washaq ATV armed with 106mm
  1. Powered the vehicle with new diesel engine and CVT (37hp).
  2. Armored the vehicle to B6 level to protect the vehicle crew.
  3. Armed the vehicle with different of weapons.
  4. Automate the weapon control and firing.
Maximum Speed (km/h) 60
Approach Angel 60°
Departure angel 60°
Turning Radius (m) 8.3
Suspension 4 Wheels Double Wishbone Independent Suspension
Length, Width, Height (cm) 320, 176, 158
Length, Width, Height with Weapon (cm) 337, 176, 203
Gross Vehicle Weight (kg) 1400 - 1700
Range (of road and fully loaded) (km) 350​

Light Utility Vehicle


Build a multi-purpose light utility vehicle with modular chassis in order to unify Spare parts, keep maintenance as low as possible and reduce vehicles base platforms in JAF.

The variants shall include: Mobile clinic, workshop Vehicle, Command & control, Ammunition Carrier, Fridge, troops carrier and roll cage.



Al-Monjed is a converted recovery vehicle based on the chassis of the decommissioned American battle tank M60A1.

The hydraulically-driven main drum winch has a maximum single line pull of 400 KN (41 tons) at 13 m/min.

The hydraulically-operated crane is capable of lifting up to (6.5 tons) power pack. The hydraulics are self-contained and powered by the power take-off from the main engine as main system or by the installed APU as an auxiliary system, this enables the vehicle to change its own power Pack.

Monjed will tow vehicles of up to 60 tons in weight at speeds of up to 30 km/h.



Scorpion/Scimitar Light Tank Upgrade and Modernization KADDB offers a complete modernization and upgrade of these two versatile vehicles which significantly improves their technical and operational performance and guarantees long term sustainability.

Scorpion Vehicle

  • Engine with 194 hp
  • Dieselization kit
  • TN15 semi-automatic transmission with 7 speeds forward and 7 speeds reverse
  • L23A1 main gun 76 mm caliber
  • 7.62 mm co-axial machine gun
Scimitar Vehicle
  • Engine with 194 hp
  • Dieselization kit
  • TN15 semi-automatic transmission with 7 speeds forward and 7 speeds reverse
  • 2A72 main gun 30 mm caliber
  • 7.62 mm commander’s machine gun
  • 2 ammo feed belts with 350 round capacity

    Challenger 1 Upgrade


Challenger I tank upgrade with the following systems has been completed:

  • 120 mm Smoothbore Gun, increasing lethality
  • Enhanced Integrated Fire Control System, increasing first round hit probability
  • High speed, High acceleration and improved stab quality Digital Gun Drive System, increasing hit probability on the move
  • Commander’s Panoramic Sight with day and night thermal channels, providing 360 degrees situation awareness
  • Commander’s touch screen Display panel, displaying day and night video channels from both Gunner’s Sight and commander’s Panoramic Sight, and equipped with GPS and moving map capabilities, improving battle field management, and C4I integration readiness
  • Commander’s machine gun equipped with a day camera and a display, reducing operation stresses
  • Modern electronically controlled and protected tank Electrical System (without fuses), improving readiness, and increasing MTBF
  • Driver’s Instrument Panel, for ease of control
  • 120 mm ammunition manual Storage System
  • Crew Air Conditioning System (cooling and heating), and turret fume extractor, improving crew working conditions
  • Modern smaller NBC System
  • External Lighting satisfying international standards

    • falcon005.jpg

Falcon turret is state-of-the-art upgrade to provide generation 5 capability within a high survivability and low volume turret capable of firing all types of NATO 120 mm smooth bore ammunition. It incorporates a Swiss RUAG Defense Systems 120-mm / L50 smoothbore gun, fitted with an autoloader. The turret mounts the latest generation of thermal imaging, surveillance and fire control system.

  • Main armament: 120mm L50 smooth bore gun
  • Firing rate: 8 rds/min with Hunter Killer
  • Secondary armament: 7.62mm coaxial MG and 12.7 mm commander MG
  • Day/night gunner thermal and indirect sight
  • Commander panoramic thermal sight
  • Laser range finder
  • Stabilization and auto tracking systems
  • Electrical gun/turret drive system
  • Autoloader with 11 ready rounds and 17 rounds in the hull.
  • Laser warning system integrated with automatic smoke grenade launchers
  • Automatic fire suppression system
  • NBC system & AC system.
  • A standby power generating unit within the engine compartment.

    • Jeep WILLYS​
    • jeep.jpg

The aim of the project is to fabricate and built 2 Replica Military Jeep vehicles from scratched vehicles existed in JAF stores, including preventive maintenance with modifications on front grill bars, wheel arc and tail end, while maintaining the original engine and gearbox.

  • Origin: USA
  • Length x Width x Height (m): 2.72 X 1.55 X 1.2
  • Crew: 1 + 3
  • Weight: 1225 kg
  • Speed: 88 km/h
  • Gradient: 45 %
  • Side slope: 30 %
  • Ground clearance: 0.23 m
  • Fuel capacity: 47 liter
  • Operational range: 440 km
  • Engine: 52 hp @ 3600 rpm
  • Torque: 122N.m @ 3500 rpm
  • Transmission: manual, 5 speeds forward and 1 reverse speed
  • Suspension system: leaf springs
  • Approach angle: 55°
  • Departure angle: 47°
  • Armament: M240 7.62mm MG
    • Phoenix​
    • m60_phoenix.jpg

    The Phoenix program addresses both immediate and emerging operational requirements to the M60A3 Main Battle Tank, using modular and flexible approach to improve lethality, shoot- on- the move capability and first round hit probability as well as survivability, mobility and maneuverability.

    • Length x Width x Height (m): 6.9 x 3.8 x 3.2
    • Weight: 60 ton
    • Speed: 48 km/h
    • Gradient: 60 %
    • Side slope: 30 %
    • Ground clearance: 0.46 m
    • Fuel capacity: 1457 liters
    • Operational range: 500 km
    • Main armament: 120 mm L50 smooth bore gun
    • Secondary armament: 12.7 mm commander MG and 7.62 mm coaxial MG
    • Engine: 950 HP AVDS- 17902-C
    • Transmission: CD 1000
    • Upgraded final drives
    • Suspension system: independent hydro pneumatic
    • Protection level: high protection level through Tandem Explosive Reactive Armour (TERA)
      • TEMSAH​
      • temsah.jpg
    Temsah tracked, heavy, Infantry Combat Vehicle ( ICV ), was designed, developed and manufactured by KADDB in cooperation with Mechanology Design Bureau ( MDB ) of South Africa, CLS Jordan and General Dynamics of the USA based on Centurion chassis. Temsah was designed and fabricated to accommodate surplus of Centurion major components to provide a mission-capable, multi- configured, heavily-protected ICV that can operate alongside the latest generation MBTs, the vehicle could be used also as an APC, tracked ambulance and command post.

    • Length x width x height (m): 8 x 3. 6 x 2.2
    • Crew: 2 + 10
    • Weight: 60 ton
    • Engine: 950 Hp @2400rpm, AVDS-17902-C
    • Speed: 48 km/h
    • Gradient: 60 %
    • Side slope: 45 %
    • Ground clearance: 5.3 m
    • Fuel capacity: 950 liters
    • Operational range: 500 km
    • Transmission: Allison CD-10006A, 2 forward gears and 1 reverse gear.
    • Suspension: hydro pneumatic swing arm suspension system
    • Armament: M60 MG (7.62), ATGMs
  • Front%20ISO.jpg

    To develop a new variation of the mechanized troops’ platforms by converting an obsolete main battle tank (Tariq MBT) into a heavy infantry combat vehicle utilizing the main chassis & driveline components (Power pack, final drive, road wheels, rollers, idlers & tracks).

    Following are the high level requirements:

    1. The new developed vehicle shall accommodate 2 + 7 troops.
    2. The development shall not include any widening for the original chassis
    3. The vehicle shall provide a main entrance crew door located in the frontal part of the vehicle, in addition to suitable number of roof hatches.
    4. The developed vehicle shall provide the following STANAG 4569 protection levels:
      1. STANAG 5; against kinetic energy & artillery fragments to the troops.
      2. STANAG 1; against grenades & blast mine threats.
  • MRAP​
  • 2_1.jpg
To upgrade & enhance the lethality of the MRAP platform (FPI Cougar CAT2) recently joined JAF with the following capabilities:
  1. Integration of the M61 20mm Vulcan system
  2. Mounting a 7.62 mm machine gun on MRAP for light self defense scenarios.
  3. Developing & integrating a networked situation awareness and surveillance system consisted of six thermal cameras, and one central observer system consisted of long range day and night surveillance cameras mounted on electromechanical mast with a continuous 360⁰ pan & tilt system. The surveillance and situation awareness cameras are linked through a network
  4. Integrating thermal camera with gunner screen for Vulcan target acquisition and aiming.

Light Weight Turret

The project aims to design & build a light weight compact turret system with medium caliber cannon as a main weapon to be adaptive for installation on medium wheeled & tracked vehicles currently available in service with JAF or being developed in KADDB for future.

The main turret features & systems include:

Primary armament MK 44 30 / 40 Bushmaster cannon
Secondary armament M240 MG.
Counter Measure Smoke grenade launcher.
Sensor Suite Thermal, day camera, laser range finder, laser pointer
Turret Control system Electric traverse & elevation drive system.
Basket Unmanned Turret
Protection level Skin armour satisfies STANAG I protection level.
Protection upgrades as per customer & weight limitations.

Primary armament caliber (mm) 30
Secondary armament caliber (mm) 7.62
Counter Measure (mm) 6 X 66
Elevation -10° - 45°
Traverse 360°
Rate of fire (rounds /min) 30
Total weight Up to 2000 kgs combat weight

Al Jawad

Al Jawad is an armoured internal security vehicle (ISV), comprising an armoured body, based on a heavy-duty Ford F-550 chassis.

It offers automotive performance, as well as payload and operational capabilities, in excess of vehicles currently utilised in many internal security roles.

As a base standard, Al Jawad offers high levels of ballistic and fragmentation protection to its occupants, with higher protection levels available. Large doors enable quick deployment and large bullet-proof glazed areas offer wide fields of vision for the vehicle›s commander and crew.

  • Armoured Personnel Carrier.
  • Anti-Riot Vehicle.
  • Anti-Terrorism.
  • Armament Carrier.
  • Internal Security Vehicle.
  • Logistics Vehicle
  • Armoured Ambulance.
  • Mobile Command and Control Center.
  • Numerous other uses, including conformation to multiple armed forces fleet strategies.
BASE VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS (subject to ford changes)
Al-Jawad is based on a heavy-duty Ford F-550super duty chassis, with the following specifications:

Diesel engine
  • 6.7 L OHV Power Stroke V8 turbo diesels (EURO III)
  • Torque Shift 6-speed gearbox
Petrol engine
  • 6.8 Triton V10
  • Torque Shift 5-speed gearbox
  • Dual battery 12-volt, with 130 amp alternator
  • Auxiliary A/C unit to serve rear crew cabin
  • Length: 6,300 mm
  • Height: 2,400 mm
  • Width: 2,200 mm
  • Unladen weight: 6000 kg
  • Payload: approx 1258 kg
This system has been under development for over seven years and constantly updated to stay ahead of new potential risks and scenarios. The ladder assault system material were created specifically for this purpose, meeting high specifications and providing unique features, high durability and a light weight to enable the system facilitate successful missions, its use ranging from an assault platform for buildings, to a passenger aircraft or any other tactical situations. The height extends from 1.75 m up to 5.50 m.

Al-Tha’lab Long Range Patrol Vehicle (LRPV) is a cost-effective patrol vehicle designed for Internal Security, Reconnaissance, Surveillance and use by Border Patrol units. Its primary role is to place a patrol into an area of operations to observe a target, with numerous other implementations possible.

Offensive Action (OA)
The vehicle’s primary role when conducting OA tasks, is to be a highly mobile weapons’ platform from which mounted support weapons are used to fire effectively and with sustained accuracy onto a target.

Urban Operations
The vehicle’s primary role for urban operations is to rapidly deliver assault and entry troops into upper levels of buildings, making use of the Urban Combat Access System (UCAS) ladder kit.

Major Features
  1. Crew
    Al-Tha’lab is equipped with a safe and comfortable seating area for the driver, commander and two crew members seated in the rear. All seating positions are encapsulated with a full Roll-Over Protection Structure (ROPS) and 4-point harness seat belts.
  2. Support Weapons
    Al-Tha’lab is equipped with front (7.62 mm) and rear (0.50 mm) weapon mounts. During weapons usage, a static Al-Tha’lab provides a stable and effective weapons’ platform.
  3. Radio/Communications
    Al-Tha’lab can mount a full range of military radio and communications equipment. The vehicle is fitted with 3 antenna-mounting bases, plus power take off points for the radio equipment.
  4. Endurance/Range
    Al-Tha’lab is capable of conducting operations ranging up to 1,500 km, fuelled on 300 litres (180 litre twin tank and 120 litre jerricans) without re-supply, carrying a four-man crew over ten days driving.
  5. Strength of Design
    Al-Tha’lab is robust and can operate within remote areas of rugged terrain with limited or no support for prolonged periods.
  6. Field Maintenance
    Al-Tha’lab is easily maintained in field conditions. Mechanical components are of a basic design and not overly-reliant on an electronic management system.
  7. General and Additional Features
    • Driving range up to 1500 Km
    • Provided with ditch-crossing ladder or assault ladder
    • Heating system for driver and commander
    • Tolerant of conditions between °15C to °55C and %90 humidity
    • 70 amp electrical generator
    • 12V battery, 60 A.h
    • High-capability suspension system
    • Capability for air transportation
    • 2 spare wheels; alternately, 1 spare wheel and 1 equipment cage
    • Foldable windscreen
    • Tonneau covers for driver and commander
    • Upgrade brake
    • Upgrade clutch (optional)
    • Turbo charger with intercooler (optional)
    • 24 volt system (optional)
    • Bead Lockers (optional)
    • Air Compressor (optional)
    • Two Sand Ladders
  • Command and Control Vehicles
  • Command.jpg

Command and Control Vehicles are designed to provide the information required for operational advantage, acting as an automated tactical command post for mobile operation security as well as military missions, allowing support, command and control functions during an operation.

Numerous commercial platforms are used for building Command and Control Vehicles. Ford, Mercedes and Volkswagen trucks and vans are among them.

With the potential for complete on-the-move operations capability, the main roles for the Command and Control Vehicle are:

  1. To support internal security units
  2. To supervise and communicate
  3. To command and manage missions
  4. To control UAVs
The vehicle is equipped with an air conditioning system, electrical generator and high-technology communication systems equipped with monitoring cameras that collect and broadcast data.

All equipment is fitted and distributed inside the vehicle to best utilise the space available, taking high internal mobility into consideration, as well as allowing movement in-between work stations.

Command and Control Vehicles are equipped with the latest technological equipment and fitted to a standard of excellence that customers have come to expect, such as:

  • Wide LCD screens
  • Custom layout for storage
  • Custom layout for meeting facilities and waiting areas
  • Workstations and tables
  • Kitchen facilities
  • Generators with 12V, 24V and 220V power options
  • Telescopic mast systems
  • Phones, intercoms and communication equipment
  • CCTV systems
Covert Surveillance Vehicle (POLICE)

The Internal Police Vehicle is usually used by law enforcement agencies to defend against internal security threats. JLVM uses its manufacturing capabilities to convert different types of trucks and commercial chassis into specialised security vehicles, including:

  1. Police cars
  2. Anti-Riot Vehicles equipped with Anti-Riot Equipment
  3. Internal Security Vehicles
  4. Command and Control Vehicles
  5. SWAT and Counter-Terrorism Vehicles
  6. Investigation Units
  • Fitted with front and rear bumpers, complete with rubber shock absorbers
  • GRP partition with transparent plate of polycarbonate, placed behind driver's head to take advantage of mirror
  • Warning lights system with powerful light bar fitted on the roof, with addition extra lighting and flashes solutions
  • Public Address (PA) system with high-performance speakers and siren system
  • Capable of having communications services installed, using packet technology to transmit data through a general packet radio service (GPRS) and Navigational Satellite Timing and Ranging Global Positioning System (GPS) systems
  • Monitoring system: high-end cameras are connected to a computer inside the car. By connecting to a main server computer, the cameras can send photographs to the operations room, allowing high response time for tracking and surveillance
  • Flexible map light (halogen) used to read maps while vehicle on duty
Covert Surveillance Vehicle (POLICE)

A. Anti-Riot Vehicles and Troop Carriers
  • Based on heavy-duty chassis
  • Rear cabinet made of high isolation sandwich panel material
  • Rear cabinet volume fits 1025- fully-equipped personnel
  • Heavy-duty air conditioning system in passenger cabin
  • Lockers store tools and ammunition for anti-riot purposes in passengers’ cabin
  • Vehicle designed to be insurmountable
  • Wheels are protected against damage
  • Changes are applicable, tailored to customer requirements
  • Anti-riot equipment, including a water cannon, available for use
B. Anti-Riot Bus
  • Fitted with front and rear bumpers, complete with rubber shock absorbers
  • Fitted with a steel mesh or transparent polycarbonate at the front and rear driving lights, front windshield and side and rear windows
  • Weapon and equipment storage
  • Gun holsters
  • Rear seats
  • Gun ports enable the application of tear gas bombs canisters
  • Effective insulation
  • Extra camera


JLVM produces various types of ambulances, built to different standards and specifications that reflect each version’s tasks.
The Paramedics’ Ambulance is supplied with the standard equipment needed to perform emergency care, including first aid kits. The vehicle is designed to function as part of the emergency response service, handling situations as fire and rescue and providing paramedical assistance and emergency evacuation.

The Paramedic Ambulance provides life-saving support on emergency sites, including the transfer of patients to medical facilities. The latest medical technology is available for patient assessment and emergency care while transportation is in progress.

This vehicle can be built on different base vehicles, including the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, the Ford E250-, Ford E350-, Chevrolet Express and GMC Savana.

The Patient Transport Ambulance is designed to transport patients not in need of emergency medical care between places of treatment; a wheelchair lift is available to assist with patient entry into and exit from the ambulance.

These vehicles supply a basic level of medical support, including an oxygen emergency system, but are not normally built to provide life support. However, they are fitted with flashing lights and sirens to facilitate movement through traffic.

Emergency ambulance vehicles, the most common type of ambulances, are tasked with responding to incidents, providing transportation to and from places of treatment and patient care.

Moreover, this vehicle can be used to bring medical care into the community, providing care to patients suffering from minor illness or injury, but unable to attend a medical facility.

The emergency ambulance can be based on the chassis of Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, Ford E250-, Ford E350-, Chevrolet Express, or GMC Savana.

Armoured Ambulances are based on civilian designs. Mainly used for emergency cases such as terrorist attacks, the armoured ambulance is a heavy-duty vehicle containing all medical equipment required for medical assistance, tasked with providing immediate medical care in the aftermath of any serious incident.

  1. All equipment used in the ambulances is medically licensed
  2. All medical equipment used in these vehicles is high-quality and distributed by local and international agents
  3. The customer has control over the internal design
  4. AC/DC converters and electrical control units are installed in the vehicle
  5. Medical equipment is anti-bacterial


All-Terrain Ambulances are based on 4x4 vehicles, such as the Toyota Land Cruiser 78 and are designed to respond to off-road situations.

The base vehicle can be modified to carry emergency equipment, including first aid kits and is intended for various tasks, including the provision of aid for those in areas inaccessible by a normal city ambulance. Consequently, they are ideal ambulances for large events, such as sporting competitions.

Like all ambulances, they are fitted with flashing lights and sirens to facilitate their movement through traffic.


The VIP Ambulance was created to act as an escort for a VIP convoy and is therefore designed against exceptionally high standards. It is provided with hightechnology equipment, including the latest emergency medical systems and first aid kits. These ambulances are designed to work as part of the emergency quick response service, such as those pertaining to fire and rescue, paramedical services and emergency evacuation.

The VIP Ambulance is capable of responding to serious incidents and makes use of the latest medical technology to provide life- saving support to a patient as transportation to a medical facility is in progress.

The VIP Ambulance is based on the Cadillac Escalade chassis; it allows high automotive performance and its mobility takes aerodynamic design into consideration.

The interior design efficiently utilises the space available for maximum comfort and room, for both passengers and patients.


The Ambulance is a high-performance vehicle designed for emergency evacuation. Its job is to respond to emergency sites by providing aid to victims and transporting them quickly and efficiently to places of treatment.

Numerous platforms can be used for constructing an Evacuation Ambulance, such as HINO, Ford and Mercedes trucks and vans.


(All listed specs are subject to change, in accordance to manufacturer instructions)
The body superstructure is designed and reinforced with a steel interior frame body, ensuring the rigidity of the superstructure. The superstructure is manufactured using insulated sandwich panels. The outer layer is made of galvanized mild steel sheets (or equivalent), with inside insulation made of foam material (or equivalent), covered, again from the inside, with a washable, white colour ABS material (or equivalent). The superstructure is fitted on the chassis of the base vehicle, ensuring the stability and safety of the crew and stored equipment both.

Interior dimensions of transport area Length: Approx of 5,400 mm
Width: Approx. of 2,300 mm
Height: Approx of 1,900 mm
Patient cabin is separated from the driver cabin The patient cabin is separated and considered as a superstructure body made of sandwich panels fitted on the chassis of the base vehicle
Floor in patient's cabin Made of PVC material based on marine plywood
Side walls and roof interior Interior colour is white and made from washable material (ABS or equivalent)
Tip-up seats 4 Tip-up single seats, located at both left and right sides of the superstructure with headrest, backrest and two-point harness automatic seat belts
Heating system OEM heating system for front cabin and a stationary heater for transport area, with an approximate heat capacity of 5.7 KW
A/C system OEM A/C for front cabin, in addition to an A/C system for the transport area (capacity ranging from approximately 12500 BTU to approximately 18000 BTU)
Patient compartment windows Side-sliding windows on both sides of the patient compartment
The windows are to be provided with a frosty effect, for privacy in the patient compartment
IV Hooks 13 IV hooks for attaching IV drips, fitted to the ceiling
Storage compartment in the patient cabin To provide the transport area with cabins made of plywood (or equivalent material), covered by washable material of high quality and without sharp edges
Cabins are designed and executed to store and mount stated equipment, medicine and tools.
The cabins are located at the LH & RH side of the transport area and where applicable
Fire extinguisher OEM for driver cabin and1 for the Patient cabin
Colour The colour is decided upon with the customer
Rear doors 2 rear hinged doors, opening to the side walls, covering the width of the back the vehicle, with a magnet on each side to keep them open
The Evacuation Ambulance is a high-performance vehicle designed for emergency evacuation. Its job is to respond to emergency sites by providing aid to victims and transporting them quickly and efficiently to places of treatment.

Numerous platforms can be used for constructing an Evacuation Ambulance, such as HINO, Ford and Mercedes trucks and vans.


(All listed specs are subject to change, in accordance to manufacturer instructions)
The body superstructure is designed and reinforced with a steel interior frame body, ensuring the rigidity of the superstructure. The superstructure is manufactured using insulated sandwich panels. The outer layer is made of galvanized mild steel sheets (or equivalent), with inside insulation made of foam material (or equivalent), covered, again from the inside, with a washable, white colour ABS material (or equivalent). The superstructure is fitted on the chassis of the base vehicle, ensuring the stability and safety of the crew and stored equipment both.

Control panels Control of electrical equipment (including lighting); external lights are connected to the driver cabin
Internal lights Minimum quantity of 4 internal surface-mounted fluorescent or LED (or equivalent) roof lights along the surface
Siren System and Speakers Electronic public address (PA) system located on the dashboard (driver cabin), with 1 100W speaker mounted on the engine bay
12V Dc. Socket 9 12V power outlets to operate electrical medical equipment, like the suction unit
220v Ac. Sockets 2 220V power outlets
Qty (1) 220 AC external socket Shoreline socket supply electricity from external electrical sources to feed patient cabin equipment
Roof exhausting system Roof ventilation; forces intake and extraction of air on the roof with integrated lamp
Warning beacons A total of 3 roof flashing beacons, with halogen lamps; 1 blue and 1 red to be fitted on the driver cabin, with 1 yellow on the roof of the patient cabin
2 Loading lights Mounted on a swivel base, on the rear roof of the vehicle
Intercom system Two-way intercom fitted between driver and patient compartments
The evacuation vehicle is furnished with the medical devices requested by the customer, including:

  1. Oxygen system.
  2. Stretchers and holding brackets, with fixation mechanism.
  3. Suction unit.
  4. Emergency Intubation Kit.
  5. Oxygen Resuscitation System.
  6. Defibrillator (AED).


Stallion is a 4x4 LAV designed to have several operational & tactical missions, whether as a tactical reconnaissance vehicle or as a light armored vehicle within peace keeping missions or even as an internal security & border patrol vehicle.

The vehicle can be built on various types of chassis, including:

  • Vans
  • Buses
  • Trucks
  • Semi-Trailers
  • Containers
The Mobile Clinic provides disease screening, treatment and operation. It is provided with necessary equipment and machinery and capable of providing medical care to multiple patients simultaneously.

The Clinic is customised to customer requirements. A reception area, waiting area, doctor room, diagnosis area, storage area and restroom form the Clinic interior.

Mobile Clinic Vehicles and healthcare delivery services capable of transportation include:

  • Eye Clinic
  • Mammography
  • Dental Clinic
  • X-Ray, CI and MRI
  • Laboratory
  • Blood Bank
  • ICU
  • Paediatric Clinic
  • Hospitals (A complex of clinics)
  • Rest Rooms, Sanitary, Kitchens, Bed Rooms... Etc
  • And Other types of Mobile Medical Clinics
  • Fully-equipped and functional autonomous mobile clinics
  • All equipment used in vehicles is medically-licensed
  • Interior vehicle design customisable to customer requirements
  • AC/DC convertor and electrical control units installed in vehicle
  • Optional solar panels replace AC/DC converters
  • Air-conditioned
  • Expertly designed
  • Guaranteed operational efficiency in all climates
  • Optimised, ergonomic interior designs and minimal external dimensions
  • Capable of additional medical technology integration
  • Complete standalone solutions, utilising onboard power supply
  • After-sales support, maintenance, repair, logistics and spare parts


A reliable, air-conditioned Discrete Armoured Vehicle flaunting high functionality and running on powerful engines and braking systems. It is powered by easily-comprehendible mechanical and electrical systems and it features a highcapacity axle. Ideal bases include the Toyota Land Cruiser 200 ,78 and 76, as well as Ford Expedition, Mercedes Sprinter and TOYOTA HiAce, plus any suitable choices made by the customer. It is functional as a VIP vehicle, Utility vehicle and Cash-in-Transit vehicle.

The Discrete Armoured Vehicle is set with proven, reliable armour material and installation methods, ensuring that passenger compartments meet the default level of ballistic protection: the NATO Level B6 NATO Ball). It also decreases threats, with upgrades available for other selected rounds, as required. The standard level of fragmentation protection is STANAG 2920, equivalent to two DM51 hand-grenades.

The additional weight of armouring requires upgrade work to be carried out, including the installation of updated door hinges, additional door check straps and an updated suspension system, plus numerous other options, including an upgraded brake and clutch. Moreover, the vehicle is equipped with a dual-battery system, containing a gel battery, manual, under bonnet fire extinguisher system and run-flat tire.

  • Personal Multi-Purpose Use
  • Transport of Funds and Protected Documents
  • Transportation of Diplomats
  • Transportation of Prisoners
  • International Organisations use
  • Cash-in-Transit
  • Transport of Personnel and VIP
  • Armoured with NATO Level B6 ballistic Protection
  • STANAG 2920 Fragmentation Protection
  • Armoured glass at NATO Level B6 Ballistic Protection
  • Overlaps and Splash Returns on all Door Apertures
  • Under Bonnet Fire Extinguisher System
  • Upgraded Braking System
  • Roof Escape Hatch
  • Gun Ports
  • Zoned B6 Protection to Engine Bay (wings, radiator grille assembly and bonnet)
  • Electric Winch
  • Public Address (PA) System and Siren
  • Fog Lights, Search Lights and Beacons
  • 12 cm Opening Windows
  • Installation of Communication Systems
  • Winch Bar or Bullbar
  • Upgraded Clutch
  • Explosafe System
  • Potential Armour Upgrades on Different Places on the Vehicle


The Cash-In-Transit (CIT) Vehicle is an armoured vehicle that offers a high degree of functionality and reliability.

The CIT uses powerful engines, braking and air-conditioning systems, along with simplified electrical, mechanical systems and a high capacity axle.

The Toyota Land Cruiser 78 and Toyota HiAce provide ideal base for a Cash-In-Transit Vehicle, though a customer is able to choose any kind of base flaunting the same efficiency of a Mercedes Sprinter.

  • Cash transportation
  • Transportation of documents
  • Transportation of three-to-four people, including the driver
  • Two-to-three doors
  • The rear area contains the safe and passenger seats, separated by an armoured door, which, in turn, is locked thrice by three different types of locks
  • The safe is designed to offer a larger space for the storage of money bags and assets, in addition to keeping them safely in place
  • Excellent lighting inside the safe to allow proper viewing
  • An interior camera and DVR record operations on a 247/ basis
  • Armoured with NATO Level B6, B4 or B3 ballistic protection
  • Armoured glass of NATO Level B6, B4 or B3 ballistic protection
  • Under bonnet fire extinguisher system (optional)
  • Public address system and siren (optional)
  • 12 cm opening windows (optional)
  • Installation of communication systems (optional)
  • Winch bar or bullbar (optional)
  • Upgraded braking system for some base vehicles types (optional)
  • Gun ports (optional)
  • Run-flat tire (optional)
  • Increase number of shelves inside safe (optional)
  • Additional reverse camera (optional)


The Armoured vehicles are set with proven, reliable armour material and installation methods, ensuring that passenger compartments meet the standard default level of ballistic protection: the NATO Level (7.62 x 51 mm NATO Ball).

They also decrease the volume of threats, with upgrades available for other selected rounds, as required. The standard level of fragmentation protection is STANAG 2920, equivalent to two DM51 hand-grenades.

Additional armouring requires upgrade work to be carried out, including the installation of updated door hinges, additional door check straps and an updated suspension system, plus numerous other options, including an upgraded brake and clutch.

Moreover, the vehicles are equipped with a dual-battery system, containing a gel battery, a manual, under bonnet fire extinguisher system and run-flat tire.

  • Personal Multipurpose Use
  • Transport of Funds and Protected Documents
  • Transportation of Diplomats
  • Transportation of Prisoners
  • International Organisations use
  • Cash-in-Transit
  • Transport of Personnel and VIP
Licensed from JANKEL Group LTD

  • Armoured with NATO Level B6 ballistic Protection
  • STANAG 2920 Fragmentation Protection
  • Armoured glass at NATO Level B6 Ballistic Protection
  • Overlaps and Splash Returns on all Door Apertures
  • Under Bonnet Fire Extinguisher System
  • Upgraded Braking System
  • Roof Escape Hatch
  • Gun Ports
  • Zoned B6 Protection to Engine Bay (wings, radiator grilleassembly and bonnet)
  • Roof Escape Hatch
  • Electric Winch
  • Public Address (PA) System and Siren
  • Fog Lights, Searchlights and Beacons
  • 12 cm Opening Windows
  • Installation of Communication Systems
  • Winch Bar or Bullbar
  • Upgraded Clutch
  • Explosafe System
  • Potential Armour Upgrades on Different Places on the Vehicle

PAN – TILT System

A light weight low volume electro-mechanically controlled and scalable Pan-Tilt which is to be considered as the core and the backbone of future in any RWS and/or surveillance station.

  • Remote weapon station
  • Surveillance station
Lethality M240 machine gun (was installed)
Ammunition 7.62x51 nato ball - 200 bullets ready to fire
Traverse Range °360x N
Elevation Range °-20 to +°60
Sight Day camera (night or thermal camera can be optionally included if required)

120mm Mortar Fire Directing System

120MM MORTAR FIRE DIRECTING SYSTEM PROJECT (MFDS) is an effective system for controlling the artillery fire targets, fire adjustment, sending data, and ballistic calculations; it meets the needs of the artillery corps through improvement the target acquisition, and ballistic calculations.

MFDS save time and efforts, secure and fast data sending, it meets almost all the needs of land warfare by applying the concepts of artillery training through imposing all kinds of firing condition.

MFDS consist of two units (2 laptops):
  1. The Position Unit: serves as the “brain” of the system. It receives the command fire from the Observer by radio as a data and do the following:
    • Setup working unit data.
    • Determine firing data from initial data and the adjustments.
    • Determine the amount and type of ammunition to used, number of guns to be fired, number of rounds in fire of effect, priority, whether surprise fire is possible.
    • Checking the location relative to allied forces, fire support coordinating measures, and zones of responsibility.
    • Registering the Target data after end of fire.
  2. The observer Unit: It sends the fire request from the Observer to the commander by radio as a data and does the following:
    • Enter observer location.
    • Determine the observer grids using (GPS) system.
    • Locate targets.
    • Enter target lists.
    • Enter known points list.
    • Enter safety zones list.
    • Implement some survey.
    • Sending and receiving messages.
The above two units will be connected with wireless radio system (VHF military radio system).

MFDS system is based on the artillery mathematical calculations and observation methods, so all the results are accurate and reliable in conjunction with ballistics of artillery fundamentals.

Menus are completely user friendly and with Arabic interface


KADDB’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) system is an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) elegantly designed to meet explosives disposal unit missions’ requirements. It is effective in non- human intervention operations for its remote manipulation capabilities. This UGV is specialized in root clearance missions where there are threats of explosives and booby traps.

  • Complete system with dual track and articulated flippers for enhanced mobility.
  • Effective mobility in aggressive terrain, urban environments, indoors and outdoors.
  • Effective stair climbing and slope climbing features.
  • Effective reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities.
  • Equipped for explosive ordnance disposal operations and logistics support.
  • Equipped with a camera installed on a manipulator arm that can be disassembled easily in the field.
  • Equipped with front and rear wide angle day-night camera.
  • Equipped with mic and speaker.
  • Manipulator arm is equipped with 10x colored camera.
Technical Data
Gradiability 45 0
Battery (V li-ion Battery) 36
Robot dimensions (LxWxH) mm 952x760x1120
Gross Weight (kg) 250
Max Speed (km/h) 10
Endurance (hrs.) 1.5
Arm Extension (m) 1.7
Lift capacity (kg) Fully Extended 10
Radio communication Range (km) 3
Fiber Optic communication Range (m) 400


The mini unmanned ground vehicle (MINI-UGV) is an observation and surveillance remote-controlled mini-robot, which was designed to operate in urban environment.

  • Complete system with remotely controlled capability
  • Designed for observation and surveillance missions
  • 4x2 wheel drive mini-robot with an optional rubber track
  • Capable of upside down operations
  • Equipped with a colored front and back cameras
  • Equipped with Infrared (IR) front camera
  • Ruggedized structure
  • Effective for all terrains
  • Rapid deployment
Vehicle range (m) 25 m
Payload (kg) 2 kg
Vehicle Weight (c.w) 3 kg
Control unit weight (kg) 1.3 kg
Operational Endurance 1 Hour
Screen 7"


The mini unmanned aerial system (MINI UAS) is a compact and lightweight small autonomous aerial system. The UAS is portable and hand launched. Each system consists of 2 Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV) with a payload camera and a Ground Control Station. Its modular design enables the user to swap between different payloads such as day or infrared sensors modules that are rapidly deployed. This system is designed to fulfill tactical and surveillance requirements.

  • Complete system consists of two UAVs with payload, downlink and ground control station.
  • Light weight and portable system.
  • Specifically designed for surveillance missions.
  • Efficient range and endurance
  • Rigid ground station for rough operation environments
  • Simple to operate and rapidly deployed
Weight (kg) < 8
Wing Span (m) 3.1
Length (m) 1.32
Endurance (min) 120
Operational Range (km) 15
Speed (km/h) 45 - 130


Special launching platform designed to fire control four Kornet E ATGMs using one sight to increase the anti-armour fire power of medium and heavy platforms used by the armored troops.

  • Anti-armored.
  • Anti-bunkers.
  • Four Kornet missiles ready to fire
  • Equipped with day camera (AGER thermal sight is optionally available).
  • 360XN rotation angles in azimuth.
  • Elevation range is between - 10 degrees to +30 degrees
  • Approx. system weight 300 kg (fully loaded).


The Quadrotor is an electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). It demonstrates mechanical simplicity, low noise, stability and agility. It is equipped with KADDB’s first developed autopilot. Its compact design makes it easily transportable and rapidly deployable.

  • Autonomous system with vertical takeoff & landing
  • Quadrotor configuration in compact size
  • Designed for reconnaissance and object identification missions
  • Newly developed autopilot that is equipped with a state of the art INS system
  • Effective ground station for all terrains with a multi sensor display
  • Rapid deployment easy to operate of rapidly deployed
Outer circumference (mm) 840
Flight Endurance (min) 15
Payload (g) 500
Maximum allowable Airspeed (m/sec). 10
Maximum Operational Altitude (m) 300
Maximum Range (m) 700
Battery Lithium polymer
Navigation Way point Navigation
Total weight (kg) 1.5


Unmanned Ground Vehicle UGV II is a 6x6 independent wheel with electric drive, it performs reconnaissance and surveillance operations needed for border security forces, airports and special operations. UGV II utilizes reliable communication link for data, image and video streaming.

Length x Weight x Height (m) 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.7
Payload (kg) 70
Gross vehicle weight (kg) 400
Engine: electrical (hp) 6.54
Speed (km/h) 2
Gradient (%) 30
Side slope (%) 45
Ground clearance (m) 0.23
Armament (mm MG) 7.62

Multi-Functional Robot (MFR)


MFR is a wireless controlled robotic vehicle able to perform long-range, long endurance missions, its designed to provide flexibility for different configurations such as Surveillance, Anti-terrorist Ops, Firefighting Ops, EOD Ops, Logistics and battle field recovery .

  1. Surveillance.
  2. Anti-terrorist Ops.
  3. Firefighting Ops.
  4. EOD Ops.
  5. Logistics and transportation (as demonstrated right now).
  6. Anti-armored vehicles and Anti-bankers.
  1. 6X6 wheel drive.
  2. Daylight-readable, anti-glare screen.
  3. Platform is fully electrically driven.
  4. Payload is up to 200 kg.
  5. Maximum speed is >10 km/h on asphalt roads.
  6. Fording capability is up to 15 mm.
  7. Trench crossing capability up to 450 mm.
  8. Capable of passing vertical step climbing up to 200mm.
  9. Equipped with 2 navigation cameras (front view and rear view).
  10. Platform is equipped with 2 –way Audio system (microphones and speakers).
  11. The operational time is 2 - 3 hours.
  12. The operational range is 1500m with line of sight.
  13. The portable control unit is enclosed in a weatherproof enclosure (IP66).

60mm Mortar


A short range 60mm mortar has been developed, designed, manufactured, and tested by KADDB.

  • The product includes the bipod and base plate.
  1. All gear are completely enclosed and protected in dust- tight housings.
  2. The 60mm mortar is a light, simple and portable weapon system, capable of producing large volume of fire quickly and accurately, on any given target within its range.
  3. The mortar is designed to be employed terrain on every type of terrain and in all kinds of weather conditions.
  4. Low cost of manufacturing, and price to the customer compared to the similar product.
Caliber (mm) 60
Max. range (m) 2600
Min. range (m) 150
Elevation 45º - 80º
Traverse (mils in total) 110
Number of charges, (max. pressure 450 bar) 3
Total weight (Kg) 14.9
Barrel weight (with breach) (Kg) 4.9
Bipod weight (with metal belt) (Kg) 5.5
Base plate weight (Kg) 4.5
Rate of fire (rounds/min) 30
No. of crews 2​

120mm Recoiled

120MM MORTAR FIRE DIRECTING SYSTEM PROJECT (MFDS) is an effective system for controlling the artillery fire targets, fire adjustment, sending data, and ballistic calculations; it meets the needs of the artillery corps through improvement the target acquisition, and ballistic calculations. MFDS save time and efforts, secure and fast data sending, it meets almost all the needs of land warfare by applying the concepts of artillery training through imposing all kinds of firing condition.

MFDS consist of two units (2 laptops):
A) The Position Unit: serves as the “brain” of the system. It receives the command fire from the Observer by radio as a data and do the following:

  • Setup working unit data.
  • Determine firing data from initial data and the adjustments.
  • Determine the amount and type of ammunition to used, number of guns to be fired, number of rounds in fire of effect, priority, whether surprise fire is possible.
  • Checking the location relative to allied forces, fire support coordinating measures, and zones of responsibility.
  • Registering the Target data after end of fire.
B) The observer Unit: It sends the fire request from the Observer to the commander by radio as a data and does the following:

  • Enter observer location.
  • Determine the observer grids using (GPS) system.
  • Locate targets.
  • Enter target lists.
  • Enter known points list.
  • Enter safety zones list.
  • Implement some survey.
  • Sending and receiving messages.
The above two units will be connected with wireless radio system (VHF military radio system).

MFDS system is based on the artillery mathematical calculations and observation methods, so all the results are accurate and reliable in conjunction with ballistics of artillery fundamentals.

Menus are completely user friendly and with Arabic interface.​


Quad Nash-shab is a special launching platform designed & built to host four Nashshab rockets (RPG32) with salvo firing capability of two rockets successively to effectively engage of destroy vehicles prototype by E&A and active system.


  1. The main application is anti-armour applications; especially the MBTs protected by single Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) package and active defensive aid suits (i.e. Arena).
  2. The system can also destroy armored targets equipped with double-ERA, OR Hard Kill system by firing two rockets simultaneously.
  3. The anti-material applications; such as confined buildings & shelters (Thermobaric warheads).
  4. The close range anti-personal applications utilizing the installed 7.62mm MG.
  5. Surveillance & distance measuring.

  1. the operator controls the system through the control unit; a Joystick and a ruggedized touchscreen.
  2. The system has the ability to switch between two camera modes; one attached to the main sight, the other is a day camera used for surveillance and aiming the machine gun.
  3. The firing mechanism is controlled via a Firing panel based on a Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD)
  4. Can be installed on a vehicle with 0.5 ton payload. This introduces new unprecedented anti-armour lethality for this category of vehicle with quite cheap solution rocket systems.
  5. The system is installed on a customized structure which allows for 360? traverse & from -7? to + 27? elevation.
Nash-shab 4 Nash-shab rockets ready to fire
M240 MG 400 ready rounds
Optronics Day camera with optical zoom with dynamic reticle of laser pointer.
Crew 1
Physical dimensions (cm) 130x130x130
Total weight (Kg) Approximately 250

Self- Propelled 105 mm Gun

The self-propelled 105mm gun is developed utilizing the 105mm towed howitzer (M102). The gun system is mounted on a 4x4 wheeled vehicle to enhance gun mobility it is intended for use by infantry, special operations forces and as artillery support for border security forces.


  • Inventively designed and integrated self-propelled howitzer on a wheeled platform.
  • Outstanding performance in delivering firepower.
  • “Shoot & Scoot “capability by decreasing time needed to be in and out of action and by easily transporting the gun between defense posts.
  • Efficient and accurate electrohydraulic gun laying mechanism with manual back up.
  • Quick response capability with onboard crew and 36 rounds of ready ammunition.
  • Effective local protection armed with 7.62 mm machine gun or 12.7 mm machine gun.
Caliber (mm) 105
Total length OTM (On The Move) (LxWxH) (m) 7.5x3x3.7
G.V.W (kg) 11.2
Elevation -5° (-85 mils) to 75° (1 275 mils)
Traverse (without moving the vehicle) 45° (800mils) Right & 45°(800mils) Left
Maximum firing range (m) 11,500
Rate of fire 10 rounds/min (first 3 min.) 3 rounds/ min (average)
Onboard ammunition 36 shells
Maximum Travel Speed (OTM) (KM/h) 125
Fuel capacity (Ltr) 200
Number of Crew (with driver) 3 + 1

155MM Over 8X8 Armored Vehicle

The project aims to integrate a 155mm howitzer turret on a wheeled TATRA 8x8 special chassis. The TATRA system offers enhanced mobility, long range, and enhanced protection level. The new product is expected to enhance the target engagement time to maintain the idea of shoot and scoot. Integrating 155mm howitzers on 8x8 armored platforms is considered as one of new trends in defense industry concepts that aim to reduce the running cost and increase the flexibility of the weapon system,

Mobile Surveillance System Ford

The aim is to design and build a mobile security system for fast response and surveillance utilizing the commercially available Ford 550 platform with reasonable cost. This system consists of a special monitoring system with turret gun system.


  • Pneumatic Mast with 85 kg Maximum head load and 5.7 meter height.
  • Gunner Shield with modular Machine Gun Mount.
  • Surveillance camera “as per user requirement”.
  • Air Conditioning system.
  • Water Sink.
  • Two beds.
  • Chemical toilet.
  • Refrigerator.
GVW 6100 kg
Deployed dimensions, Length x width x height (m): 6.2 x 3.6 x 3.3
Folded dimensions, Length x width x height (m): 6.2 x 2.3 x 3.3
Deployed / folded time: 30 second each (as per sequence)
Fuel capacity: 40 gallon after axle Tank
Engine: 6.7L OHV power stroke V8 turbo diesel
Transmission: automatic 6-speed
Surveillance Camera: day/night and thermal mounted on pan tilt head with a video tracking capability
Gunner Shield with modular MG mount:
  • Firing Arc
  • Firing Range
(50cal Gun is used), protection level (BR6)
  • 230 degree (-40 to 190 degree)
  • 35 degree (-5 to 30) degree (hit the ground 60 meter related to the vehicle)
Accessories: AC system, two foldable beds, water sink, chemical toilet and small refrigerator

RPG-32 “Nash-Shab

The weapon has the ability to defeat modern heavy-armored tanks and soft-skinned vehicles as well as fortifications and bunkers. On 30th May 013, His Majesty King Abdullah II inaugurated the production facility of RPG-32 “Nash-Shab”.

RPG-32 “Nash-Shab” system consists of the following
  1. 6G40 – Launcher.
  2. PG-32V - Anti Tank Tandem Grenade.
  3. TBG-32V - Thermobaric Grenade.
  4. 1P81 - Standard optical day sight.
  5. GS-2R - Day Sight with Laser Range Finder.
  6. NV/A-1 – Night Vision Sight.
  7. JR-SIM-32 – Training Simulator.
  8. PUI-32 –Training Equipment (Sub-caliber Training round IRG-32V and Launching Tube UPI-32).
RPG-32 “Nash-Shab” Features
  • Extended range in its short-range category.
  • Efficient and cost effective with immunity against Jamming
  • Safety due to self-destruction mechanism.
  • Multi-use Compact Launcher.
  • Two kinds of day sights available:
    • Standard day sight (1P81)
    • Day sight with Laser Range Finder (GS-2R).
  • Night Vision sight available.
  • Easy for use, with minimum training effort.
  • High lethality with both Tandem and Thermobaric Grenades.
  • Can be fired from semi-confined places restricted in volume.
  • Training Equipment available (Training Rounds and Training Simulator).
Caliber 105 mm
Weight Weight 11.5 kg
Length 1200 mm
Velocity 140 m/s
Recoil Force 1 Kgf
Effective Range (Anti-Tank/Tandem) up to 500 m
Effective Range (Thermobaric/Area Target) 700m
ERA > 650 mm
Reinforced Concrete 1500 mm
Bricks 2000 mm
Operating temperature -40 to +50 C°
Type of Sights
  • 1P81 – Standard Day Sight.
  • GS-2R - Day Sight with Laser Range Finder.
  • NV/A-1 – Night Sight.
Type of Grenades
  • PG-32V – Anti Tank Grenade.
  • TBG-32V – Thermobaric Grenade.
  • IRG-32V – Training Round.



The Viper is designed to be a high-quality, high- precision firearm, a reliable tool at the disposal of the Jordan Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies. It is the first Jordanian pistol favorably comparable to international 9mm firearm standards. The Viper successfully passed tests conducted at the HP White Laboratory, and has remained compliant with international standards and guideline for gun testing.


  • Solid, high-performance firearm.
  • Reliable single action.
  • Three dot sight.
  • Double safety locks, and usable with two hands.
  • Tool-free filed disassembly for maintenance.
  • High accuracy and precision.
Slide 5 inch
Caliber 9 x 19 mm
Slide Length 200 mm
Height (including magazine) 139 mm
Width (frame) 27.3 mm
Grip Width 33 mm
Length (between sights) 162 mm
Barrel Length 127 mm
Barrel Profile Left-hand twist
Number of surfaces 6
Weight without magazine 890 g
Magazine Weight (empty) 109 g
Trigger Pull (single action) 2 kg (approx)
Trigger Pull (double action) 3.5 kg (approx)
Magazine capacity 14 + 1

M16/M4 Conversion


The M16/M4 Conversion kit is the most effective method to extend the service life of the M16A1, one of the most widely-available rifles in the world. Once converted, the M16A1 becomes equal in quality to the Advanced M4 carbine. The conversion kit was designed, developed and manufactured by JAWS to facilitate the updating of the M16A1 rifles in service by the Jordan Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies in Jordan. Converted rifles were tested by KADDB Test and Evaluation Center, reflecting and compliant with the American Military Standard No.Mil-C-71186.


  • Easy conversion and assembly from M16A1 to M4.
  • Flattop with Picatinny rail (Mil-STD-1913) allows rifle to meet modern standards to allow installing sighting systems.
  • Adjustable buttstock for user preference.
  • Foldable backup sight with two dot rear sight option for close quarter combat.
  • Optional carrying handle with adjustable back sight.
  • High precision and accuracy.
  • Lighter weight post-conversion.
  • 102parts are changed during conversion.
Caliber 5.56 x 45 mm
Operation Gas
Mode of fire Selective Fire (semi-or full-auto)
Mode of fire Selective Fire (semi-or full-auto)
Cartridge SS109,M193 Cartridge
Feed 30 rounds per magazine
Rate of Fire 700- 950 RPM
Muzzle Velocity 884 m/s (SS109 Cartridge)
Effective Range 450 m
Twist Rate 1:7
Front Sight Adjustable for Elevation
Rear Sight Foldable Backup Sight
Barrel Length 14.5 inch
Barrel Treatment Chrome plate from inside
Expected Life of Barrel 6000 rounds
Wight (complete rifle , empty magazine) 2.83 kg
Length (complete rifle) 785 - 865 mm


Product Description
The KM4 is a 5.56x45 mm carbine rifle, an example of high-performance reliability and accuracy. The rifle was built to operate in harsh environmental conditions, especially those prevalent in the MENA region. The rifle is designed, developed and manufactured by JAWS, meeting the American Military Standard No. Mil-C-71186, a goal it met by passing tests performed by the KADDB Test and Evaluation Center.


  • Lightweight, allowing for high mobility, and quick target acquisition.
  • High firepower capability.
  • High precision and accuracy.
  • Flat top with picatinny rail (MIL-STD-1913) to meet modern applications to allow installing sighting systems.
  • Adjustable buttstock to match user preferences.
  • Foldable backup sight, with two dot rear sight options for close quarter combat.
  • Optional carrying handle, with adjustable rear sight.
Caliber 5.56 x 45 mm
Operation Gas
Mode of fire Selective Fire (semi-or full-auto)
Mode of fire Selective Fire (semi-or full-auto)
Cartridge SS109,M193 Cartridge
Feed 30 rounds per magazine
Rate of Fire 700- 950 RPM
Muzzle Velocity 884 m/s (SS109 Cartridge)
Effective Range 450 m
Twist Rate 1:7
Front Sight Adjustable for Elevation
Rear Sight Foldable Backup Sight
Barrel Length 14.5 inch
Barrel Treatment Chrome plate from inside
Expected Life of Barrel 6000 rounds
Wight (complete rifle , empty magazine) 2.83 kg
Length (complete rifle) 785 - 865 mm


Fleet Management

Fleet Management System designed and developed by KADDB for companies and organizations that have fleet of vehicles or rely on transportation in their business. The system provides tracking, monitoring and management of the vehicles at the aim of minimizing expenditures and maximizing efficiency GPS of the resources

  1. Locates vehicles automatically in real-time at the fleet management Center
  2. Displays on One click: vehicles ID, type, location, time, date, status, heading and speed
  3. Support Google maps and other digital maps
  4. Geofencing
  5. Track playback
  6. Displays the following alerts: Main Power, Over Speed, Weak GPS signal, Low battery, ignition and Tampering
  7. Fits any type or model of vehicles
  8. General automatic trip details
  1. Dual-band 900 1800 MHz
  2. Supports SMS
  3. GPS Data: Unit ID, Latitudes, Longitudes, Speed, GPS Time and GPS Signal
  4. Accuracy within 3 meters
  5. 42 Channels GPS Receiver
  6. Power Supply: (10 30) Volts
  7. Uses serial port

Cell Phone and GPS Jamer

The GPS jamming device broadcasts a noisy RF signal in the frequency range reserved for GPS receivers that interferes with the GPS received signal, which results losing the received GPS Information.

GPS jamming device blocks all satellite by transmitting a high power signal at the same frequencies of the GPS.

A GPS jammer prevents a tracking device in the vehicle from determining its location and speed, Law enforcement and military can deploy GPS frequency jamming.

Vehicular Intercom Syste


Vehicular Intercom system is the main peripheral unit among the combat crew and the tactical radios inside the AFV in the battlefield.

Intercom systems have a broad range of features least of them is to communicate voice among the crew and control the tactical radios.

The system shall support voice intercommunications among the crew inside vehicles or shelters with noise cancellation capabilities needed in such noisy environment.

Intercom System is composed of: Audio Amplifier Unit (Multi-Inputs), Control Boxes, Cable Assembly, Power Filter and Crewman Vehicle Communication CVC Helmets or Headsets

A100 Monocular Night Vision Goggle

The A100 Model Night Vision Monocular offers high resolution, image-intensifier night vision in a compact, lightweight design, with a single tube, single eyepiece configuration. The A100 Monocular Goggle relies on the independent use of each eye: one is equipped with a night vision device; the other is left uncovered.

The A100 Monocular Goggle permits quick, efficient adaptation to ambient light after the goggle is removed, preventing the temporary night blindness a standard dual eye goggle creates. Additionally, the A100 can be coupled with diurnal optics to be used at night time as a rifle scope. The A100 Monocular also displays a wider perceived field of view (FOV) of °40 on the equipped eye.

The device can be operated either by using a single AA battery or a rechargeable battery. Easy access to the battery compartment makes battery replacement straightforward. Its conveniently-located and easy-to-operate On/Off and IR switches catalyse ease-of-use and textured focus, coupled with dioptre adjustment rings, provide hassle-free operation.

  • 1x Magnification
  • Adjustable Dioptre
  • Built-In IR Illuminator
  • Single AA Battery Operated
  • Easy Battery Replacement
  • Handheld or Weapon Mounted Operation
  • Helmet and NBC Mask Compatible
  • Compact, Light Weight and Rugged
  • High Gain, Brighter Image, Low-Light Sensitivity
  • Increased Facemask Comfort and Stability
  • Daylight Training Filter / Sacrificial Filter
  • Facemask Assembly
  • Shipping/Storage Case
  • Soft Carrying Case
  • Eyecup
  • Lens Cap, Objective
  • Battery, AA Alkaline (2 ea.)
  • Lens-Cleaning Kit
  • Demist Shield
  • Operator’s Manual
Magnification 1x
Field of View °40
Focus Range 25 cm to infinity
Eye Relief 25 mm
Weight (without battery) Less than 350 g
Operating Temperature °51-C to °55+C
Storage Temperature °51-C to °71+C
Immersion 1 m for 30 minutes
Power Source
One AA Alkaline 1.5V cell Or One AA 1.8V Lithium Cell

A4 360X Night Vision Weapon Sight


The A340 High Performance 4X Individual Night Vision Weapon Sight is designed to increase the aiming capability of modern infantry through image-intensified night vision technology. It is a new, high-performance weapons sight operating on only one “AA” size battery; it is water-resistant, compact, lightweight, and user-friendly. Making use of 4X sight, it provides a highresolution, intensified image for effective night sighting and aiming.

The A340 Weapon Sight includes a splash-proof lens cover with a large neutral density filter for daylight training and accurate daylight weapon zeroing.

  • Single Switch Operation
  • Reticule Brightness Adjustment
  • Protection to Sudden Light Flares
  • Compact, Light Weight and Rugged Design
  • More Gain, Brighter Image
  • Low Light Sensitivity
  • Operator’s Manual
  • Lens Cleaning Kit
  • Daylight Training Filter
  • Soft Carrying Case
  • Shipping/Storage Case
  • Shuttered Eyecup
  • Torque Limited Piccatiny Adapter
Magnification 4x
Field of View °10
Objective F-Number 1.5
Minimum Focus Distance 20 m
Eye Relief 25 mm
Dioptre 2+/ 6-
Windage / Elevation Adjustment 41/ MRAD/click
Reticule * Duplex or Chevron
Weight ** 1150 g
Integration Torque Limited Piccatiny Adapter (MIL-STD1913-)
Operating Temperature °51-C to °51+C
Storage Temperature °65-C to °65+C
Immersion 1 m for 30 minutes
Power Source
One AA Battery (Alkaline or Lithium-ion)
Battery Life 50 h (min.)

A6 360X Night Vision Weapon Sight

The A360 High Performance 6X Individual Night Vision Weapon Sight is designed to increase the aiming capability of modern infantry via image-intensified night vision technology.

It is a new, high-performance weapons sight operating on only one “AA” size battery; it is water-resistant, lightweight, compact, and user-friendly. It provides a high-resolution, intensified image for effective night sighting and aiming through the use of 6X sight.

The A360 Weapon Sight includes a splash-proof lens cover with a large neutral density filter for daylight training and accurate daylight weapon zeroing.

  • Single Switch Operation
  • Reticule Brightness Adjustment
  • Protection to Sudden Light Flares
  • Compact, Light Weight and Rugged Design
  • More Gain, Brighter Image
  • Low Light Sensitivity
  • Operator’s Manual
  • Lens Cleaning Kit
  • Daylight Training Filter
  • Soft Carrying Case
  • Shipping/Storage Case
  • Shuttered Eyecup
  • Torque Limited Piccatiny Adapter
Magnification 6x
Field of View °6.5
Objective F-Number 2
Minimum Focus Distance 30 m
Eye Relief 25 mm
Dioptre 2+/ 6-
Windage / Elevation Adjustment 61/ MRAD/click
Reticule * Duplex or Chevron
Weight ** 1400 g
Integration Torque Limited Piccatiny Adapter (MIL-STD1913-)
Operating Temperature °51-C to °51+C
Storage Temperature °55-C to °65+C
Immersion 1 m for 30 minutes
Power Source
One AA Battery (Alkaline or Lithium-ion)
Battery Life 50 h (min.)


"Sager” Thermal Sight For Kornet-E Anti Tank Guided Missile

SAGER is a complete system solution that equips anti-armour and anti-tank missile launchers with a modern, compact, low weight, and cost-effective thermal imaging sight.

It includes a state-of-the-art high performance thermal imaging camera designed for the detection, recognition, and identification of threats at long ranges during adverse weather condition in both day and night.

SAGER has been successfully used with the Kornet-E Anti-Tank Guided Missile System. Thermal imagery of SAGER is observed within the same sight channel of direct view optics of Kornet-E, via the Optical Collimator supplied within SAGER.

  • Operation Mode Selection (Direct View or Thermal View)
  • Anti-Blooming Feature
  • Image Enhancement Algorithm
  • Power On / Stand-By / Off Modes
  • Image Freeze Mode
  • Polarity Change
  • Electrical Boresight
  • Controls on the Sight
  • Easy-to-use Mechanical Mounting Interface
  • Li-ion Battery Source
  • DC Vehicle Source
  • 220V AC Source
  • RS 232 / RS 422
  • Control Buttons on Sight
  • Li-ion Battery (>5 hours)
  • Battery Charger (with AC and DC input) (optional)
  • Solar Battery Charger (optional)
  • 220V AC-DC Adaptor (optional)
Weight (including battery) < 6 kg
Video Output CCIR
  • 640 x 512 pixel
  • (53- μm MWIR band)
Horizontal Field of View Continuous zoom from °2 to °25
(3 preset FOVs)
Cool Down Time < 7 minutes
Electronic Zoom 2X

ATS - 10

Armoured Vehicle Thermal Sighting System (ATS - 10)

The ASELSAN Middle East Armoured Vehicle Thermal Sighting System (ATS10-) enhances the operational capabilities of armoured vehicles for carrier reconnaissance, fire support, and patrol missions, in all weather and battlefield conditions. A compact structure means the ATS10- can be integrated onto any type of armoured vehicle.

The ATS10- is a panoramic weapon sighting system. Its modular structure includes a ballistic armour-protected thermal sight unit, operator control unit, displays, video receiver and transmitter, integration kit, cable kit, and system electronics.

The ATS10- provides range estimation through a stadiametric rangefinder. It offers two reticules for 14.5 mm and 7.62 mm heavy guns, mounted on the armoured vehicle, and allows the loading of new reticules on the external port.

High-range optical magnification equates to long-distance targets being viewed in detail. The ATS10- allows one-button control and easily comprehensible menu structure which makes it a user friendly device with simple operating principles.

  • Programmable reticules
  • Accessing Functions with Menu
  • Automatic Image Optimization
  • Polarity Change
  • Gain and Level Adjustment
  • Stadiametric Rangefinder
  • Reticule on/off
  • High Resolution LCD Display
  • Compliant to Military Specifications
  • Ballistic Armour
  • Thermal Sight Unit
  • Operator Control Unit
  • LCD Displays
  • Video Receiver and Transmitter Unit
  • Integration Kit
  • Cable Kit
  • Power Regulator Unit
Frequency Band Long Wave Infrared (128- μm)
Detector Microblometer
Field of View
  • (Wide) °9 (H) x °6.75 (V)
  • (Narrow) °3 (H) x °2.25 (V)
Focus Range 20 m to infinity
Input Voltage 2412- VDC
Video Output CCIR


ASELSAN Middle East Day Sights are two fields of view, reticule reflected and low-weighted rifle sights that are designed for dual usage with Infantry Guns and Sniper Guns. This modern design combines reflex collimator and telescopic sight in one single body. In this manner, it is possible to shoot the target at the first try and reduce bullet spending.

These two-sided, reticule reflected and low-weighted weapon sights may be used both as a reflex collimator via its reddot reticule and 1x (or 1.5x) magnification combination and telescopic sight via its ballistic or mil-dot reticule and 4x (or 6x) magnification combination. The red-dot and 1x combination provides soldiers higher success at faster first shoots in inhabited place battles while the ballistic reticule and 4x magnification combination increases shoot success in longer ranges. In order to use these functions, soldiers only need to switch the magnification handle which is placed between the sight and mounting adapter and able to be adjusted easily. This alteration is provided by the optic lens unit action into optical axis.

Moreover, newly designed mounting adapters provide soldiers faster bore-sighting and easier attachment to gun.

  • High Resolution
  • Two Field of View Options
  • Reticule Reflection
  • Possibility to Convert Reflex Collimator
  • Range up to 400 m (for 4x)
  • Range up to 600 m (for 6x)
  • Red-dot and Mil-dot Functions
  • Compliant to Military Specifications
  • Faster bore-sighting and easier adaptation to guns
  • Dual Use Capability with A100 Night Vision Monocular (1x only)
  • Adaptable to Piccatiny Rail According to Mil-Std1913-
  • Accessories
  • Transporting Case
  • Storage Case
  • Cleaning Kit
  • CR 31/ N 3V Battery
1x4-x 1.5x6-x
Magnification (max) 4x 6x
Field of View (min) 6.5º x 26º 4º x 16º
Weight (with mounting adapter) 650 g 790 g
Eye Relief 70 mm 70 mm
Pupil 8 mm 7 mm
Battery Type CR 31/ N 3V CR 31/ N 3V
Battery Life > 200 hrs > 200 hrs