أعداد الطائرات فى سلاح الجو المصرى Egyptian Air Force

Wanted to congratulate you on your effort, excellent, must have taken time to do so.
What is known from Jane's defense that the EAF (Egyptian Air Force) only has 18 operational Mirage-2000.
As for the Tu-16s they were taken out of active service and are now moth-balled (stored) so they can be activated if needed.
As for the Mig-29s and the Su-27 variants nothing yet, except that the EAF already signed a contract with Russia for 24 Mig-29 M\M2.

You can check out a couple of articles I wrote on the subject at:

Again, great effort, moomtaz ;)
رد: أعداد الطائرات فى سلاح الجو المصرى Egyptian Air Force

اتمنى الرد ياعزيزي ............ تحياتي
Very good answer, but I don't believe the Mirage-2000 is used for EW (Electronic warfare) I believe it is still the main EAF interceptor as it was built for that role and it is the best dog fighter in the EAF's inventory, eah ra2yak?
رد: أعداد الطائرات فى سلاح الجو المصرى Egyptian Air Force

جيد جدا .................. :yahoo[1]:
I agree with you, the longest range AAM the EAF has is the MICA and its for the Mirage-2000, it is the most capable BVR AAM carrier in the EAF so it doesn't make sense to use it for EW instead
I agree with you, the longest range AAM the EAF has is the MICA and its for the Mirage-2000, it is the most capable BVR AAM carrier in the EAF so it doesn't make sense to use it for EW instead

المنتدى اسمه المنتدى العربي للدفاع والتسليح
I agree with you, the longest range AAM the EAF has is the MICA and its for the Mirage-2000, it is the most capable BVR AAM carrier in the EAF so it doesn't make sense to use it for EW instead
خلاصة الكلام بالعربى هو بيقول
انا اتفق معك ان الصاروخ طويل المدى فى القوات الجوية المصرية هو الميكا وهو للميراج 2000 وانه افضل صاروخ طويل المدى فى القوات الجوية المصرية لهذا ليس منطقيا استخدام الاواكس بدلا منه
Wanted to congratulate you on your effort, excellent, must have taken time to do so.
What is known from Jane's defense that the EAF (Egyptian Air Force) only has 18 operational Mirage-2000.
As for the Tu-16s they were taken out of active service and are now moth-balled (stored) so they can be activated if needed.
As for the Mig-29s and the Su-27 variants nothing yet, except that the EAF already signed a contract with Russia for 24 Mig-29 M\M2.

You can check out a couple of articles I wrote on the subject at:

Again, great effort, moomtaz ;)
برغم امكانياتها التى تسبق عصرها والسرعة العالية 1050 كم فى الساعة ولكن بعضهم دخل الخدمة فى الستينات والاخر فى اوائل السبعينات 2 اعتقد ولا اعتقد انهم سيكونو مفيدين بالقدر الكافى حتى بعد ترقيتهم
الله الله كل دى طيارات لاء ولسة الرافال جاية باذن الله

موضوع شيق واكثر من رائع وخصوصا بعد الحصول علي الرافال واقتراب موعد تسلم الكاموف والميج 35
اتمني ان نحصل علي طائرات للتزود بالوقود في اقرب وقت ممكن
قرات في الموضوع عن امتلاك مصر لطائرات للتزود بالوقود ممكن ذكر هذه الطائرات وما هو المصدر علي امتلاكنا لها
موضوع اكثر من رائع كامل متكامل يشبع فضول اي شخص لا يعرف الكثير عن سلاح الطيران المصري