فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

السلام عليكم
يمكنك رايت المميزات الخارقة للصاروخ club-s

هادا المصدر هو باللغة الروسية لاكن لو قمت فقط بترجمته سيعطيك هادا النص
Submarine Project 636 for the Navy Algeria insured for a period of tests "Russian Insurance Center"


Dec. 9. (ARMS-TASS). Submarine Project 636 for the Navy Algeria insured
for a period of tests "Russian Insurance Center (RIC).

reported korr.ARMS-TASS Deputy Chairman of "Russian Insurance Center
Andrew sections in construction in St. Petersburg at the Admiralty
shipyards" class submarines of Project 636 Kilo "is a RIC an important
international projects, which provided comprehensive insurance

The submarine for the Navy Algeria was established in 2007 and 20 November this year launched.

the time of construction, equipment installation and exit from the boat
dock RIC bear the obligation to recover damages from any sudden and
unforeseen events that could lead to its loss or damage. Currently, RIC
provides insurance protection during the mooring boats, navigation,
public and acceptance test ", - said A. Sechenov.

Under the
current insurance contract aggregate limit of liability is several
hundred million dollars. The insured risks perestrahovochnym
Reinsurance protected by international treaty.

Submarine Project
636 is a further development of the submarine project 877EKM. Save all
the dignity of the submarine project 877EKM, it compared well with a
capacity of diesel generators, full speed underwater Cruising range
running diesel engines under water (RDP) and low underwater noise. The
combat effectiveness of the submarine project 636 significantly
enhanced through the installation aboard the impactor missile complex
"Club-S", coupled with new strategic weapons systems radio for its
military use.


اما بالنسبة للغواصات الجزائرية فهاه المصادر
هاهو المصدر من موقع موثوق عسكري يبين امتلاك الجزائر غواصتين من نوع Project 877

تم تطوير هاتين الغواصتين مؤخرا الى نسخة Project 636

دليل على امتلاك الجزائر اربع غواصات كيلو

بالنسبة لمصدر الصاروخ kh-59mk
Algeria and Russia to sign USD3 billion arms deal
Henry Ivanov JDW Correspondent
Additional reporting J A C Lewis JDW Correspondent

Three years of talks between Russia and Algeria are expected to come to a successful conclusion in early February when Russian President Vladimir Putin visits the capital Algiers and signs a deal selling defence and heavy equipment to the north African country.

Putin is expected to sign a complicated agreement that will see deliveries of Russian weaponry and other industry products worth USD3 billion and the reshaping, through a partial write-off, of large Algerian debts built up during the Soviet era.

The deal is to include deliveries of Russian Aircraft Corporation (RSK) MiG-29SMT/UBT and Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighter aircraft and Almaz-Antei S-300PMU surface-to-air missile systems.

Talks continue on Yakovlev Yak-130 advanced jet trainers (AJTs), additional Su-24MK interdiction aircraft and Project 20382 guided missile frigates, which are an export variant of the Steregushchiy-class Project 20380 frigate.

In 2002-04 Russia upgraded 15 Algerian Air Force aircraft and then added seven re-equipped ex-Russian Air Force aircraft in late 2005 and early 2006. The last seven are believed to be of a different standard, able to fire the newest Tactical Missile Corporation Kh-59MK 300 km-range radar-guided anti-ship missile.

The centrepiece of the expected deal is a batch of 70 MiG-29s - 40 aircraft plus 30 options - which will be a mix of single-seat MiG-29SMT and twin-seat MiG-29UBT variants similar to those delivered to Yemen. The value of the MiG-29 order is valued between USD1.2 billion and USD1.5 billion. What will not go to Algeria is the MiG-AT AJT, which was withdrawn from the offering by Russian weapons vendor Rosoboronexport in favour of the Yakovlev Yak-130 AJT. Algiers is yet to make a decision on the latter, however.

Sukhoi Su-30MKI numbers vary from 12 to 28 units, according to various Russian sources, but it is likely to comprise 12 aircraft plus options. Generally, these will be the same as the Indian standard but without Israeli components, notably El-Op Electro-Optics Industries' head-up display.

For the first time in Russian practice, deliveries of new aircraft will be under trade-in schemes, with Algeria giving back outdated MiG-21s, MiG-23s and MiG-25s in a one-for-one arrangement. According to some Russian sources, Algeria will return to RSK MiG about 20 used MiG-29s earlier procured from Belarus and Ukraine.

The S-300PMU deliveries will be for about eight systems. Other parts of the expected deal include modification of several Russian-built Koni-class (Project 1159) frigates and Pauk II-class (Project 1241) guided missile corvettes and the upgrade of T-72 main battle tanks (MBTs) and their partial replacement with newer T-90S MBTs.

A financial source familiar with the deal said the Algerians have probably put up a large amount of cash for the MiG-29s in order to get a sizeable reduction of Algiers' debt to Moscow which, according to Algiers daily El Watan, amounted to USD4.5 billion in mid-2005: most of it for military goods. The bigger the cash component in a cash-debt deal the larger amount of debt the Russians would have been ready to write off, said the Paris-based source.

و هادا هو المصدر لاكن يجب ان تسجل لترى كامل المقال

و هادا الموضوع كتبه احد الاخوة المصريين لاكن لا ادري من اين اتى بالمصدر
سلاح الجو الجزائرى ..... فخر اسلحه الجو العربيه
قطعت الجزائر شوطا مهما فى اعاده تجهيز قواتها الجويه و اعلده هيكلتها و ذلك عبر برنامج اولى قضى بتطوير طائرات Su-24 المختصه فى عمليات الضرب فى العمق . و كانت المؤسسات الروسيه المختصه حدثت او جددت 15 طائره قتال جزائريه من طراز
Su-24mk , و اعادت تجهيز طائرات اخرى فى نهايه العام 2005 و بدايه 2006 و بقيت 7 طائرات يتم تجهيزها بأحدث صاروخ تكتيكى مضاد للسفن من طراز Kh-59MK الذى يبلغ مداه 300 كم حيث يوجه بالرادار . كان ابرز تطورات هذا العام الصفقه الروسيه - الجزائريه التى قضت بأن تعيد الجزائر الى روسيا 20 Mig-29 خصلت عليها مؤخرا من بيلاروسيا لرفعها الى مستوى SMT و ان توصى الجزائر على 70 طائره Mig-29SMT منهم 40 طلبا مؤكدا و 30 طلبا مستقبليا , و على ما بين 12 و 28 طائره قتال من طراز
Su-30MK خاليه من اى مكونات اسرائيليه , كذلك تضمنت حصول الجزائر على طائرات تدريب متقدم من طراز Yak-130 , القادره على ممارسه دور الدعم الارضى القريب الى جانب دورها التدريبى .
سيق للجزائر ان تخلصت من اسطول Mig-21 نحو 50 طائره و حولته الى مخزون استراتيجى . و يعتقد ان حصول الجزائر على تجهيزات تنتمى الى الجيل الرابع سيحررها من طائرات مكله للغايه مثل Mig-23 و عددها 56 طائره و Mig-25 و عددها 15 طائره ما عدا 3 طائرات Mig-25RB متخصصه بالاستطلاع و هى من الافضل فى هذا المجال .
طبقا للمعطيات المذكوره سيكون سلاح الجو الجزائرى مؤلفا فى المستقبل من 35 طائره ضاربه من طراز Mig-24 و اكثر من 70 طائره قتال متعدده المهام خفيفه الى متوسطه من طراز Mig-29SMT و من 12 الى 28 طائره قتال متعدده المهام ثقيله من طراز Su-30MK ستستخدم على الارجح للتفوق الجوى و مواكبه الطائرات الضاربه , و يذكر فى هذا المجال انه بحصول الجزائر على Su-30MK .

فليكن هل يمكنك ان تخبرني اي نوع من الصاروخ تمتلك الجزائر ؟؟

بما ان المصدر بالروسية فلن يمكنني الرد عليه للاسف ..

الا يوجد مصدر بالانجليزية يتحدث عن امتلاك الجزائر لاربع غواصات ؟؟

هذا المصدر ياحدث عن صفقة سلاح جزائرية .....

هذا المصدر يقول بان الجزائر تمتلك غواصتين فقط ،، انا لم اقراه كله ، ان كانت هناك عبارة تقول ان الجزائر تمتلك 4 غواصات او اكثر ارجو ان تخبرني بها ...
بالنسبة للصاروخ kh-59mk فمداه يبلغ 285 كم والنسخة التي تسبقه يبلغ مداها 140 كم ،،

بالنسبة للقوات الجوية فنحن هكذا سنخرج عن الموضوع ولكن توجد العديد من الدول العربية التي تسبق الجزائر بهذا المجال ، ونحن لا نتحدث عن المستقبل بل الحاضر ...
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

السلام عليكم
و هادا موقع روسي يتحدث عن تطوير غواصات الجزائرية من نوع project 877 الى project 636

و تم الانتهاء من التطوير و تسبيم الغواصتان
كما يتكلم الموقع على الصاروخ club-s الدي يلقب في الحلف الناتو ب ss-n-27 و الدي تمتلكه الجزائر في غواصاتها الاربع من نوع project 636

اخي هذا المصدر يقول ان الجزائر تمتلك غواصتين تم تحديثهم ولكنه لا يقول اي شئ عن اربع غواصات جزائرية ، ان كان هناك عبارة تخالف هذا بالمصدر ارجو ان تقتبسها وتضعها هنا ، لاني لم اقرا المصدر كله ...
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

فليكن هل يمكنك ان تخبرني اي نوع من الصاروخ تمتلك الجزائر ؟؟

بما ان المصدر بالروسية فلن يمكنني الرد عليه للاسف ..

الا يوجد مصدر بالانجليزية يتحدث عن امتلاك الجزائر لاربع غواصات ؟؟

هذا المصدر ياحدث عن صفقة سلاح جزائرية .....

هذا المصدر يقول بان الجزائر تمتلك غواصتين فقط ،، انا لم اقراه كله ، ان كانت هناك عبارة تقول ان الجزائر تمتلك 4 غواصات او اكثر ارجو ان تخبرني بها ...
بالنسبة للصاروخ kh-59mk فمداه يبلغ 285 كم والنسخة التي تسبقه يبلغ مداها 140 كم ،،

بالنسبة للقوات الجوية فنحن هكذا سنخرج عن الموضوع ولكن توجد العديد من الدول العربية التي تسبق الجزائر بهذا المجال ، ونحن لا نتحدث عن المستقبل بل الحاضر ...

السلام عليكم
مادا تريد بالضبط؟؟
لا ادري لمادا العرب لا يحبون الاعتراف باخطائهم
اعطيتك كل الادلة و ادا اردت ادلة اخرى يا حبيبي ما عليك سوى البحث في المنتدى
لن اضيع وقتي معك
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

اخي هذا المصدر يقول ان الجزائر تمتلك غواصتين تم تحديثهم ولكنه لا يقول اي شئ عن اربع غواصات جزائرية ، ان كان هناك عبارة تخالف هذا بالمصدر ارجو ان تقتبسها وتضعها هنا ، لاني لم اقرا المصدر كله ...

السلام عليكم
و الله لا ادري ان كنت.... ام تدعي هادا
لا تعرف شيئ عن القوات البحرية الجزائرية يمكنك ان تراجع العشرات من المواضيع في المنتدى التي تتكلم عن هادا
لو تعطي لطفل صغير في الحضانة ما اوردته من مصادر سيفهم كل شيئ
تم اقتناء غواصتين في 87 و 89 و هما من نوع project 877 و تم تحديثهم في 2007 الى project 636
كما تم اقتناء في 2006 غواصتان من نوع project 636
يعني في الاخير 2+2=4
4 غواصات project 636
المصادر كل الناس تعرف هادا و هناك العشرات المواضيع التي تتكلم عن هادا و ادا لم تعجبك مصادري يمكنك البحث في النت عن مصادر اخرى
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

يا اخي لا تضيع وقتك معه هذا العضو موجود هنا في المنتدى خصيصا للتشكيك في قدرات الجزائر العسكرية لقد ناقشته أكثر من مرة لا كن بدون جدوة دعه يقول ما يشاء فمثل هؤلاء الاعضاء ميؤس منهم :sheikh[1]:

السلام عليكم
و هادا ما استنتجته في الاخر الله يهدي ات خلق
البيت الشعري الدي ادرجته في توقيع يلفة الانظار
و بالطبع شاعره معروف و هو عاشق الجزائر مفدي زكريا

اهديك هادا المقطع الرائع
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

السلام عليكم
مادا تريد بالضبط؟؟
لا ادري لمادا العرب لا يحبون الاعتراف باخطائهم
اعطيتك كل الادلة و ادا اردت ادلة اخرى يا حبيبي ما عليك سوى البحث في المنتدى
لن اضيع وقتي معك

اخي لقد اعطيتني مصادر ولقد قراتها وقمت بتحليلها لك ، بينما اعطيتك انا مصادر لم تتعب نفسك حتي بقراءتها ، هل قرات ردي قبل ان تضع مشاركتك ..
المنتدي ليس مصدرا كي ابحث عن شئ فيه ..
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

بالاك مايعرفش العمليات الحسابية ....معلش نديروا محطة معك
2+2=4 يعني عدد الغواصات الجزائرية

هل تفهم اللغة العربية ؟؟
انا اجد العديد من المصادر التي تتحدث عن غواصتين جزائرتين ولكني لا اجد ما يتحدث عن 4 غواصات ..
عمليتك الحسابية خاطئة ، لا نها بنيت على اساس خاطئ ..
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

السلام عليكم
و الله لا ادري ان كنت.... ام تدعي هادا
لا تعرف شيئ عن القوات البحرية الجزائرية يمكنك ان تراجع العشرات من المواضيع في المنتدى التي تتكلم عن هادا
لو تعطي لطفل صغير في الحضانة ما اوردته من مصادر سيفهم كل شيئ
تم اقتناء غواصتين في 87 و 89 و هما من نوع project 877 و تم تحديثهم في 2007 الى project 636
كما تم اقتناء في 2006 غواصتان من نوع project 636
يعني في الاخير 2+2=4
4 غواصات project 636
المصادر كل الناس تعرف هادا و هناك العشرات المواضيع التي تتكلم عن هادا و ادا لم تعجبك مصادري يمكنك البحث في النت عن مصادر اخرى

اول جملتين لم افهمهم ،، ارجوعدم التحدث بغموض فلا داعي له ..
المنتديات لا تدخل ضمن قائمة المصادر كي اراجع اي شئ بهذا المنتدي ...
لا تزال تذكر اقتناء الجزائر لاربع غواصات في حين انك لم تات بمصدر واحد يؤكد هذا بشكل قطعي وبلغة مفهومة ..
المصادر التي اوردتها قمت بالرد عليها وبعضها غير موجود ، والاخر بلغة غير الانجليزية ولا يمكنني قراءتها ، والبعض يثبت ما اقوله انا لا انت ،، باختصار مصادرك كلها لو دققت فيها لا تصلح لاثبات امتلاك الجزائر لاربع غواصات ... او انها اقوي بحرية عربية .. وعلى الجانب الاخر لم تتعب انت نفسك بقراءة مصادري ، فكيف تريدني ان اقتنع برايك ..
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

يا اخي لا تضيع وقتك معه هذا العضو موجود هنا في المنتدى خصيصا للتشكيك في قدرات الجزائر العسكرية لقد ناقشته أكثر من مرة لا كن بدون جدوة دعه يقول ما يشاء فمثل هؤلاء الاعضاء ميؤس منهم :sheikh[1]:

اخي كلنا نذكر كيف كانت مناقشتك جيدا ، فارجو الا تذكرها ...
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

السلام عليكم
و هادا ما استنتجته في الاخر الله يهدي ات خلق
البيت الشعري الدي ادرجته في توقيع يلفة الانظار
و بالطبع شاعره معروف و هو عاشق الجزائر مفدي زكريا

اهديك هادا المقطع الرائع

مقطع رائع بالفعل ولكن ما علاقته بما نتحدث فيه ؟؟؟
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

هده صوره للغواصة roméo الجزائرية حتى لا تقل اننا نتحدت من فراغ و هي تستعمل للتدريب فنحن في الجزائرمقتنعين انها قديمه فنحن لا ندعي القوة بالقديم

اولا اين الصورة ثانيا لقد قلت انني اريد تقرير ..
لو كانت الجزائر تمتلك 4 غواصات فمن المؤكد انك ستجد مصدر يقول ذلك باللغة الانجليزية . مثلما توجد العديد من المصادر التي تؤكد امتلاك مصر لاربع غواصات و12 فرقاطة ..
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

اولا اين الصورة ثانيا لقد قلت انني اريد تقرير ..
لو كانت الجزائر تمتلك 4 غواصات فمن المؤكد انك ستجد مصدر يقول ذلك باللغة الانجليزية . مثلما توجد العديد من المصادر التي تؤكد امتلاك مصر لاربع غواصات و12 فرقاطة ..

كتبت الرد قبل ان تاتي بالصورة ،، اعتذر .
ولكني كما قلت ينبغي وجود تقرير ...
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

اليك هدا المصدر عن صفقة الغواصات الجديدة و هو بالانجليزيةشهية طيبة
و ان لم تفهم هدا انت اعرف اين الخلل ههههه

Algeria Buys 2 More Submarines from Russia
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

اولا اين الصورة ثانيا لقد قلت انني اريد تقرير ..
لو كانت الجزائر تمتلك 4 غواصات فمن المؤكد انك ستجد مصدر يقول ذلك باللغة الانجليزية . مثلما توجد العديد من المصادر التي تؤكد امتلاك مصر لاربع غواصات و12 فرقاطة ..

هدا رابط يتحدت عن بدء روسيا في صناعة غواصتين من طراز كيلو 636 لصالح البحرية الجزائرية باحواض سان بترسبورغ كما يتحدت هدا الرابط عن امتلاك الجزائر لغواصتين من نوع كيلو 877 اشترتهما سنة 1982 و 1983

وهدا رابط اخر يتحدت عن شراء الجزائر لغواصتين من روسيا من نوع كيلو 636 بقيمة 400 مليون دولار

هدا رابط روسي يتحدت عن امتلاك الجزائر لغواصتين من نوع كيلو 877
يعني الجزائر تمتلك غواصتين من نوع كيلو 877 اشترتهما سنة 1982 و 1983 و يتم تحديثهما الى مستوى كيلو 636 و في سنة 2006 اشترت من روسيا غواصتين من نوع كيلو 636 اي ان الجزائر تمتلك 4 غواصات و زيادة على دلك تنظر قيادة الجيش في رفع عدد الغواصات الى 8
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

اليك هدا المصدر عن صفقة الغواصات الجديدة و هو بالانجليزيةشهية طيبة
و ان لم تفهم هدا انت اعرف اين الخلل ههههه

Algeria Buys 2 More Submarines from Russia

هذا الموضوع يتحدث عن صفقة بين الجزائر وروسيا لشراء غواصتين من نوع كيلو ، ولكنه يقول ان عملية بناء اول غواصة ستبدا في 2006 ولا يقول ان الجزائر تسلمت الغواصتين فعلا ..

هناك العديد من المصادر التي تقول امتلاك الجزائر لغواصتان.

رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

كتبت الرد قبل ان تاتي بالصورة ،، اعتذر .
ولكني كما قلت ينبغي وجود تقرير ...

السلام عليكم
ارى انك لم تقرا و لا مصدر مما اعطيتك اياه او انك لا تفهم اللغة الانجليزية

Project 877 Graney
Project 636 Varshavyanka / Paltus
Kilo class Diesel-Electric Torpedo Submarine
The Kilo Class (Project 877) submarine was designed for anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare in the protection of naval bases, coastal installations and sea lanes, and also for general reconnaissance and patrol missions. The Kilo is considered to be to be one of the quietest diesel submarines in the world. The submarine consists of six watertight compartments separated by transverse bulkheads in a pressurised double-hull. This design and the submarine's good reserve buoyancy lead to increased survivability if the submarine is holed, even with one compartment and two adjacent ballast tanks flooded. The foreplanes are positioned on the upper hull in front of the fin or sail. The command and control systems and fire control systems are located in the main control room which is sealed off from the other compartments.

The Russian fleet operates three variants of the Kilo 877: the basic 877; the 877K that has an improved fire-control system; and the 877M that has wire-guided torpedoes from two tubes. A total of at least 26 and perhaps as many as 30 were built for the Russian navy, one of which was subequently exported to Iran. All the 30 Kilo-class submarines built for service with the Russian Navy are designated Project 877, although 15 of these are the earlier-developed 877EKM and 15 the later 636 versions. As of early 2000 as many as 14 units were believed to remain active, with an additional 7 in reserve, though specific identities are not known.

As of 2008 the International Institute of Strategic Studies reported that a total of 15 Kilo-class submarines were in service, with another four held in reserve. Two were deployed in the Baltic, one in the Black Sea, six in the Pacific [which also held three in reserve], while the Northern fleet had six [with probably one in reserve].

These submarines were built at a rate of about two each year from 1982 through 1984, with the last four units completed in the 1991-1993 timeframe. Even assuming a thirty year operationall life, the remaining units would begin to be withdrawn from service around 2015 with all being withdrawn from service not too long after the year 2020.

Project 877E / 877EKM Varshavyanka
Varshavyanka ("Someone/a woman] from Warsaw") is a Russian patriotic and marching version of the famous polish revolutionary song from the late 19th century. This was a very important song during and after the October 1917 Revolution. Many such compositions became so popular that they are known by almost everyone in the post-Soviet countries. Such songs are usually called "???c????" (klassika - the classics). Varshavyanka has been translated to many languages -- the German version is called "Warschawjanka", French version is called "La Varsovienne" and the Spanish version is "A las barricadas" [To the Barricades].

Project 877 export models, designated with an 'E' suffix, are generally similar though with some reduced features. As of early 1998 construction of the Project 877EKM submarines was nearly completed, with only one submarine left under construction in St.Petersburg for the Indian Navy. By that time Russia had exported 21 Project 877 and 636 submarines, including: India - 10, and China - 4, Iran - 3, Algeria - 2, Poland - 1, Romania - 1.

On 04 August 1993, Iran took delivery of a second Russian Kilo-class diesel submarine, and the third arrived 18 January 1996. Russia went ahead with the first two deliveries despite vigorous US protests. In response to Administration pressure and US sanctions legislation, Russia formally pledged in June 1995 not to enter any new arms contracts with Iran, although prior arms contracts could be implemented. By July 2005 the Zvezdochka shipbuilding plant in Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk Region) was holding talks on a possible contract to overhaul and modernize three diesel-electric submarines belonging to the Iranian navy. Zvezdochka directors visited Iran in the second half of January 2005 and held talks on military and technical cooperation.

India took delivery of the first of the two additional Russian-built Kilo class submarines in January 1999. On 17 August 2000 the Sindhushastra began the two month voyage from St Petersburg to India. The 877EKM submarine was the last in a series of 10 submarines built at Russian shipyards for Indian customers. In August 2000 the Zvezdochka engineering enterprise at Severodvinsk started the work of servicing and modernizing the Indian series-877EKM submarine Sinduratna, the second Indian sub to have had a refit at Zvezdochka. In 1999 the Indian Navy took delivery of the Sinduvir, the first submarine to have been modernized at Severodvinsk. The Sinduratna was the second Indian submarine to be fitted with four ZM-54E1 missiles, with a range of 300 km. The missiles are part of the latest Klab-S anti-ship missile complex designed by the Novator bureau at Yekaterinburg.

Project 636 Varshavyanka
The Project 636 design is a generally improved development of the Project 877EKM Kilo class that represents an interim design between the standard 'Kilo' and the new Lada project. The Project 636 is actively promoted for the world market by the Rosvoorouzhenie state-owned company. This submarine has improved range, firepower, acoustic characteristics and reliability. Visually distinguished by a step on the aft casing, the length of the hull is extended by two frame spacings (2 x 600 mm). The additional length permitted increasing the power of diesel-generators and mounting them on improved shock-absorbing support, and reducing twofold the main propulsion shaft speed. Owing to these improvements, the submarine speed and sea endurance were increased, while the noise level was radically decreased. The low noise level of the submarine has been achieved with the selection of quiet machinery, vibration and noise isolation and a special anti-acoustic rubber coating applied on the outer hull surface.

The Project 636 is equipped with six 533 mm forward torpedo tubes situated in the nose of the submarine and carries eighteen torpedoes with six in the torpedo tubes and twelve stored on the racks. Alternatively the torpedo tubes can deploy mines. The submarine can carry 24 mines with two in each of the six tubes and twelve on the racks. Two torpedo tubes are designed for firing remote-controlled torpedoes with a very high accuracy. All torpedo tubes and their service systems provide effective firing from periscope to operational depths. The computer-controlled torpedo system is provided with a quick-loading device. It takes only 15 seconds to prepare stand-by torpedo tubes for firing: The first salvo is fired within two minutes and the second within five minutes.

In the spring of 1997, the first Project 636 submarine was launched, and China became the first customer for this submarine. The last of four export Kilo-class boats for China, the second improved model Project 636 unit, was launched on 17 June 1998 and departed the Baltic aboard a heavy-lift ship on 11 December 1998, bound for the submarine base at Ning-bo. China was said to be interested in purchasing several more 636 series submarines, one of which was at that time in an unfinished state at the Krasnoye Sormovo yard in Nizhniy Novgorod, while others may be built at the Admiralteyskiye Verfi [Admiralty Shipyards] in St Petersburg.

In early June 2002 China was negotiating with Russia to purchase eight more Kilo-class Project 636 submarines for $1.6 billion, scheduled for delivery over the following five years. The contract for the building of the submarines was under competition among the Admiralteiskiye Verfi shipbuilding enterprise (St. Petersburg), the works in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the Krasnoye Sormovo enterprise (Nizhny Novgorod), and the Sevmash association (Severnaya Dvina). The first delivery was scheduled for 2005-07, and all eight submarines are scheduled to be delivered to the PLAN before 2010.

In January 2006 it was reported that the Indonesian navy's decision to buy Russian-made submarines had raised suspicions. A combat training exercise in the Sulawesi Sea in mid-December 2005 was a cause of concern for the navy. A submarine from an unidentified country slipped into Indonesian waters off the shore of North Sulawesi.

In June 2006 it was reported that Russia had agreed to build two Project 636 Varshavyanka-type type submarines for Algeria. On 29 June 2006 is was reported that the Admiralty Shipyards based in St. Petersburg will build two diesel-electric submarines of the Varshavyanka (Kilo) series for Algeria. The deal is worth nearly $200 million. The contract is part of bilateral military-technical cooperation accords with the total cost of about $7 billion.

On 29 June 2007 an official with Russia's state-run arms exporter Rosoboronexport said Russia was in talks with Venezuela on the delivery of five diesel submarines for the Venezuelan navy. "We are negotiating a contract for the purchase of five Project 636 [Kilo-class] diesel submarines [for Venezuela]," said Innokenty Nalyotov, an aide to Rosoboronexport's general director. On 05 July 2007 it was reported that Rosoboronexport had the contract for the delivery of five diesel-powered submarines of the Varshavyanka series to Venezuela almost ready. "The order has been received and the contract is almost ready. It will be initialed by yearend," a defense industry source told Interfax- AVN on Thursday. Russia will deliver subs of the Varshavyanka series instead of Amur, he said. "Three submarines will be built in St. Petersburg, with another two in the Far East. The plants are preparing to start work," the source said.

الموقع يتحدث في البداية عن امتلاك الجزائر لغواصتين من نوع Project 877
و في الثانية يتحدث على ان الجزائر اقتنت في 2006 غواصتين من نوع Project 636 و لا تقلي انك لم تسمع بالصفقة لان الاطرش و الاعمى سمع بها الصفقة ب 7 ملايير دولار
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

هذا الموضوع يتحدث عن صفقة بين الجزائر وروسيا لشراء غواصتين من نوع كيلو ، ولكنه يقول ان عملية بناء اول غواصة ستبدا في 2006 ولا يقول ان الجزائر تسلمت الغواصتين فعلا ..

هناك العديد من المصادر التي تقول امتلاك الجزائر لغواصتان.

السلام عليكم
ههههههههههه و الله غريب امرك
هادا مصدر استلام الجزائر الغواصةو هو من موقع روسي و قد ترجمته الى الانجليزية اتمنى ان تفهمها

Submarine Project 636 for the Navy Algeria insured for a period of tests "Russian Insurance Center"


Dec. 9. (ARMS-TASS). Submarine Project 636 for the Navy Algeria insured
for a period of tests "Russian Insurance Center (RIC).

reported korr.ARMS-TASS Deputy Chairman of "Russian Insurance Center
Andrew sections in construction in St. Petersburg at the Admiralty
shipyards" class submarines of Project 636 Kilo "is a RIC an important
international projects, which provided comprehensive insurance

The submarine for the Navy Algeria was established in 2007 and 20 November this year launched.

the time of construction, equipment installation and exit from the boat
dock RIC bear the obligation to recover damages from any sudden and
unforeseen events that could lead to its loss or damage. Currently, RIC
provides insurance protection during the mooring boats, navigation,
public and acceptance test ", - said A. Sechenov.

Under the
current insurance contract aggregate limit of liability is several
hundred million dollars. The insured risks perestrahovochnym
Reinsurance protected by international treaty.

Submarine Project
636 is a further development of the submarine project 877EKM. Save all
the dignity of the submarine project 877EKM, it compared well with a
capacity of diesel generators, full speed underwater Cruising range
running diesel engines under water (RDP) and low underwater noise. The
combat effectiveness of the submarine project 636 significantly
enhanced through the installation aboard the impactor missile complex
"Club-S", coupled with new strategic weapons systems radio for its
military use.


اتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل ارى انك اصبت بفيروس انفلونزا الجزائر
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

هدا رابط يتحدت عن بدء روسيا في صناعة غواصتين من طراز كيلو 636 لصالح البحرية الجزائرية باحواض سان بترسبورغ كما يتحدت هدا الرابط عن امتلاك الجزائر لغواصتين من نوع كيلو 877 اشترتهما سنة 1982 و 1983

وهدا رابط اخر يتحدت عن شراء الجزائر لغواصتين من روسيا من نوع كيلو 636 بقيمة 400 مليون دولار

هدا رابط روسي يتحدت عن امتلاك الجزائر لغواصتين من نوع كيلو 877
يعني الجزائر تمتلك غواصتين من نوع كيلو 877 اشترتهما سنة 1982 و 1983 و يتم تحديثهما الى مستوى كيلو 636 و في سنة 2006 اشترت من روسيا غواصتين من نوع كيلو 636 اي ان الجزائر تمتلك 4 غواصات و زيادة على دلك تنظر قيادة الجيش في رفع عدد الغواصات الى 8

بالنسبة للمصدر الاول فطبقا لكلامك هو يقول بدا صناعة ، انا اريد مصدرا يقول انها تخدم الان بالجيش الجزائري ..
بالنسبة للمصدر الثاني فلقد رددت عليه من قبل وهو ايضا لا يقول ان الغواصتين تخدمان لدي الجزائر .
بالنسبة للثالث فبالرغم انه بالفرنسية ولم استطع قراءته الا انه يقول ان الجزائر تمتلك غواصتين لا اربعة او اكثر .. ولا يؤكد امتلاكها لاربعة حاليا .

هناك العديد من المصادر التي تقول امتلاك الجزائر لغواصتان.

رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

السلام عليكم
ارى انك لم تقرا و لا مصدر مما اعطيتك اياه او انك لا تفهم اللغة الانجليزية

project 877 graney
project 636 varshavyanka / paltus
kilo class diesel-electric torpedo submarine
the kilo class (project 877) submarine was designed for anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare in the protection of naval bases, coastal installations and sea lanes, and also for general reconnaissance and patrol missions. The kilo is considered to be to be one of the quietest diesel submarines in the world. The submarine consists of six watertight compartments separated by transverse bulkheads in a pressurised double-hull. This design and the submarine's good reserve buoyancy lead to increased survivability if the submarine is holed, even with one compartment and two adjacent ballast tanks flooded. The foreplanes are positioned on the upper hull in front of the fin or sail. The command and control systems and fire control systems are located in the main control room which is sealed off from the other compartments.

The russian fleet operates three variants of the kilo 877: The basic 877; the 877k that has an improved fire-control system; and the 877m that has wire-guided torpedoes from two tubes. A total of at least 26 and perhaps as many as 30 were built for the russian navy, one of which was subequently exported to iran. All the 30 kilo-class submarines built for service with the russian navy are designated project 877, although 15 of these are the earlier-developed 877ekm and 15 the later 636 versions. As of early 2000 as many as 14 units were believed to remain active, with an additional 7 in reserve, though specific identities are not known.

As of 2008 the international institute of strategic studies reported that a total of 15 kilo-class submarines were in service, with another four held in reserve. Two were deployed in the baltic, one in the black sea, six in the pacific [which also held three in reserve], while the northern fleet had six [with probably one in reserve].

These submarines were built at a rate of about two each year from 1982 through 1984, with the last four units completed in the 1991-1993 timeframe. Even assuming a thirty year operationall life, the remaining units would begin to be withdrawn from service around 2015 with all being withdrawn from service not too long after the year 2020.

Project 877e / 877ekm varshavyanka
varshavyanka ("someone/a woman] from warsaw") is a russian patriotic and marching version of the famous polish revolutionary song from the late 19th century. This was a very important song during and after the october 1917 revolution. Many such compositions became so popular that they are known by almost everyone in the post-soviet countries. Such songs are usually called "???c????" (klassika - the classics). Varshavyanka has been translated to many languages -- the german version is called "warschawjanka", french version is called "la varsovienne" and the spanish version is "a las barricadas" [to the barricades].

Project 877 export models, designated with an 'e' suffix, are generally similar though with some reduced features. As of early 1998 construction of the project 877ekm submarines was nearly completed, with only one submarine left under construction in st.petersburg for the indian navy. By that time russia had exported 21 project 877 and 636 submarines, including: India - 10, and china - 4, iran - 3, algeria - 2, poland - 1, romania - 1.

On 04 august 1993, iran took delivery of a second russian kilo-class diesel submarine, and the third arrived 18 january 1996. Russia went ahead with the first two deliveries despite vigorous us protests. In response to administration pressure and us sanctions legislation, russia formally pledged in june 1995 not to enter any new arms contracts with iran, although prior arms contracts could be implemented. By july 2005 the zvezdochka shipbuilding plant in severodvinsk (arkhangelsk region) was holding talks on a possible contract to overhaul and modernize three diesel-electric submarines belonging to the iranian navy. Zvezdochka directors visited iran in the second half of january 2005 and held talks on military and technical cooperation.

India took delivery of the first of the two additional russian-built kilo class submarines in january 1999. On 17 august 2000 the sindhushastra began the two month voyage from st petersburg to india. The 877ekm submarine was the last in a series of 10 submarines built at russian shipyards for indian customers. In august 2000 the zvezdochka engineering enterprise at severodvinsk started the work of servicing and modernizing the indian series-877ekm submarine sinduratna, the second indian sub to have had a refit at zvezdochka. In 1999 the indian navy took delivery of the sinduvir, the first submarine to have been modernized at severodvinsk. The sinduratna was the second indian submarine to be fitted with four zm-54e1 missiles, with a range of 300 km. The missiles are part of the latest klab-s anti-ship missile complex designed by the novator bureau at yekaterinburg.

Project 636 varshavyanka
the project 636 design is a generally improved development of the project 877ekm kilo class that represents an interim design between the standard 'kilo' and the new lada project. The project 636 is actively promoted for the world market by the rosvoorouzhenie state-owned company. This submarine has improved range, firepower, acoustic characteristics and reliability. Visually distinguished by a step on the aft casing, the length of the hull is extended by two frame spacings (2 x 600 mm). The additional length permitted increasing the power of diesel-generators and mounting them on improved shock-absorbing support, and reducing twofold the main propulsion shaft speed. Owing to these improvements, the submarine speed and sea endurance were increased, while the noise level was radically decreased. The low noise level of the submarine has been achieved with the selection of quiet machinery, vibration and noise isolation and a special anti-acoustic rubber coating applied on the outer hull surface.

The project 636 is equipped with six 533 mm forward torpedo tubes situated in the nose of the submarine and carries eighteen torpedoes with six in the torpedo tubes and twelve stored on the racks. Alternatively the torpedo tubes can deploy mines. The submarine can carry 24 mines with two in each of the six tubes and twelve on the racks. Two torpedo tubes are designed for firing remote-controlled torpedoes with a very high accuracy. All torpedo tubes and their service systems provide effective firing from periscope to operational depths. The computer-controlled torpedo system is provided with a quick-loading device. It takes only 15 seconds to prepare stand-by torpedo tubes for firing: The first salvo is fired within two minutes and the second within five minutes.

In the spring of 1997, the first project 636 submarine was launched, and china became the first customer for this submarine. The last of four export kilo-class boats for china, the second improved model project 636 unit, was launched on 17 june 1998 and departed the baltic aboard a heavy-lift ship on 11 december 1998, bound for the submarine base at ning-bo. China was said to be interested in purchasing several more 636 series submarines, one of which was at that time in an unfinished state at the krasnoye sormovo yard in nizhniy novgorod, while others may be built at the admiralteyskiye verfi [admiralty shipyards] in st petersburg.

In early june 2002 china was negotiating with russia to purchase eight more kilo-class project 636 submarines for $1.6 billion, scheduled for delivery over the following five years. The contract for the building of the submarines was under competition among the admiralteiskiye verfi shipbuilding enterprise (st. Petersburg), the works in komsomolsk-on-amur, the krasnoye sormovo enterprise (nizhny novgorod), and the sevmash association (severnaya dvina). The first delivery was scheduled for 2005-07, and all eight submarines are scheduled to be delivered to the plan before 2010.

In january 2006 it was reported that the indonesian navy's decision to buy russian-made submarines had raised suspicions. A combat training exercise in the sulawesi sea in mid-december 2005 was a cause of concern for the navy. A submarine from an unidentified country slipped into indonesian waters off the shore of north sulawesi.

in june 2006 it was reported that russia had agreed to build two project 636 varshavyanka-type type submarines for algeria. On 29 june 2006 is was reported that the admiralty shipyards based in st. Petersburg will build two diesel-electric submarines of the varshavyanka (kilo) series for algeria. The deal is worth nearly $200 million. The contract is part of bilateral military-technical cooperation accords with the total cost of about $7 billion.

On 29 june 2007 an official with russia's state-run arms exporter rosoboronexport said russia was in talks with venezuela on the delivery of five diesel submarines for the venezuelan navy. "we are negotiating a contract for the purchase of five project 636 [kilo-class] diesel submarines [for venezuela]," said innokenty nalyotov, an aide to rosoboronexport's general director. On 05 july 2007 it was reported that rosoboronexport had the contract for the delivery of five diesel-powered submarines of the varshavyanka series to venezuela almost ready. "the order has been received and the contract is almost ready. It will be initialed by yearend," a defense industry source told interfax- avn on thursday. Russia will deliver subs of the varshavyanka series instead of amur, he said. "three submarines will be built in st. Petersburg, with another two in the far east. The plants are preparing to start work," the source said.

الموقع يتحدث في البداية عن امتلاك الجزائر لغواصتين من نوع project 877
و في الثانية يتحدث على ان الجزائر اقتنت في 2006 غواصتين من نوع project 636 و لا تقلي انك لم تسمع بالصفقة لان الاطرش و الاعمى سمع بها الصفقة ب 7 ملايير دولار

لقد قرات المصدر وهو يقول ان روسيا بدات في بناء غواصتين لصالح الجزائر ولكنه لا يؤكد انهم دخلوا بالخدمة بالفعل ..
رد: فخر الصناعة الجزائرية ****جبل شنوة****

السلام عليكم
ههههههههههه و الله غريب امرك
هادا مصدر استلام الجزائر الغواصةو هو من موقع روسي و قد ترجمته الى الانجليزية اتمنى ان تفهمها

submarine project 636 for the navy algeria insured for a period of tests "russian insurance center"


dec. 9. (arms-tass). Submarine project 636 for the navy algeria insured
for a period of tests "russian insurance center (ric).

reported korr.arms-tass deputy chairman of "russian insurance center
andrew sections in construction in st. Petersburg at the admiralty
shipyards" class submarines of project 636 kilo "is a ric an important
international projects, which provided comprehensive insurance

The submarine for the navy algeria was established in 2007 and 20 november this year launched.

the time of construction, equipment installation and exit from the boat
dock ric bear the obligation to recover damages from any sudden and
unforeseen events that could lead to its loss or damage. Currently, ric
provides insurance protection during the mooring boats, navigation,
public and acceptance test ", - said a. Sechenov.

Under the
current insurance contract aggregate limit of liability is several
hundred million dollars. The insured risks perestrahovochnym
reinsurance protected by international treaty.

Submarine project
636 is a further development of the submarine project 877ekm. Save all
the dignity of the submarine project 877ekm, it compared well with a
capacity of diesel generators, full speed underwater cruising range
running diesel engines under water (rdp) and low underwater noise. The
combat effectiveness of the submarine project 636 significantly
enhanced through the installation aboard the impactor missile complex
"club-s", coupled with new strategic weapons systems radio for its
military use.


اتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل ارى انك اصبت بفيروس انفلونزا الجزائر

لم اشا ان اخبرك لهذا على نحو مباشر ولكن بما انك لم تفهمني ، هل يمكنك ان تخبرني ما الذي سيجعلني اثق في ترجمتك ؟؟
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.