الصور الأسرائيلية عن حرب العبور الخالدة .. أكتوبر 1973 جزء - 11

يحي الشاعر

كبير المؤرخين العسكريين
عضو مميز
2 فبراير 2008
98 0 0
الصور الأسرائيلية عن حرب العبور الخالدة

أكتوبر 1973

جزء - 11

ما نعرفه ، هو عدد كبير من الصور عن الجبهة المصرية ... وعدد قليل من الصور عن "الجبهة ألأسرائيلية" ... وخاصة تلك ، من خلف الخطوط الأسرائيلية ، علاوة علي الصور التي يوثق بها موضوع "الـثــغرة"

سأنشر مجموعة من ثمانية أجزاء كبيرة ، تشمل جميع الصور "خلف الخطوط الإسرائيلية" علي جميع الجبهات

وسنري حقا ... العديد من الصور المؤلمة ... ولكن ... لقد كانت الحقيقة ... دائــمـــا "مــؤلــمة"

النداء إلي الأدارة ، بالأسراع في وضع "إسم الموقع والمنتدي علي الصور" .. حيث أنهم سينتشروا في الأنترنت بأسرع وقت

د. يحي الشاعر

yum kippur war

Crews working on their tanks in Sinai.

Paratroopers advancing towards Budapest outpost in the eastern bank of the Suez canal.

Kahalani in the Syrian front.

IDF convoy in the Golan.

IDF troops inside trenches in Sinai.

Egyptian prisoners.

Soldier writing a letter in Sinai.

Dadu in Sinai.

Technical squad soldier, repairing a damaged tank in Sinai.

Tank crew in Sinai restocking their ammo.

Artillery fire in the Golan.

Centurion in the Golan.
An Israeli armored brigade making it's way up to the Golan Heights to relieve the forces under Syrian attack at dawn of day two

IDF artillerymen hold their ears while laying down barrage on Syrian positions here October 12. The guns are 155mm.

Syrian Prisoners and IDF Soldiers

Corpse of a Syrian soldier on the Golan Height

An IDF troop carrier passes the wreckage of an Egyptian tank west of the Suez Canal.

IDF Armored Vehicle in Desert

IDF Tanks Riding Through Egyptian Desert

IDF Troops with Captured Egyptian Arms

An IDF military vehicle drives past a fallen Syrian soldier on Syrian territory in the direction to Damascus

The body of a dead Syrian soldier lies near his tank on the Golan Heights.

Israeli troops shout with joy as a soldier holds up a picture of President Anwar el-Sadat
My first thought, I just copied and pasted a faulty caption.

Original quote from David Rubinger, the photographer: In the first days of fighting in the Yom Kippur War on the Golan Heights the Israeli forces had taken a terrible beating from the Syrians. I had gone up with Yossi Peled's 200th Brigade, whose task was to relieve the forces that had taken the brunt of theinitial attack. Reaching the Golan plateau, the unit ran into an artillery ambush. Shells were raining down, but at the point, even with all the action around me, I didn?t get a single good picture. The Syrians were well out of sight, the tank battleraged over distances of miles and bullets don't photograph in flight. The visible evidence of war is where the results of the fighting meet the eye. Like where this soldier, who had been hit in the ambush, was being treated.

Moshe Dayan tours the Egyptian front in a helicopter.

Golan Heights, Israel- Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan (C) peers through the observation slit on a bunker overlooking a battle scene

Frantic activity in the war room of the Israeli Southern Command during the Yom Kippur War.

Artillery crew on the Syrian front

Israeli soldiers are engaged in fights with the Syrian army on the road to Damascus.

Israeli artillery bombarding Syrian positions in the Golan Desert

The grave of an Israeli tank pilot is marked by his helmet on top of an artillery shell

Rest in peace

Five Syrian prisoners and tank pilots and injured for 48 hours. Israeli soldiers stop to mask their eyes, give them water and escort them behind the front line.

Israeli Soldiers Lifting Wounded on a Tank

Israelis showing the flag on the Syrian front in the Golan Heights
IDF fighting in Syria against an Iraqi brigade.

An IDF tank resupplies on ammo in the Syrian front.

The remains of a battle in the Golan.

Fighting in Suez city.

Soldiers that fought on the Syrian front, calling home for the first time after the war.

Israeli soldiers in Sinai.

A wounded soldier evecuated in Sinai.

Israeli rear soldiers in the Golan listen on the radio to the bloody delay battles.

IDF tanks going on the offensive in the Golan.

Israeli soldier looking at a plane's wreckage in Sinai.

IDF forces advancing on the Egyptian front.

an Israeli soldier helping another wounded soldier in Sinai.

A wounded soldier evecuated in Sinai.
Dayan at Israel's Northern headquarters with Yitzhak Hofi. They were photographed
on the evening of Yom Kippur after the Syrian and Egyptian assault on Isael.

Southern Fighting

Egyptian soldier in front of the Suez canal following the initial crossing.

An IDF jeep approaches an abandoned tank stuck in the sand

IDF prisoners waiting to board in order to cross the Suez canal to be imprisoned in Egypt. One of the prisoners is holding the Torah.

Israeli soldiers captured in the Sinai desert

IDF Southern Command HQ

Original quote from David Rubinger: This picture is significant only because it was taken in the normally ultra-secret war room of Southern Command during the most critical hours of the Yom Kippur War. The Army's top generals face their maps, and so do I with my camera. I had simply walkedin. No one stopped me or even asked me any questions. Everything was in disarray. The most secret maps were on the board and I was shooting pictures. How symbolic of the state of affairs in the army after it was caught unprepared by the surprise '73 was.It was frightening. This, essentially, was the war where the generals fought each other and the battles were won by the non-coms.

Quote : Moving toward the Suez Canal early one morning, I saw this soldier get out of his vehicle and put on his phylacteries and prayer shawl, to say his morning prayers.

Israeli soldiers watch over their Egyptian prisoners captured while trying to enter the Sinai area.

Egyptian prisoners, caught on the Egyptian side of the Suez canal

Egyptian Sam 6 missile and Israeli Centurion tank.

Missile carrier truck abandoned by the Egyptian army and found by Israelis.

After the cease-fire : SUEZ CITY, cheering Israeli soldiers on half-tracks and command cars pass a United Nations Forces convoy as they leave here 1/28 lifting the seige of the city and freeing the encircled Egyptian 3rd Army in Sinai.

Damascus under bombardment (not idea what is targeting)

Looks like a downed israeli drone or missile (?)
Golan Front

IDF 202 Brigade Advances

Soldiers deal with wounded men from the 202st Brigade.

Quote: I found this officer on the Golan looking out over the smoking battlefield during a pause in the war. It was the aftermath of the battle. There would be more fighting for the officer, he is deep in reflection.

IDF Tiran tank

IDF soldier Sitting Along the Damas Road

A Wounded

IDF soldiers pausing in Kuneitra - Golan, october 13th 1973

Fallen syrian soldier

The remains of Syrian tanks after the combats.

Israeli tank near Kuneitra
Wounded soldiers are evecuated in Sinai.

Artillery fire in the Syrian front.

Paratroopers advancing in the Egyptian front.

IDF forces advancing in the Syrian front.

Destroyed Syrian equipment.

Israeli tank crew resting in Sinai.

Battles during the Israeli crossing of the Suez canal.
Abandoned Syrian trucks in the Golan.

Abandoned Syrian AA gun and tanks.

Damaged Israeli Centurion beyond a knocked out Syrian BRDM.

Israeli soldier standing next to a captured Syrian T-62.

A captured Egyptian missile truck.

Egyptian soldiers from the encircled 3rd army recive supplies after the cease fire.

fighting in Syria.

Israeli soldiers looking at an artillery bombardment in Sinai.

IDF rocket fire in Sinai.

Tank battle in the Golan.

An Egyptian MIG going down.

Fighting in Suez city.

Bern, commander of Ugdah 162 in Sinai, looking at a map.
Captured Egyptian BTR-50 used by Israeli infantry.

Hebrew readers might find this one intersting, picture of the forces of one Ugdah in Sinai, taken from a war room.

Israeli soldier in some destroyed farm house in the Syrian front.

Temporaory monument for the fallen soldiers of the 7th armored brigade that have fallen in the Golan.

IDF Centurion during the fighting in the Golan.

IAF Skyhawk providing cover for advanicng forces in the Golan.

IDF crewman preapre their tanks for combat in the Golan.

IDF tank commander signaling orders with a flag, in the Golan.

Israeli navy missile ships patrol the seas.

Israeli soldiers, observing Egyptian troops from the encircled 3rd army, recive supplies after the cease fire.
بصراحة غاية في الاسف لما بشوف صور زي دية حتي بعد ما انتصرنا ولكن مثل
هذه الصور تولمنا بشدة ونسترجع زكريات نحاول ان ننساها

ولكن عادا الحق الي اصحابة مرة اخري

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رد: الصور الأسرائيلية عن حرب العبور الخالدة .. أكتوبر 1973 جزء - 11

الصور دي عبارة عن أداء القوات الاسرائيلية في الحرب و هي اللي قدرت تتحرك في منطقة الثغرة مع علمها بوجود وقف قريب لإطلاق النار فتوسعت بقدر ما تستطيع بدون تركيز على بناء الدفاعات العميقة لأنها تعلم بعدم وجود هجوم مضاد قوي ستواجه به قريبا لأن وقف إطلاق النار قد حل أجله .

و لعل مذكرات هنري كيسنجر تؤكد هذا الكلام و الخرائط العسكرية لعام 1974 و أوضاع القوات الاسرائيلية التي تراجعت إلى خطوط
الممرات تاركة غرب القناة وبدون أي تراجع من القوات المصرية لهو خير دليل على أن وجود هذه القوات الاسرائيلية كان في أساسه وجود مهدد و غير واقعي .
رد: الصور الأسرائيلية عن حرب العبور الخالدة .. أكتوبر 1973 جزء - 11

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رد: الصور الأسرائيلية عن حرب العبور الخالدة .. أكتوبر 1973 جزء - 11

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رد: الصور الأسرائيلية عن حرب العبور الخالدة .. أكتوبر 1973 جزء - 11

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