البرلمان الصومالي يقر إقامة قاعدة إماراتية

القرب ميزة للإستجابة السريعة ..

تخيل اساطيل انظمة غير مأهولة جوية وبحرية تنشرها الامارات هناك ..

عيون ترصد كل شاردة وواردة تشكل مورد معلومات حيوي




كل هذه الروائع اماراتية .. وهي واعدة بشدة ليس فقط على مستوى ISR بل حتى كمواجهة مسلحة

انظروا للقارب B-7 من شركة المراكب حيث تم تزويدة بسلاح


هذا فقط بعض ماهناك على مستوى الانظمة البحرية الغير مأهولة .. ويضاف عليها الانظمة الجوية الغير مأهولة من انتاج ادكوم واداسي وغيرها ..

عقبال ان نرى هذه المفترسة ذات 6 طن حمولة وارتفاع 50،000 قدم



الإمارات تصنع بطاريات دفاع ساحلي ؟
الف مبروك للاخوة في الامارات الشقيقة
رسالة اوجها لسيادة الرئيس القائد
اصحي ياسيسي قبل ما الاوكازيون يقفل
هذه منطقة يسمون نفسهم ارض الصومال واعلنوا انفصالهم بعد سقوط الحكومة المركزية 1991 ولم ينالوا اعتراف اي دولة بعد

لكنها المنطقة الوحيدة تقريباً المستقرة في الصومال ولم تتأثر بالصراعات الموجودة في الاجزاء الجنوبية​
يعجبني الفكر الإماراتي .. يجب أن تعتمد على الفعل ولا تكتفي برد الفعل .. مهم أن تكون متواجد في بؤر التوتر في محيطك لتكون لديك صورة مكتملة لما يحدث وتكون شريك في الحل .. من افغانستان الى اليمن إلى القرن الإفريقي .. تحية وتقدير للإستراتيجية الإماراتية الفعالة بصمت

ربما الخطأ الوحيد ترك الساحة العراقية للفراغ الذي ملأته إيران وهذا خطأ تاريخي أرتكبه كافة العرب بالذات السعودية ومصر
خطأ فادح من السعودية فقط ... العراق غير مؤثر على مصر كـ ليبيا مثلا
الإمارات تصنع بطاريات دفاع ساحلي ؟

سؤال وجيه ..

الامارات عرضت تصورات لانظمة دفاع ساحلي دخلت في مشاريعها .. مثل مشروع النمر المزود بصواريخ ALAS-C


وهذه صورة للمشروع بعد تزويد عربات النمر به ,, ويشير التصور لمنظومة دفاع ساحلي متكاملة .. ( الصورة خلف صاروخ ALAS على اليمين .. لكن للاسف غير واضحة )


وهناك مشروع مماثل دخلت فيه شركة سهام الخليج الاماراتية مع MBDA لانتاج نظام دفاع ساحلي مزود بصواريخ مارتي , القاتل البحري .. وهناك مشروع ايضا بين توازن والشركة الاوروبية لتصنيع اجزاء من صواريخ مارتي .



لكن اين وصلت كل هذه المشاريع ؟؟

الله اعلم ,, واتمنى ان نرى جديدا يسعدنا في نافدكس 2017 , المعرض البحري المصاحب لأيدكس 2017 .
ورد ذكر المشروع الذي تعمل عليه سهام الخليج و MBDA سابقا في احد تغطيات الصحافة ..

UAE partners with European firm to launch new missile systems

UAE defence companies and MBDA, a European missile maker, are jointly launching three new missile defence systems for the Middle East market at the International Defence Exhibition in Abu Dhabi.

The three joint initiatives together cost about €100 million (Dh418m) to develop, and comprise a ship-based missile system, a mobile ground-to-air defence system and a coastal defence battery.

The market for defence products in the region is expected to remain fairly robust, despite the pressure on budgets because of weaker oil prices, said Florent Duleux, the Middle East vice president for MBDA.

"Budgets in the region may be revised in the coming year, however the instability in the region and emerging threats mean that countries will have to stay focused on security," Mr Duleux said. "I think the threats remain too strong at the moment for any major cutting of defence budgets."

MBDA is a joint venture between BAE Systems in the UK, Airbus in France (each with 37.5 per cent) and Italy’s Finmeccanica (which owns the remaining 25 per cent of the venture).

The company vies with America’s Raytheon for the top spot in worldwide missile exports, excluding closed markets in the US and Russia.

The joint venture had total sales last year of €4 billion, of which €2.5bn were exported outside Europe, and half of its exports were to countries in the Middle East. Mr Duleux said MBDA expects exports to increase this year and next, driven by the Middle East.

Two of MBDA’s new missile programmes have been jointly developed at Abu Dhabi’s Al Fattan shipyard with the oilfield services firm Siham Al Khaleej, and the system will be marketed soon to naval defence buyers in the region, Mr Duleux said.

One is called the Sea Spear and is based on the Brimstone missile system, which is designed to have a firing capability against fast, smaller incoming seaborne attack craft, which are familiar in Arabian Gulf waters.

The other joint programme at Al Fattan is a coastal battery anti-ship system based on MBDA’s Marte missile. This is already in the inventory of the UAE armed forces and will be marketed jointly in the region shortly.

Mr Duleux said MBDA is also launching an air defence system with Nimr Automotive, the armoured vehicle division of Tawazun Group, which merged into the Emirates Defence Industries Company in December.

This is a system based on the Mistral 3 missile and is the "ultimate layer of defence", Mr Duleux said, which means it is for short-range defence against aircraft that have eluded the longer range defence systems.

Buyers in at least three GCC countries already have expressed interest in the new integrated products, Mr Duleux said.

وهنا المشروع الواعد بين توازن ( نمر اوتوموتيف ) - شركة الامارات للصناعات الدفاعية - وبين شركة ايديبرو التابعة ليوجو امبورت الصربية ..

PARTNER 2015: EDePro presents the new ALAS-C coastal defense missile system

During PARTNER 2015, the Serbia-based company EDePro presented a new variant of its Advanced Light Attack System (ALAS) dedicated to coastal defense. The ALAS-C (Advanced Light Attack System-Coastal) is a fire & forget multipurpose weapon system, intended for coastal defense and OTHT (Over-The-Horizon Targeting) in all operations occuring in naval environment.

EDePro's new ALAS-C coastal defense missile at PARTNER 2015

The original ALAS system was developed from the Long-Range Advanced Non Line-of-Sight Attack System (LORANA), which was conceived as a long-range, wire-guided, anti-tank missile with a solid motor.

However, interest from the UAE led to the weapon being developed into a land-based, light anti-ship missile with a turbojet motor that pushes its range out to 25 kilometres. The new version is the product of a joint development and integration agreement with Emirates Advanced Research & Technology Holding (EARTH) that was announced at IDEX 201 defense exhibition.

The ALAS-C is highly effective in missions to destroy/incapacitate inflatable boats and small vessels within maximum range of 25 km.

EDePRo's ALAS-C missile is a cable guided missile that in real time links electro optical sensor (TV CCD or IIR homing head) mounted on the nose section of the missile to the operator on the ground via an optical fiber in the real time. This fiber optics technology allows the operator to engage the target from non-line-of site positions, and to continuously watch it through the electro optical sensors of the approaching missile.

The terminal attack phase is based on an autonomous terminal guidance using advanced TV/IIR homing head with improved target selection capabilities in complex scenarios. The ALAS-C has a weight of 67 kg. It is fitted with a 10kg blast fragmentation warhead.

Technical drawing of EDePro's ALAS-C coastal defense missile system

The capabilities of ALAS-C missile (short reaction time, Fire and Forget, INS/GPS navigation, high target selection, and warhead lethality) allow the system to operate effectively in littoral warfare environments, as well as in blue waters within a reaction time of less than one minute. It flies at an altitude between 50 m and 1,000 m to make it harder to detect.

ALAS-C missile can be launched from land vehicles, small ships or helicopters. A battery of ALAS-C systems will be equipped with a vehicle-mounted radar and electrical-optical sensors to acquire targets. A launcher vehicle will then fire one of its six missiles in the direction of the target. As the missile approaches, the operator can verify the target using the feed from its electro-optical sensor, which can be either a TV or infrared camera, depending on the situation



المرعب الموجه بكيبل الالياف البصرية .. كأنه يقول لمن يريد ممارسة حيل الحرب الالكترونية عليه ... كان غيرك اشطر :)
بطاريات الباتريوت في مطار عدن تم نقلها خارج اليمن ، أين ياترى :جدا:
الففففف مبروك ي عيال زايد وبالتوفيق انشالله
وبانتظار الصفقات الجديدة ؟