مفاوضات مغربيه روسيه حول غواصات لادا وقاذفات سو 34

حضرتك هناك الكثير من الدول تشتري نظام قيادة وسيطرة وتعدل علية لكي يناسبها بمساعدة دول كبري
مثل الدفاع الجوي المصري بة ردارات امريكية واوروبية وروسية وصينية ومحلية وانظمة دفاعات جوية من كل شكل ولون وطيران امريكي فرنسي روسي صيني وكل هذه المعدات تعمل معا تحت نظام قيادة وسيطرة واحد
وحتي البحرية يوجد غواصات صينية وسنستلم اول غواصة تايب المانية العام القادم وقطع السطح من دول كثيرة شرقية وغربية
الموضوع ليس بالصعوبة التي تتخيلها

مشاهدة المرفق 61408
شكرا لك اخي الكريم
الحمد لله هذا ما نريده بحرية السطح أوروبية ( فرنسا - هولندا - إيطاليا ) بالترتيب فلوريال فريم LCT فرنسا 3 سيغما هولندا كاسحة ألغام إيطاليا

غواصات أمور روسية مع إدماج ال AIP ربما من إيطاليا لأن المشكل بين روسيا و إيطاليا و ليس لدينا مشكل مع الإثنين

سلاح جوي غربي عماده ال F16 مع توقعاتي بزيادة الأعداد ( أمريكا ) و جعل ال F5 احتياط في الصحراء

الميراج لازال بإمكانها الخدمة لسنوات أخرى بعد التطوير و حسب توقعاتي 24 من الرافال كبداية

البرية مع الابرامز و ال T-72 المطورة حسب الطلب المغربي و ال BMP-3 مع ال M113 فالمغرب حاليا مجهز جيدا في كل الفروع و بعد الصفقات المتوقعة في الجوية مع أمريكا و فرنسا

يبقى الدفاع الجوي ربما هو ما يعنيه الإخوة بصفقات مع روسيا بقيت سرية و لما لا أيضا الاسكندر فالروس يعانون انكماشا اقتصاديا و يعرضون ما لذ و طاب لما لا نستغلهم
البرادلي قادمة بحول الله
البرادلي قادمة بحول الله

شخصيا لا أظن أنها اولوية حاليا بل مروحية هجومية و على الأرض الأبرامز مرفوقة بال M113

هذا كاف حاليا لدى بلادنا أولويات
شخصيا لا أظن أنها اولوية حاليا بل مروحية هجومية و على الأرض الأبرامز مرفوقة بال M113

هذا كاف حاليا لدى بلادنا أولويات
يا أخي هذه حقيقة البرادلي قادمة في أواخر هذه السنة ... وهذا ليس رأي الشخصي
يا أخي هذه حقيقة البرادلي قادمة في أواخر هذه السنة ... وهذا ليس رأي الشخصي

زيادة الخير خيرين لأن ما هو قادم سيغير الكثير

لم أكن أتوقع البرادلي بعد زيادة أعداد ال M113 لكن لله الحمد القادم أفضل
الدفاع الجوي هو ما ينقصنا
لمادا لم نتعاقد على الباتريوت الى الان ???:mad:
طيب يا خبير الحروب>>>
ساسئلك, كيف تمزج (integration ) بين منظومة شرقية وغربية, على مستوى بحري Naval وعلى مستوى جوي, كما تعلم شبكة الرادارات المغربية كبيرة وغربية, كيف ستدمج السوخوي الشرقية معها?
البحرية منظومة غربية ما فائدة قطع غواصات شرقي ولو كان هجومي? ام انك تضن ان الغواصات سيسافرون لوحدهم دون حماية اولياء امورهم هههه
اي قطعة تحركها يا صديقي تحتاج دعم back up , طبعا نحن العرب مستخدمي السلاح الروسي نشتري فقط ولا نفقه شيئا في ادارت المعارك والمنظومات القتالية, ارسل القادفة مهما كان الامر ادا رجعت فهادا جيد ادا لم ترجع فرحم الله الربان....
لا منظومة انقاد ولا دعم ولا حماية ولاهم يحزنون , حروب السيوف والدرع والرماح .....
اسالوا اهل الذكر ان كنتم لا تعلمون
على قيادات الجيش المغربى زيارة مصر ليعرفوا كيفية اندماج المنظومات الشرقية والغربية
ومرحب بك فى اى وقت ولن يبخلوا عليكم باى معلومات
ادا كان خبر الصفقة صحيح. فله عدة فوائد سياسية وعسكرية للمغرب, بغض النظر عن نوع الاسلحة المتعاقد عليها
اسالوا اهل الذكر ان كنتم لا تعلمون
على قيادات الجيش المغربى زيارة مصر ليعرفوا كيفية اندماج المنظومات الشرقية والغربية
ومرحب بك فى اى وقت ولن يبخلوا عليكم باى معلومات
على حسب ما اعلم فمن يقوم بدمج المنضومات هم أصحابها الدين بنوها من البداية فهي التي تدخل انضمة متوافقة مع انضمة غربية فى مركز قيادة واحدة.
المهم عندنا هو تقدم قواتنا لجوية ولبحرية والبرية مع اي دولة روسيا الصين تركيا فرنسا امريكا والمانيا
المهم يجب علي لقوات لمسلحة لملكية حسم جميع لصفقات ولا ننتظر اي مباغت من اصحاب لمايونيز

Morocco In Talks on Su-34 Bomber, Amur-1650 Diesel-Electric Submarine
(Source: TASS-Defense; published August 11, 2016)

MOSCOW --- The Moroccan Armed Services may receive the export version of the Sukhoi Su-34 (NATO reporting name: Fullback) tactical bomber and Amur-1650 diesel-electric submarine, according to the Izvestia daily citing a source in Russia’s shipbuilding industry.

According to experts, Morocco has good reasons for acquiring Russian combat gear, but the export of Amur-1650 submarines is unlikely to commence before 2020.

Rabat and Moscow are discussing the feasibility of the Moroccan Navy’s Amur-1650 submarine acquisition in the format of consultations so far. The ship Morocco has taken interest in is an export version of the Russian-built Project 677 Lada-class (Petersburg-class) diesel-electric submarine. She is to feature the air-independent propulsion (AIP) plant designed to make it unnecessary for her to surface in order to recharge her batteries.

If the Moroccan Navy buys an Amur-1650, the move will boost its capabilities, because the submarine will carry Club cruise missiles - an export variant of the Kalibr (SS-N-27 Sizzler).

Interestingly, Morocco, according to the local media, also is keen on Russian warplanes, particularly the export version of the Su-34 bomber that has also grabbed the attention of Oman and Jordan after it had taken part in the operation in Syria. Ostensibly, Rabat needs advanced weaponry to fight terrorists, but experts presume a confrontation with its neighbor Algeria is a more likely reason. Algeria has been buying Russia’s submarines and Sukhoi jets for a long time.

Nikolai Sukhov, researcher with the Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, and vice-president, International Middle East Studies Club, says Morocco and Algeria have been at odds over Western Sahara for decades. The two countries also claim to be regional powerhouses. They are not about to fight each other, but they try to maintain the balance of forces.

According to the expert, buying the submarine is a matter of prestige to Rabat, because Algeria has a submarine fleet and Morocco has not yet, and Su-34s may come in handy to Morocco to handle quite specific missions, e.g. to counter the Saharan insurgents.

Algeria is switching over to French, US and Chinese armament in hopes to gain an advantage, while Morocco has turned its attention to products of Russia’s defense industry. The king and his inner circle have no prejudice against Russia, all the more so that the latter offers attractive financial terms.

According to the military industry, the export of AIP submarines is worth a long hard look at, because Amur submarines are, first and foremost, sophisticated in terms of operation, and it is not clear if the buyers are capable of operating them effectively or not. Russia has only two ships like that so far - one in trial operation and the other in construction, i.e. none has entered service with the Russian Navy yet, and offering a technology like that for export would not be quite right.

Naval expert Vladimir Shcherbakov has explained to the Izvestia daily that to form a submarine force is expensive. A submarine’s cost includes those of an on-shore simulator, a support system and personnel training. Usually, her cost also includes that of the first weapons suite - torpedoes and missiles that are worth far more than several dozen million dollars.

In Shcherbakov’s opinion, Morocco would better buy Project 636 (Improved Kilo-class) subs - proven, upgraded, Club-carrying and capable of dealing with any targets. Their only drawback is the lack of the AIP capability but the latter is important to operations conducted far in the ocean. It will take some time to complete the development of the Project 677 submarine, which first example is still in trial operation.

However, Russian engineers are hopeful that the problem will be resolved within several years. A Project 677 ship will be the first to receive the advanced power plant. The Rubin Central Design Bureau is looking into the integration of the AIP compartment with the submarine, according to the Izvestia daily.​
مصدر جديد
Morocco In Talks on Su-34 Bomber, Amur-1650 Diesel-Electric Submarine
(Source: TASS-Defense; published August 11, 2016)

MOSCOW --- The Moroccan Armed Services may receive the export version of the Sukhoi Su-34 (NATO reporting name: Fullback) tactical bomber and Amur-1650 diesel-electric submarine, according to the Izvestia daily citing a source in Russia’s shipbuilding industry.

According to experts, Morocco has good reasons for acquiring Russian combat gear, but the export of Amur-1650 submarines is unlikely to commence before 2020.

Rabat and Moscow are discussing the feasibility of the Moroccan Navy’s Amur-1650 submarine acquisition in the format of consultations so far. The ship Morocco has taken interest in is an export version of the Russian-built Project 677 Lada-class (Petersburg-class) diesel-electric submarine. She is to feature the air-independent propulsion (AIP) plant designed to make it unnecessary for her to surface in order to recharge her batteries.

If the Moroccan Navy buys an Amur-1650, the move will boost its capabilities, because the submarine will carry Club cruise missiles - an export variant of the Kalibr (SS-N-27 Sizzler).

Interestingly, Morocco, according to the local media, also is keen on Russian warplanes, particularly the export version of the Su-34 bomber that has also grabbed the attention of Oman and Jordan after it had taken part in the operation in Syria. Ostensibly, Rabat needs advanced weaponry to fight terrorists, but experts presume a confrontation with its neighbor Algeria is a more likely reason. Algeria has been buying Russia’s submarines and Sukhoi jets for a long time.

Nikolai Sukhov, researcher with the Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, and vice-president, International Middle East Studies Club, says Morocco and Algeria have been at odds over Western Sahara for decades. The two countries also claim to be regional powerhouses. They are not about to fight each other, but they try to maintain the balance of forces.

According to the expert, buying the submarine is a matter of prestige to Rabat, because Algeria has a submarine fleet and Morocco has not yet, and Su-34s may come in handy to Morocco to handle quite specific missions, e.g. to counter the Saharan insurgents.

Algeria is switching over to French, US and Chinese armament in hopes to gain an advantage, while Morocco has turned its attention to products of Russia’s defense industry. The king and his inner circle have no prejudice against Russia, all the more so that the latter offers attractive financial terms.

According to the military industry, the export of AIP submarines is worth a long hard look at, because Amur submarines are, first and foremost, sophisticated in terms of operation, and it is not clear if the buyers are capable of operating them effectively or not. Russia has only two ships like that so far - one in trial operation and the other in construction, i.e. none has entered service with the Russian Navy yet, and offering a technology like that for export would not be quite right.

Naval expert Vladimir Shcherbakov has explained to the Izvestia daily that to form a submarine force is expensive. A submarine’s cost includes those of an on-shore simulator, a support system and personnel training. Usually, her cost also includes that of the first weapons suite - torpedoes and missiles that are worth far more than several dozen million dollars.

In Shcherbakov’s opinion, Morocco would better buy Project 636 (Improved Kilo-class) subs - proven, upgraded, Club-carrying and capable of dealing with any targets. Their only drawback is the lack of the AIP capability but the latter is important to operations conducted far in the ocean. It will take some time to complete the development of the Project 677 submarine, which first example is still in trial operation.

However, Russian engineers are hopeful that the problem will be resolved within several years. A Project 677 ship will be the first to receive the advanced power plant. The Rubin Central Design Bureau is looking into the integration of the AIP compartment with the submarine, according to the Izvestia daily.

يعني خلاص نقول مبروك للمغرب ,,,,,