رادار rezonans-ne يدخل الخدمة الفعلية في الجزائر

هذه التويتات تثبت ما جاء على لسان اكرم خريف صاحب موقع menadefense وهو اول مصدر من اشار حول التعاقد عليه من طرف الجزائر
ماتقولهمش هاك يزعفوا منك الاخوة
اهتمام كبير الجزائر بالدفاع الجوي عائلة س ورادارات ذات مدى كبيرة
وهذا من اجل عدو كبير وليس صغير​
اهتمام كبير الجزائر بالدفاع الجوي عائلة س ورادارات ذات مدى كبيرة
وهذا من اجل عدو كبير وليس صغير​
الحمدلله على السلامه وين كنت مختفي ماتشارك بالمواضيع . :D
الف مبروك رادار مافوق الافق يستطيع الكشف عن اي شيء يتواجد بالجو
وخصوصآ صواريخ الكروز الفرط صوتية والدرونات التي تحلق بأرتفاع منخفض جدا . ?(y)
فقط كمعلومة الرادار هو للانذار المبكر و ليس مافوق الأفق.
فقط كمعلومة الرادار هو للانذار المبكر و ليس مافوق الأفق.
وفقا لتصريحات المدير العام لمركز الأبحاث Resonans ايفان نازارينكو يستطيع المجمع الراداري REZONANS-NE كشف الأهداف الشبحية التي تفوق سرعة الصوت High hypersonic و تصل الى 20 ماخ كحد أقصى .
نقلا عن الامير نيلوس
وفقا لتصريحات المدير العام لمركز الأبحاث Resonans ايفان نازارينكو يستطيع المجمع الراداري REZONANS-NE كشف الأهداف الشبحية التي تفوق سرعة الصوت High hypersonic و تصل الى 20 ماخ كحد أقصى .
نقلا عن الامير نيلوس
According to the Resonance Research Institute, the radar is capable of detecting and providing target designation for aerodynamic air targets, including inconspicuous ones, at a distance of 600 km, for ballistic targets - up to 1200 km, in height - up to 100 km.
المجلة الشهيرة DSI السباقة في اعلان امتلاك الجزائر للاسكندر والاس400. ركزولي على كلمة A2/AD . :p

The A2 / AD on the Algerian coast


With the entry into scene of the OTH radar station type Rezonans NE in Oualla, Algeria, it has become clear that this country is doing things very well in the "rearmament" chapter ...

El context presents a scenario in which Algerians are acquiring and deploying advanced equipment in some strategic categories for this theater of operations, which must be understood as a set of measures aimed at achieving an A2 / AD ( ) credible.

I will upload some graphics to show what is known in the deployments in the Algerian coastal strip and I will add the possibilities of mobile systems.

The long-distance pre-warning is carried out by the Rethonans NE type OTH radar station in Oualla (there are probably more stations) ...

Algeria has also acquired high-power electronic warfare (EW) systems of the Russian model Krasuja 4. These could be its coverage ...

The antiaircraft / missile defense is in the hands of the S-300PMU2 air defense systems of which I cite 3 known deployments in the area:

Detection coverage ...

Interception Coverage ...

Combined detection and interception coverage ...

It is also possible that there is S-400 but we leave that in possibility.

In these areas A2 / AD the defensive media are accompanied by the offensive and in the Algerian case this is in the hands of the Iskander E. ballistic missile systems. Their deployments could be these ...

If we were talking about an ideal A2 / AD model, using Russian equipment, the Bastion P coast missile systems would be missing but I am not sure that Algeria has acquired them.

Then with these systems Algeria enjoys prior warning at a very long distance. EW capability also over long distances. Long-range anti-aircraft and anti-missile capability and, finally, accurate long-distance attack. Not counting other means such as the Air Force and its radars and fighters or the Fleet with its ships and submarines or the Army with its own.

In addition, if we exclude the OTH radar station in Oualla, all the means of these A2 / AD are highly mobile. Both the Krasuja 4, as the Iskander E or the S-300PMU2 can pick up and leave for another position in a few minutes and deploy in as many, with the obvious advantage that this entails.

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