الأمارات تشترى المروحية AW609 TiltRotor لعمليات البحث و الانقاذ

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حور محب

عضو مميز
1 مارس 2009
1,251 0 0
UAE Picks AW609 for Tiltrotor Requirement

Correction: This story originally stated that the AW609 had defeated Bell Boeing's V-22 in a competition. It has been updated to reflect new information about Bell Boeing's ongoing discussions with the UAE.

DUBAI — The United Arab Emirates has selected the AW609 design from AgustaWestland to fulfill its requirement for a tiltrotor search and rescue aircraft, the Armed Forces' Joint Aviation Command announced Tuesday.

However, a senior Boeing official told Defense News late Tuesday that the agreement should have no impact on ongoing discussions with the UAE about Bell Boeing’s V-22 design, as the company is targeting a different mission for the Osprey.

The selection of the AW609 gives a launch customer for the search and rescue design of the aircraft.

Delivery of the first three aircraft is expected to start in the "2019 timeframe," AgustaWestland said in a news release, while the UAE holds options on three more aircraft. The systems will be operated by the UAE's Joint Aviation Command.


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