USS Ross Intercepts Ballistic Missile at Test off the Coast of Scotland


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صقور الدفاع
20 يناير 2014
20,159 4 0
On October 20, in the North Atlantic Ocean, USS Ross (DDG 71) during the Maritime Theater Missile Defense (MTMD) Forum's At Sea Demonstration (ASD15). The Maritime Theater Missile Defense forum was established in 1999 as a co-operative body for participating navies to develop improved cooperation and promote interoperability in sea-based missile defense.
اوكتوبر 20 في شمال المحيط الاطلسي يو اس اس روز او ماتسمى بدي دي جي -71 اعترضت صاروخ بالستي بنجاح خلال المسرح الدفاع الصاروخي البحري الباقي لن اتكلم عنه لعدم تعلقه بالموضوع

For the scenario, a short-range ballistic missile target was launched from Hebrides Range and was inflight simultaneously with two anti-ship cruise missiles fired at the coalition task group. While the USS Ross (DDG 71) engaged the ballistic missile target, the USS The Sullivans (DDG 68), in its air defense role, engaged the cruise missile targets.

“These tests validated the interoperability and durability of Aegis, which has the world’s most advanced maritime ballistic missile defense capabilities” said Douglas Wilhelm, director of Lockheed Martin’s Aegis International programs. “The Aegis-equipped ships rapidly detected and tracked the target, and shared fire-control quality track data over linked communications prior to successful engagement. The crews of all six international ships are to be congratulated for their impressive execution of this complicated exercise.”

