هو رشاش AR-15، او "الأفعى" يظهر لاول مرة في أمريكا
هو رشاش مزدوج الماسورة يستطيع الاطلاق بشكل مزدوج بضغطة زناد واحدة من انتاج شركة Gilboa الامريكية وعرض اول مرة في امريكا في 2014 في معرض الاسلحة التكتيكية
وسوف تقوم القيادة الامريكية بتجربة الرشاش لتحديد امكانية شراءه
When this rifle first came into the public eye, we were less than enthusiastic. It seemed like a gimmick, and to be honest that’s how it started — they needed a “show stopper” for a military trade show. But instead of just being an interesting engineering product,
Gilboa is going into full production right here in the United States to put these on the shelves and in the hands of American shooters
Since the ATF defines a “machine gun” as any firearm that fires multiple rounds with
the pull of a single trigger, Gilboa is re-designing the rifle to have two individual triggers instead of the single trigger setup currently being used.
هو رشاش مزدوج الماسورة يستطيع الاطلاق بشكل مزدوج بضغطة زناد واحدة من انتاج شركة Gilboa الامريكية وعرض اول مرة في امريكا في 2014 في معرض الاسلحة التكتيكية
وسوف تقوم القيادة الامريكية بتجربة الرشاش لتحديد امكانية شراءه
When this rifle first came into the public eye, we were less than enthusiastic. It seemed like a gimmick, and to be honest that’s how it started — they needed a “show stopper” for a military trade show. But instead of just being an interesting engineering product,
Gilboa is going into full production right here in the United States to put these on the shelves and in the hands of American shooters
Since the ATF defines a “machine gun” as any firearm that fires multiple rounds with
the pull of a single trigger, Gilboa is re-designing the rifle to have two individual triggers instead of the single trigger setup currently being used.
خاص للمنتدي العربي للدفاع والتسليح
أحمد عيسي
أحمد عيسي
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