حامله الطائرات الروسيه ( المشروع 23000E) ستعمل بالطاقه النوويه ( وتصريحات عن المشاريع المستقبليه)

على جبر

صقور الدفاع
15 سبتمبر 2014
21,806 0 0
According to Russian state owned news agency TASS citing a spokesman for the United Shipbuilding Corporation (OCK), Russia’s future aircraft carrier Project 23000E "Storm" will have to be equipped with a nuclear power plant.


The project of a future Russian aircraft carrier, or as it is sometimes referred to as naval aircraft carrying complex, is in the design phase. Research conducted by the Nevskoye Design Bureau indicates that the sole way of meeting the Navy’s requirements, such as power generation, sea endurance and voyage range is to equip the ship with a nuclear power plant," the source said.

The Nevskoye Design Bureau has worked on the project since 2007, the corporation’s official said. At the Defense Ministry’s request it has proposed the image of the ship and its air wing and determined the list of research and development works and requirements for its future base. The source pointed out that by now the possibility has been confirmed in principle of building the aircraft at one of the corporation’s shipyards and determined the main sub-contractors, the cost of the project and delivery date.

The state defense contract envisages no aircraft building projects for now.

"The current state defense contract for 2015-2017 contains no plans for creating a naval aircraft-carrying complex," the source said.

Earlier, the Nevskoye Design Bureau’s CEO, Sergey Vlasov, told TASS that the corporation was pushing ahead with research into an aircraft carrier of the future entirely of its own accord, without any terms of reference from the Navy to rely on. Vlasov speculated there may be two projects: a nuclear-powered ship with a displacement of 80,000-85,000 tonnes and some 70 aircraft on board. A non-nuclear aircraft carrier having a displacement of 55,000-65,000 tonnes will be able to carry 50-55 aircraft.


Mistral amphibious assault ship replacement

A spokesman for the United Shipbuilding Corporation said Russia’s shipbuilding industry has not yet received from the Navy the terms of reference for a new generation amphibious assault ship.

"The industry has no terms of reference at this point," the source said, adding that it would be a dramatically new ship.

The United Shipbuilding Corporation is undergoing fundamental technical upgrade. When completed, it will enable the USC to build advanced ships for the Russian Navy," the source told TASS.

Earlier, the Russian Navy’s commander, Admiral Viktor Chirkov, mentioned plans for designing large amphibious assault ships of the future capable of carrying a dozen helicopters and 450 Marines. The Defense Ministry said the first new generation amphibious assault ship will be delivered by 2020. The ship’s displacement is estimated at 16,000 tonnes.

The Navy’s officials said the image of the ship had been formed, while the USC remarked that the plans had not gone any farther than preliminary sketch design. The shipbuilders said that Russia’s future amphibious assault ships were in the project concept phase. Each such ship will take less than five years to design and build.

At the international naval show in St. Petersburg in July Admiral Chirkov told the media that the yet-to-be-created ship would carry 16 helicopters, an attack force of 450 men and 80 armoured vehicles. It remained unclear whether the concept had anything to do with the amphibious assault ships that are being developed.

During the ARMY-2015 defense exhibiton in June, a new project called "Avalanche" was unveiled: Krylov State Research Center developed the Avalanche project of amphibious assault ship as a replacement for the cancelation for the Mistral class deal with France.


Twelve ships of the 10,000t "Leader class" are planned to enter service from 2023-25, split between the Northern and Pacific Fleets. They will all be nuclear powered. They will be fitted with the ABM-capable S-500 SAM and Kalibr (SS-N-27) cruise missile. Image for illustration purpose only:
Severnoye Design Bureau Project 21956 class destroyer.

Nuclear power unit for aircraft carrier to be tested on Leader (Lide) class destroyer

In early July
, a shipbuilding industry source told TASS that the nuclear power generating facility for the propulsion system of Russia’s future aircraft carrier will be worked out on the Lider (Leader) class destroyer.

The Russian Navy plans in the future to obtain new aircraft carriers, but the timeframe for the construction this class of vessel is unknown. The Navy has said that a prospective aircraft carrier will be built no earlier than in 2030.

Last week Russia and France agreed to discontinue the contract for the supply of two Mistral helicopter carriers ordered for the Russian Navy in 2011.


...الموضوع اختصارا انه وحسب المتحدث الرسمى للشركه المتحده لبناء السفن ...ان الحامله الجديده ستعمل بالطاقه النوويه او بالاحرى ستكون مؤهله لحمل محطه نوويه
والاشاره الى ان مكتب نوفوسكى للتصميم يعمل على الامر منذ 2007 وطلبت وزاره الدفاع الروسيه اعداد تصور للحامله الجديده وبداء المكتب فى عمل التصورات اللازمه للحامله ومواصفاتها والتطويرات اللازمه

وبالنسبه لبدائل الميسترال ....قال المتحدث الرسمى باسم الشركه انهم لم يتلقوا للان اى اوامر او توضيحات لبناء جيل جديد من سفن الهجوم البرمائيه...وقال ان الشركه تمر حاليا بفتره تطويرات تقنيه وعندما تكتمل تلك التطويرات ستتمكن الشركه من تلبيه الاحتياجات المستقبليه للبحريه الروسيه
والموضوع يشير للصوره الشهيره لمشروع الحامله ( لافينا) لمعهد كيرلوف للابحاث العلميه وعليها الختم الرئيسى للبحريه الروسيه كاحد البدائل المنتظره للميسترال التى تم الغاء عقدها مؤخرا
وخلال معرض الجيش للدفاع فى 2015 تم كشف النقاب عن مشروع جديد من معهد كيرلوف يسمى ( افلانش) كسفينه هجوم برمائى ايضا محتمله للبحريه الروسيه بديله عن الميسترال

.......وفى جانب اخر تمت الاشاره فى اوائل شهر يوليو لوكاله tass بناء على مصدر فى صناعه بناء السفن ...انه يتم العمل على اختبار منشاه الطاقه النوويه التى ستزود حامله الطائرات الروسيه المستقبليه واختبارها على المدمرات من فئه (leader class)

من المقرر رسميا ان تدخل الخدمه 12 مدمره من طراز ( leader class) ذات الازحه البالغه 10.000 طن من 2023 الى 2025 وسيتم تقسيمها بين القوات المتواجده فى المحيط الهادىء وستعمل جميع تلك المدمرات بالطاقه النوويه
وستكون قادره على حمل صواريخ S-500 للدفاع الجوى وصواريخ كروز من طراز ( (SS-N-27 -كاليبر)

ترجمت لحضراتكم اهم اللى موجود وليس كله.....

التعديل الأخير:
ماذا لو وضعت روسيـا اسطول بحري مكون مـن .. 1 حـاملة طايرات 2 حاملة مروحيـات .. 3 غواصتان 4 اربع مدمرات ..5 والحمايات الخاصة بالاسطول

!!! وكلها بالطاقة النوؤية ... ستصبح قوة بحرية مهيبة ومخيفة
ماذا لو وضعت روسيـا اسطول بحري مكون مـن .. 1 حـاملة طايرات 2 حاملة مروحيـات .. 3 غواصتان 4 اربع مدمرات ..5 والحمايات الخاصة بالاسطول

!!! وكلها بالطاقة النوؤية ... ستصبح قوة بحرية مهيبة ومخيفة

المخطط مستقبلا ان المشاريع البحريه اغلبها سيعمل بالطاقه النوويه لادامه بقائيه الاساطيل فى المناطق الملتهبه والمتنازع عليها ومناطق فرض القوه
والمدمرات الجديده من طراز القائد خير شاهد
روسيا تحس الفارق بينها وبين غيرها في البحرية لدلك اغلب مشاريعها المستقبلية في البحرية لتعويض الفارق مع الاميركان