قطر والامارات توقعان مع اليونان على تعمير وتطوير اساطيلهم من الميراج 2000


عضو مميز
13 فبراير 2009
10,412 0 0
الخبرين من اجل الاخوه الاعزاء الذين انكروا امر قدره اليونان على تعمير وتطوير الميراج 2000

الامارت توقع عقد بقيمة 100 مليون يورو سنويا لصيانة الميراج 2000-9 فى اليونان

Until recently we read and hear about "strong interest of Greece to procure second-hand Mirage 2000-9 from the United Arab Emirates." They want to replace them with Rafale. Some even spoke of great opportunity which must not let it go to waste. Since last night we hear and read about certain contract that took ODA for maintenance of Mirage 2000-9 which would bring even 100 million euros annually . I wish but caused a reasonable question: * How and how will we preserve the Mirage 2000-9 UAE since they want to sell them? Or one scenario applies or second. For the good of the DAC are the scenario of maintenance, but we fear that force the sale without provision for any possible purchase from Greece. * If you apply other information they want the decision to sell the aircraft to freeze because there are thoughts about sourcing F 35 -lefta there ekei- resulting from somewhere evidence-that will prefer to support the ODA and not their own industry? Because of our knowledge we give great importance to this last sector. Their MBDA "burning" too and develop rapidly. The ODA is the "flagship" of our defense industry and should at all costs be saved. But it can be saved only with words and fireworks. It takes seriously, plan and search of existing opportunities. Not enough words with which as the saying goes "I build upper floors and cellars." So Expecting text of the agreement Abu Dhabi let's keep many reservations and let us celebrate. This is because we can at reporters such "announcements "made and forgotten not cost anything. But as there are workers and families who are concerned -for years- for tomorrow DAC that are identified with their future, it is appropriate that we are all careful. Because we can speak, write and argue that they will come to ODA and. ..diastimoploia For maintenance and then forget them. Workers however will remember forever. Read more: The "windows" in Abu Dhabi saw the Blazing - What "glykokoitaxe"
for Navy flew with "half a wing" and landed 100 miles! Incredible F-16 flight


وقطر توقع ايضا عقود صيانة وتعمير الميراج القطرية فى اليونان

05/05/2015: The Greek Aerospace Industry can draw the chariot of the Industrial Reconstruction

In the past, the present and the strong outlook is for the future ODA mentioned in a speech in the Exposec the Chairman the company's

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The significant progress of Greek Aerospace Industry (HAI) to date and strong prospects for further growth in the future highlighted the Chairman DAC Mr. Panagiotis Manousos in a speech on "Greek Aerospace Industry: Yesterday, today, tomorrow" as part of Congress EXPOSEC DEFENSEWORLD 2015 performed on 5 and 6 May 2015.


On the occasion of this year 40 years since the founding of the company in 1975, Mr. Manousos underlined the fact that in 40 years of operation, the DAC:

He has honored in full its core mission and guarantee the reliability and operational readiness of flying means our country's Armed Forces.
Has succeeded to operate as subcontractor of the largest companies of aeronautics and has until now ongoing major contracts for construction products and services, which account for approximately 30% of its revenues.
It has become a reference point for the Greek industry and entrepreneurship.
It has over time generate more than 6,500 jobs and has strengthened parallel web business both nationally and locally through an extensive network of partners and suppliers.
He developed considerable expertise creating knowledge for the benefit of itself and of its sector.
Developed new products with high added technological and economic value.


Referring to today, Mr. Manousos stressed that the company follows a steady course, having significantly improve the operational and production activities, reducing the inflexible expenditure and applying a dynamic extrovert trade policy.

In particular, in economic terms, ODA in 2014 -among others:

Increased its sales by more than 10%.
Achieved significant reduction-top 15% - of rigid expenditure.
Worked full sovereignty, without burdening the Greek State. Much more,
He reduced its debt to it by the deduction of 20% on each payment from the State to ODA.

HAI believes that for the first time since its inception, will close the year 2014 with a positive result before taxes and, in accordance with the business plan, by 2018 will have increased its turnover by 40%, with continuously increasing profitability.

On a commercial level, the company gives top priority to support the work of the Armed Forces and Air Force particularly by providing high quality standards and continuous expansion of opportunities for entering into new highly skilled work.

At the same time, it enhances the outward orientation of attracting new partnerships and expand existing ones. Under this ODA:

already implements for Lockheed Martin expanding construction contract Quorum of C-130J aircraft for the global market for the period 2015-2019.
proceeded to sign a new agreement with the Presidential Guard of the Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates for the provision of educational services for over 3 years.
Concluded the agreement on the extension of the maintenance program and overhaul of components and engines for Mirage 2000 Qatar.
They succeeded in entering the markets of India and Poland by signing contracts with companies Tata Advanced Systems Ltd and WZL-2 respectively.

At the same time, ODA:

It is in process of renewal of the contract for overall support of flying means the Coast Guard for the years 2015-2019.
expects the takeover of maintenance work and upgrading the P-3 aircraft of the Navy.

These contracts will be added to the backlog project 520 mil. Already available to the ODA.


With all these safeguards, ODA aims to exploit specific business opportunities:

1. As regards the field of maintenance and upgrading of aerial means and general aviation and electronic material -the largest business of the company in terms of revenue and ypodomon-, significant opportunities are presented:

a) in the domestic market (Armed Forces, Public Sector, Private Sector).

b) in the international market, focusing on the Middle East and North. Africa (MENA) where the company already has a significant presence.

2. In providing education services, ODA aims to expand its activities in the external environment through partnerships with the academic institutions abroad to provide integrated education programs in Greece and abroad of.

3. In the political register, in an international environment marked significant increase in sales figures concerning aircraft material. The market interest in ODA for civilian commercial aircraft is to buy upgrades and maintenance (MRO). This includes heavy aircraft maintenance and conversions, the first degree maintenance, maintenance of engine and components.

4. The DAC has significant experience in international co-productions and has the ability to take projects from phase even R & D and / or Design therefore be involved in developing new programs by the beginning of such to the final product.

The use or off-the above perspective is subject to conditions. This is required by the next day the DAC -but generally the defense industry; is:

H elaboration of National Defence Industrial Strategy,
H creation of the Single National Entity Defence Industry under public control -which will however work with private-sector economic criteria; in combination with targeted reforms to create a realistic framework for development that will further enhance the transparency, competitiveness and extroversion,
Exploring all business opportunities in domestic and international market,
The strengthening, enhancement and rational management and utilization of human resources,
The achievement of micro and macroeconomic stability will gradually lead to eliminate specific problems and, ultimately,
Support for existing systems but also produce 'new value' in the defense industry.


نحن لا نتكلم من فراغ فاليونان حليفتنا معلوم جدا مدي تطور صناعتها الجويه وقدراتها الكبيره تقنيا في توفير قطع الغيار وجميع الاجزاء اللازمه لصيانه وترقيه اساطيل الميراج والاف 16 وبتقنيات عاليه فكان الاختيار الاماراتي والقطري لليونان هو النهائي

احلى ما فى الموضوع " اليونان حليفتنا " اللى قولتها فى الآخر
اعمال العمره شئ والتطوير شئ
لو ان المقصود عملاه وتطوير بالبدن نعم هم قادرون
اما ترقية للرادار والافيونكس ....الخ لا اعتقد انها ستتم خارج فرنسا
اعمال العمره شئ والتطوير شئ
لو ان المقصود عملاه وتطوير بالبدن نعم هم قادرون
اما ترقية للرادار والافيونكس ....الخ لا اعتقد انها ستتم خارج فرنسا

لا ارى ما يمنع .. الميراج-9 تم ترقيتها لهذا المعيار بوسطة شركة جامكو الاماراتية ..

UAE's Modernized Mirage
The French-built Mirage 2000 has been transformed into multiple variants. A Mideast maintenance firm has gained the opportunity to produce still another variant.
Ian Parker - June 1, 2000
At the Dubai Air Show last November, the Gulf Aircraft Maintenance Co. (GAMCO) announced that it had won a contract from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Air Force and Air Defence to maintain and upgrade UAE’s Mirage 2000s. The UAE Air Force has ordered 30 new Mirage 2000-9s and GAMCO will retrofit 33 of its existing 61 Mirage 2000s to the -9 standard.
The $50-million contract allows GAMCO to pursue servicing and upgrade business on Mirage 2000s from other countries. For example, Egypt has 40 and Qatar has 12. Mirages also have been sold to Greece, India, Peru, Abu Dhabi and Taiwan.
The Mirage 2000 was developed and is built by Dassault Aviation of France. The single-turbofan-powered, multirole aircraft first entered service with the French Air Force in 1984, and it joins other airframes that will last for decades but require periodic avionics upgrades.
A Durable Partnership
The GAMCO contract includes fourth line test benches and ground support equipment, spare parts, training and documentation. Allan Dollie, GAMCO’s managing director, says the agreement is important to the UAE Air Force and Air Defence, GAMCO and Dassault Aviation because it "establishes a durable partnership between the three parties for a self-supporting capability of all the Mirage 2000 components and mechanical systems in the UAE."
The UAE will be the first 2000-9 operator following its $2-billion order for the aircraft. Delivery of the new 2000-9s is scheduled for late 2001. The air force will form two or three squadrons.
Upgraded UAE 2000s will get the Thomson-CSF multimode fire control radar (RDY model), along with Matra’s MICA missile and its advanced short range air-to-air missile (ASRAAM) for air superiority. Matra BAe Dynamics expects the MICA and ASRAAM missile order will be worth about $515 million.
طيب بالبسنبه لمصر اعمال الصيانه والعمره للمحرك والبدن اين تتم ؟

عندنا فى مصر ..