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Italian Air Force to acquire six HammerHead MALE UAVs
Feb 26, 2015
Developed in partnership with Finmeccanica-Selex ES, the P.1HH HammerHead UAS is currently going through a comprehensive development and certification flight test campaign, conducted at the Trapani Birgi Italian Air Force base. The maiden flight was completed last December at Trapani Birgi.

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The Italian Air Force will be the launch customer of the P.1HH HammerHead Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance (MALE) Unmanned Aerial System (UAS). The manufacturer, Piaggio Aerospace will deliver three UAS systems – 6 air vehicles and 3 ground control stations – complete with intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) configuration to the Italian Air Force in early 2016.

“We are truly delighted about this decision. It confirms the strong partnership we have with the Italian Air Force and showcases the P.1HH as one of the most advanced systems to enter the market.” Carlo Logli, CEO of Piaggio Aerospace said. “We have very concrete reasons to believe that P.1HH will become the first European state-of-the-art MALE UAS, uniquely suited to perform a wide range of surveillance and security missions at the highest technological level”, Logli added. Piaggio Aerospace announced today at the IDEX defense expo in Abu Dhabi, in the presence of the Italian Air Force Chief, Lt. Gen. Pasuquale Preziosa.

The P.1HH HammerHead is a derivative of the Piaggio Aerospace P.180 twin turboprop aircraft, designed with a variety of operational capabilities that can be tailored to specific customer requirements, enabling the UAS to perform a wide range of ISR missions. The P.180 has a proven service record of over 20 years and more than 800,000 flight hours, providing a proven, reliable platform for the new UAV derivative.

Developed in partnership with Finmeccanica-Selex ES, the P.1HH HammerHead UAS is currently going through a comprehensive development and certification flight test campaign, conducted at the Trapani Birgi Italian Air Force base. The maiden flight was completed last December at Trapani Birgi.

Project Pilot Sergio Paloni, who led the flight crew said, “We are very pleased with the result of the maiden flight. The aerial vehicle was seamlessly operated remotely with no experienced flaws. We were also able to gather significant data which will enable us to forge ahead with our ambitious development roadmap”.

This achievement came after the completion of the P.1HH UAS demo program and represents the starting point of a comprehensive development and certification flight test campaign. It will enable Piaggio Aerospace to soon deliver to the market one of the most advanced MALE UAS.

The Prototype 001 is representative of the final aerodynamic configuration of the aircraft including the new, extended span main wing and the control systems on board. During the first flight, the Prototype 001 performed a shakedown flight over the Mediterranean Sea at a significant range of speed and altitude. The main flight objective was to conduct a first check of all the essential functions of the Air Vehicle and Ground Segment. The aerial vehicle management and control system, data link and ground control station are developed in partnership with Finmeccanica – Selex ES.


The Prototype 001 is representative of the final aerodynamic configuration of the aircraft including the new, extended span main wing and the control systems on board. During the first flight, the Prototype 001 performed a shakedown flight over the Mediterranean Sea at a significant range of speed and altitude. Photo: Piaggio


قررت ايطاليا شراء 6 طائرات من نوع رأس المطرقة التي تصنعها بياجيو اييرو اضافة لعدد 3 محطات تحكم

الطائرة تصنعها شركة بياجيو ايرو والتي تملكها شركة مبادلة الاماراتية ودخلت في مشروعها شركة سيليكس اي اس التابعة لفينميكانيكا ..


وخبر الاستحواذ على شركة بياجيو ايرو

Mubadala Takes Over Piaggio Aero

The move follows a broad-based restructuring of Piaggio Aero last year during which sales of the AvantiII flatlined. As part of the restructuring, India’s Tata Industries will relinquish its partnership stake in Piaggio, giving Mubadala control of 98 percent of the company’s stock. Piero Ferrari, who had been a major shareholder and had served as chairman of Piaggio, will retain 1.9-percent ownership.

اظن انني عرفت الان سبب تسميتها برأس المطرقة ( اظنه تيمنا باسم القرش الشهير .. Hummer Head ) ويلاحظ الشبه في مقدمة الطائرة والقرش



هل تم نقل المصنع الى الامارات ام لا لانه لو لم يتم نقله ففى وقت الحروب لن يكون له فائده
هل تم نقل المصنع الى الامارات ام لا لانه لو لم يتم نقله ففى وقت الحروب لن يكون له فائده

لم يتم نقله بعد ...

اظن ان هناك خططا لجلب عمليات التصنيع في الامارات في مجمع نبراس العملاق

مؤخرا تم افتتاح مركز تميز جديد تابع لبياجيو مبادلة في ايطاليا ..

in Events
Mubadala's Piaggio opens new manufacturing centre of excellence
Posted 8 November 2014 · Add Comment

In the presence of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Mubadala subsidiary, Piaggio Aerospace, officially opened its new manufacturing plant for unmanned aircraft systems, aircraft and aero engines

The new aerospace centre of excellence is based at at Villanova d’Albenga in northern Italy near the French border. As well as Prime Minister Renzi, Minister of Defence Roberta Pinotti, and numerous civilian and military authorities were also in attendance.
The new manufacturing plant is at the forefront of aerospace technology with the capacity, systems and processes to make it one of the world’s most advanced industrial aerospace plants.
Strategically located for direct access to the airport of Villanova d’Albenga the 127,000 sqm site at hosts a state-of-the-art industrial plant covering 49.000 sqm where Piaggio Aerospace designs, develops and manufactures aircraft: the most efficient, high performance aircraft for business aviation and special missions like the Avanti EVO - the third generation of the world’s fastest and most efficient turboprop – and the innovative MPA- Multirole Patrol Aircraft (MPA).
The site will also offer the technology and ability to build unmanned aircraft systems for surveillance and reconnaissance such as the P.1HH HammerHead. Capable of automatic take-off and landing, the P.1HH is a top of the range of MALE (Medium Altitude Long Endurance) class remotely piloted aircraft. An innovative system dedicated to Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), controlled from a ground station, which allows the remote control of the aircraft’s navigation and mission systems.
Piaggio Aeropace is also the only company in the world that operates in both the aviation and the high-tech aero engine sector, with the manufacture of parts, final assembly, support and engine maintenance in partnership with and licenced by major manufacturers worldwide.
Alberto Galassi, chairman, Piaggio Aerospace, said: “This is an extraordinary day for Piaggio Aerospace as we celebrate an event that is the end of one journey and the start of a new one. The inauguration of this innovative plant at Villanova d’Albenga is the finishing line of a journey that raises all of our standards – from manufacturing efficiency to product quality. At the same time, it is the departure point for a new drive towards excellence in all the sectors in which the company is involved. In addition to our shareholders, Mubadala and Piero Ferrari, our thanks must go to everyone who supported this project and enabled its implementation.”
The construction of the Piaggio Aerospace centre of excellence was made possible by an investment of over €140 million in facilities, processes and R&D technologies dedicated to areas of the industry that have become an international priority.

Ribbon Cutting Carlo Logli, Homaid Al Shemmari CEO Mubadala Aerospace, Matteo Renzi Prime Minister, Alberto Galassi Piaggio charirman

- See more at: http://www.arabianaerospace.aero/mu...entre-of-excellence.html#sthash.p598NWwL.dpuf

نظرة سريعة على مجمع نبراس لصناعات الطيران











هذه الصورة توحي ان ستراتا ( وهي جزء من مجمع نبراس لصناعات الطيران ) سيكون لها شأن في ما يخص العمليات الصناعية لشركة بياجيو ايرو التابعة لمبادلة
هذا المجمع اكثر من مؤهل لاستيعاب عمليات التصنيع الخاصة بالطيران .. ستراتا وهي جزء من المجمع .. تصنع حاليا وتورد - حصريا - اجزاء من الطائرات لشركات عالمية مثل ايرباص وبوينج وشركات اخرى



اما بخصوص جزئية ( لو لم يتم نقله فلن تكون هناك فائدة وقت الحرب ) فلا اتفق معك فيها ..

السبب ان هذا استثمار اماراتي وتمتلكه بالكامل تقريبا ( 98% نسبة امتلاك الامارات للشركة ) وهو حاليا بمركز البحث والتطوير وخطوط الانتاج ومركز التميز ومجمل العملية الانتاجية .. موجود في ايطاليا .

لذلك , ان لم تقع حرب في ايطاليا فلن يتأثر الاستثمار الاماراتي بالسلب بل ستستمر وتيرة العملية الانتاجية والبحث والتطوير الخ .. وسيستمر العمل , والمستفيد الاول والاخير ( مالك الشركة الحقيقي .. الامارات ) والتي بامكانها حال الرغبة , ان تنقل المصانع ومراكز البحث والتطوير وكل ماله صلة بالعملية الانتاجية للداخل الاماراتي ...

ولكن قبل ذلك , يتوجب تأهيل العنصر البشري على عمليات شركة بياجيو ايرو الصناعية + تجهيز البنى التحتية ( للتخصص في صناعات بياجيو ايرو تحديدا ) ومن ثم يمكن الانطلاق في افاق المستقبل الرحبة
يا سلام
شيئ جميل
بالتوفيق لاخوانا ونحو مزيد من التعاون
اذا تم هذا الشى وتم نقل المصنع فستكون اضافه كبيره جدا للامارات
هناك حديث عن اهتمام مصري برأس المطرقة و قد كثرت الاحاديث عن ذلك مع زياره وزيرة الدفاع الايطالية الاخيره لمصر و مع دخول الامارات علي الخط فالوضع اصبح اكثر جديه و معقوليه عن السابق
اذا تم هذا الشى وتم نقل المصنع فستكون اضافه كبيره جدا للامارات
اختلف معك ,فليبقى المصنع و مركز الابحاث في ايطاليا ,و لتتم انشاء شركة في دبي تحوي مركز ابحاث و تصنيع ,و السبب ان عملية النقل الى الامرات ليسة بالسهلة ولها سلبيات كبيرة
1-ايجاد الكادر البشري (لو عندك كادر بشري ما يلزمك تشتري شركة بل تبني شركتك الخاصة)
2-التاثير السلبي على البحث العلمي
3-خسارة زبائن مهمين
4-عزل اعمال البحث الغلمي عن التطور التقني في اروبا من مراكز ابحاث و اختراعات
ولذلك احبذ انشاء توئم للشركة في الامرات مع بقاء الاصل كما هوه في ايطاليا
نتمنى نقل المصنع لدولة الإمارات لتتم الاستفادة منه بشكل واسع .
ماشاء الله بالتوفيق للامارات الحبيبة وابناء زايد الرجل العظيم