#البحرين ... أولى الصور لمدرعات Otokar Arma 6x6 #


سَلِيل أَخَوَان مِنْ طَاع اللَّه
خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
2 أكتوبر 2010
36,438 316 0
Saudi Arabia
... ظهرت اليوم اولى الصور لمدرعات Otokar Arma 6x6 التركية والتي اشترتها البحرين مؤخرا ...


The Arma 6x6 was presented for the first time to the public during the defense exhibition of Paris, Eurosatory in 2010.

The ARMA is a new product family within the Otokar’s the tactical wheeled armoured vehicle range with modular multi-wheel configuration. ARMA vehicle platform with superior tactical and technical features will be an outstanding and cost effective product among competitive products. Thanks to the high level of ballistic and mine protection as well as, the outstanding design allowing the integration of various types of weapon stations and mission equipment, ARMA will be an adaptable platform for evolving mission needs in a modern battlefield. ARMA vehicle’s development started in 2007 as a company funded development project for home and export markets.

The independent suspension system enhanced with Run Flat Tires, built-in Central Tyres Inflation System (CTIS) and Anti-locking Brake System (ABS) improves ground mobility and ride comfort even over the roughest terrain. Vehicle’s mobility is further enhanced with longitudinal and transverse differential locks and the high power to weight ratio coupled with high ground clearance and approach/departure angles.

The Arma 6x6 APC used by the Bahrain armed forces is fitted with open top turret armed with a 12,7mm machine gun, but some of the vehicles seem to be equipped with a remote weapon station armed with a 12,7mm or one 7,62mm machine gun.

مبروك للبحرين وقواتها المسلحة وقيادتها الملكية الرشيدة