Gowind 1000 , الأخت الصغرى


صقور الدفاع
20 أبريل 2013
31,071 356 1
Gowind 1000


اولا مبروك لمصر صفقتها الرائعة , 4 كروفيت جويند 2500 , وهي لأخت الكبرى للجويند 1000 ,

بعد النجاح الباهر للجويند 2500 , على مدى سنتين فقط 2013-2014 , والتي بيعت فيها 10 كروفتيات , 6 للبحرية الماليزية , وأربعة للبحرية المصرية ,

قامت DCNS الفرنسية بتطوير كروفيت جديد , Gowind 1000 ,
وهي أصغر كروفيت قامت DCNS بتصميمها , مدججة بالسلاح , سريعة ومناسبة للمرافقة والحماية , أيضا للمراقبة والقيام باعمال التجسس والشرطة البحرية ,


أما الأخت الكبرى Gowind 2500 ,
فهي كروفيت متعددة المهام , شبحية من أخر ما انتجت DCNS , صنعت لمكافحة سفن السطح والغواصات والمراقبة البحرية , والحماية والحراسة ,

الصورة لل Gowind 2500 ,

أول ظهور للوجويند 1000 كان في المعرض العسكري Balt Military Expo , في بولونيا


الجويند 1000 هي كروفيت وأخت صغرى للجويند لأكبر 2500 ,
وتعتبر كذالك اخت صغرى لل OPV 90 L'adroit , لأنها مشتقة من لأتنين ,


بازاحة تبلغ 1000 طن , ( 2500 طن , للجويند 2500 )


بطول 80 متر , ( 102 متر , للجويند 2500 )


بسرعة أكبر 30 عقدة ( 26 عقدة , للجويند 2500 ) تستوعب الكروفيت 44 بحارا بلأضافة ل 12 من القوات الخاصة بكامل تجهيزهم ,


تستطيع الجويند الصغرى قطع مسافة 3500 ميل , بسرعة 2 عقدة ! ( 3000 ميل بسرعة 15 عقدة , للجويند 2500 )

يمكنها حمل مروحية واحدة بزنة 10 طن , أو مروحية بزنة 5 طن بانتر, الى جانب UAV
( مروحية بزنة 10 طن متل NH90 او Seahawk , أو مروحية زنة 5 طن بانتر الى جانب UAV , أو يمكن ازالة المروحية واضافة 3 UAV , للجويند 2500 )


التسليح , 4 صواريخ سطح-سطح Exocet MM40 , و 8 خلايا اطلاق سطح-جو VL Mica , ومدفع 76mm
( 8 صواريخ سطح-سطح Exocet MM40 , و 16 خلاية اطلاق سطح-جو VL Mica , ومدفع 76mm أو 57mm , للجويند 2500 )


أخيرا تأمل DNCS ببيع الكروفيت جويند 1000 , للبحرية البولونية ,
3500 ميل بسرعة 2 عقدة ده لو سحلية بتعوم هتمشى اسرع من كده
ممكن مصدر المعلومات من صاحب الموضوع لنعرف السرعة الحقيقية
3500 ميل بسرعة 2 عقدة ده لو سحلية بتعوم هتمشى اسرع من كده
اتصدق بحت كتيرا ولم أجد الا مصدر واحد تكلم على المدى 3500 ميل بحري , وب 2 عقدة فقط!! استغربت, يمكن هناك خطأ بالموقع , ربما 12 عقدة ,
اتصدق بحت كتيرا ولم أجد الا مصدر واحد تكلم على المدى 3500 ميل بحري , وب 2 عقدة فقط!! استغربت, يمكن هناك خطأ بالموقع , ربما 12 عقدة ,
لو بالسرعة دى يبقى ملهوش اى قيمة
اتصدق بحت كتيرا ولم أجد الا مصدر واحد تكلم على المدى 3500 ميل بحري , وب 2 عقدة فقط!! استغربت, يمكن هناك خطأ بالموقع , ربما 12 عقدة ,
الجويند ثلاث فئات
هنا نذكر المواصفات العامة لكل فئة :

/ gowind 120 / gowind170 / gowind200

الطول : 95 الى 105 متر / 90 الى 95 متر / 80 الى 88 متر

العرض : 14.2 متر / 13 متر / 11 متر

الارتفاع : 20 متر / 18 متر / 14.5 متر

الازاحة : 2500 طن / 2000 طن / 1000/1450طن

الطاقم : 75 / 70/ 50

السرعة : 31.1 عقدة / 27 عقدة / 22 عقدة

المدى : 3000 ميل / 3000 ميل / 2000ميل
طلعت 12 عقدة

L'autonomie est importante, affichant 5000 nautiques à 12 noeuds (contre 3500 nautiques à 12 noeuds pour la Gowind Control),

ماهو اسمه التاني جاويند كونترول انفورسر


اقصي سرعه 22 عقده

DCNS of France first announced the Gowind family of corvettes in 2006. Since the initial announcement, DCNS has enlarged the Gowind family to four corvettes with length from 85m to 105m and displacement from 1,000t to 2,500t.

The Gowind family of corvettes includes: the 1,000t Sovereignty Enforcer Gowind control corvette, the 2,000t High Seas Master Gowind presence corvette, the Deterrent Warrior Gowind action corvette, and the 2,000t Multi-Mission Combatant Gowind combat corvette.

The ships, of sea-proven steel monohull design, accommodate 50 to 75 crew and passengers and have a maximum speed of 22kt to 27kt. The Gowind has an endurance of two to three weeks on patrol missions between at-sea replenishment.

"DCNS of France first announced the Gowind family of corvettes in 2006."
The corvette is designed for simplicity and for easy customising to the client navy's requirements including local in-country shipbuilding under technology transfer agreements. The Bulgarian Navy, which is considering the acquisition of up to six multi-role corvettes, has examined the capabilities of the Gowind corvettes. It is expected the first of class Bulgarian corvettes would be constructed at the DCNS Lorient ship yard and the following ships would be built under a license agreement at the naval shipyard near Varna on the Black Sea.

Gowind missions
The Gowind corvettes are ocean-capable vessels with capability for emerging missions such as anti-piracy, sea control and denial, combat, counter-terrorism, drug interdiction and anti-smuggling operations, oil and gas platform protection, search and rescue, fisheries protection, environmental protection and humanitarian support.

The corvettes can be configured with the capability to deploy special forces and accommodate a range of commando equipment. The self-protection level can be selected from remotely controlled guns up to missile systems. The communications suites with satellite communications interface to the customer's specified maritime surveillance networks.

The ships have high manoeuvrability with excellent sea-keeping capability. The special forces operations capability includes a quick launch and recovery stern-launch system for two rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) or unmanned surface vehicles (USVs).

The aviation capabilities, including automatic decking, allow safe operation of a helicopter and unmanned air vehicles.

Command and control
The vessel's multi-function radar is installed in the integrated mast. The design of the bridge allows 360° panoramic surveillance. The combat systems are suited to the customer country's requirements. The communications systems allow tactical information to be shared with other assets and land-based operations centres.

The Gowind's combat management system, SETIS, is based on the SENIT CMS designed by DCNS and Thales and incorporates commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) open systems architecture. A wide range of combat systems can be integrated into SETIS, which can be reconfigured to accommodate new and upgraded mission systems through the ship's operational life.

Gowind weapons
The corvettes can be armed with the weapon systems tailored to the customer country's mission requirements. The weapon systems include: water cannons, 12.7mm remotely controlled machine guns, 20mm machine gun, 76mm naval gun on the forward gun deck, anti-ship missiles, ship self-defence system and electronic warfare suite.

The propulsion is based on a diesel driven propeller and waterjet system. The Gowind design does not incorporate a conventional funnel and instead has a waterline engine exhaust system. The configuration contributes to the ship's low thermal signature and also allows the 360° vision capability from the bridge.

"The Gowind corvette is designed for simplicity and for easy customising to the client navy's requirements."
Gowind control corvette – Sovereignty Enforcer
The 1,000t Gowind control corvette (Sovereignty Enforcer) is designed for patrol and sovereignty enforcement in littoral and exclusive economic zone (EEZ) waters. Missions include special forces and commando fast deployment.

The hull length is 85m. The ship is armed with a 76mm cannon and can deploy a high-performance, high-capacity, rigid-hulled inflatable boat (RHIB).

Gowind presence corvette – High Seas Master
The 2,000t Gowind presence corvette (High Seas Master) has a sustained capacity for long-range intervention and long period at sea, and can remain at sea for up to three weeks. The corvette is fitted with a helicopter hangar.

Gowind action corvette – Deterrent Warrior

The Gowind action corvette (Deterrent Warrior) is equipped with a suite of anti-air and anti-surface sensors and weapons systems, for example the VL Mica vertically launched short-range air defence missile system and the Exocet MM40 anti-ship missiles.

Gowind combat corvette – Multi-Mission Combatant
The Gowind combat corvette (Multi-Mission Combatant) is equipped with full-scale mission systems for multi-threat response including a full anti-submarine warfare (ASW) suite with a towed array sonar. The ship configuration includes improved stealth and survivability features.

The combat corvette is suitable for Nato task group operations.
اقصي سرعه 22 عقده

DCNS of France first announced the Gowind family of corvettes in 2006. Since the initial announcement, DCNS has enlarged the Gowind family to four corvettes with length from 85m to 105m and displacement from 1,000t to 2,500t.

The Gowind family of corvettes includes: the 1,000t Sovereignty Enforcer Gowind control corvette, the 2,000t High Seas Master Gowind presence corvette, the Deterrent Warrior Gowind action corvette, and the 2,000t Multi-Mission Combatant Gowind combat corvette.

The ships, of sea-proven steel monohull design, accommodate 50 to 75 crew and passengers and have a maximum speed of 22kt to 27kt. The Gowind has an endurance of two to three weeks on patrol missions between at-sea replenishment.

"DCNS of France first announced the Gowind family of corvettes in 2006."
The corvette is designed for simplicity and for easy customising to the client navy's requirements including local in-country shipbuilding under technology transfer agreements. The Bulgarian Navy, which is considering the acquisition of up to six multi-role corvettes, has examined the capabilities of the Gowind corvettes. It is expected the first of class Bulgarian corvettes would be constructed at the DCNS Lorient ship yard and the following ships would be built under a license agreement at the naval shipyard near Varna on the Black Sea.

Gowind missions
The Gowind corvettes are ocean-capable vessels with capability for emerging missions such as anti-piracy, sea control and denial, combat, counter-terrorism, drug interdiction and anti-smuggling operations, oil and gas platform protection, search and rescue, fisheries protection, environmental protection and humanitarian support.

The corvettes can be configured with the capability to deploy special forces and accommodate a range of commando equipment. The self-protection level can be selected from remotely controlled guns up to missile systems. The communications suites with satellite communications interface to the customer's specified maritime surveillance networks.

The ships have high manoeuvrability with excellent sea-keeping capability. The special forces operations capability includes a quick launch and recovery stern-launch system for two rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) or unmanned surface vehicles (USVs).

The aviation capabilities, including automatic decking, allow safe operation of a helicopter and unmanned air vehicles.

Command and control
The vessel's multi-function radar is installed in the integrated mast. The design of the bridge allows 360° panoramic surveillance. The combat systems are suited to the customer country's requirements. The communications systems allow tactical information to be shared with other assets and land-based operations centres.

The Gowind's combat management system, SETIS, is based on the SENIT CMS designed by DCNS and Thales and incorporates commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) open systems architecture. A wide range of combat systems can be integrated into SETIS, which can be reconfigured to accommodate new and upgraded mission systems through the ship's operational life.

Gowind weapons
The corvettes can be armed with the weapon systems tailored to the customer country's mission requirements. The weapon systems include: water cannons, 12.7mm remotely controlled machine guns, 20mm machine gun, 76mm naval gun on the forward gun deck, anti-ship missiles, ship self-defence system and electronic warfare suite.

The propulsion is based on a diesel driven propeller and waterjet system. The Gowind design does not incorporate a conventional funnel and instead has a waterline engine exhaust system. The configuration contributes to the ship's low thermal signature and also allows the 360° vision capability from the bridge.

"The Gowind corvette is designed for simplicity and for easy customising to the client navy's requirements."
Gowind control corvette – Sovereignty Enforcer
The 1,000t Gowind control corvette (Sovereignty Enforcer) is designed for patrol and sovereignty enforcement in littoral and exclusive economic zone (EEZ) waters. Missions include special forces and commando fast deployment.

The hull length is 85m. The ship is armed with a 76mm cannon and can deploy a high-performance, high-capacity, rigid-hulled inflatable boat (RHIB).

Gowind presence corvette – High Seas Master
The 2,000t Gowind presence corvette (High Seas Master) has a sustained capacity for long-range intervention and long period at sea, and can remain at sea for up to three weeks. The corvette is fitted with a helicopter hangar.

Gowind action corvette – Deterrent Warrior

The Gowind action corvette (Deterrent Warrior) is equipped with a suite of anti-air and anti-surface sensors and weapons systems, for example the VL Mica vertically launched short-range air defence missile system and the Exocet MM40 anti-ship missiles.

Gowind combat corvette – Multi-Mission Combatant
The Gowind combat corvette (Multi-Mission Combatant) is equipped with full-scale mission systems for multi-threat response including a full anti-submarine warfare (ASW) suite with a towed array sonar. The ship configuration includes improved stealth and survivability features.

The combat corvette is suitable for Nato task group operations.
22 عقدة على فكرة سرعة بطيئة جدا
22 عقدة على فكرة سرعة بطيئة جدا
الكورفيت ضعيف ولا يميزه عن لنشات الصواريخ الا القدره علي حمل هليكوبتر او نظام طيران بدون طيار
برجاء الافادة عن سعر الكورفيت