صفقة جديدة فى يوم الصفقات لقوات المدرعات المصرية
الحمد لله
الحمد لله
أبلغت و كالة الاسلحة الامريكية الكونجرس بأنها سوف تبيع حوالى 15.500 قذيفة مطورة و عالية الفاعلية و التى تستخدم على الدبابات المصرية من نوع M1A1/M1A2 من عيار 120 ملى و التى سوف تعطى سلاح المدرعات المصرى أسبقية و قوة أضافية فى اصابة الهدف من الطلقة الاولى .
September 9, 2008 – The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified
Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Egypt of 120MM High
Explosive with Tracer (HE-T) Cartridges as well as associated equipment
and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be
as high as $69 million.
The Government
of Egypt has requested a possible sale of 15,500 120MM High Explosive
with Tracer (HE-T) Cartridges, 200 Dummy 120MM HE-T Cartridges, and 100
Cutaway 120MM HE-T, field implementation, testing, spare and repair
parts, support and test equipment, publications and technical
********ation, personnel training and training equipment, U. S.
Government logistics personnel services, and other related elements of
logistics support. The estimated cost is $69 million
أظن أخبار زى الفل
الحمد لله يا رب
عقبال المقاتلات يارب

September 9, 2008 – The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified
Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Egypt of 120MM High
Explosive with Tracer (HE-T) Cartridges as well as associated equipment
and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be
as high as $69 million.
The Government
of Egypt has requested a possible sale of 15,500 120MM High Explosive
with Tracer (HE-T) Cartridges, 200 Dummy 120MM HE-T Cartridges, and 100
Cutaway 120MM HE-T, field implementation, testing, spare and repair
parts, support and test equipment, publications and technical
********ation, personnel training and training equipment, U. S.
Government logistics personnel services, and other related elements of
logistics support. The estimated cost is $69 million
أظن أخبار زى الفل
الحمد لله يا رب
عقبال المقاتلات يارب