طلبت سلطنة عمان نظام المراقبة لانزا الاسباني

8 فبراير 2014
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يتوفر هذا النظام بنسختين : نسخة متوسطة المدى و متحرك و نسخة بعيدة المدى و ثابت و هو يخدم في دول مثل البرتغال و اسبانيا و دول امريكا اللاتينية

اصل الموضوع

Oman has ordered a new air defence surveillance system for its air force based on the Lanza 3D radar.

The Spanish company Indra announced on 30 September that it will "integrate its most advanced air surveillance solutions" in Oman. The company did not identify the system, but said the radar Oman will receive is already in operation with several air forces and "handles the surveillance in Europe's NATO southwest flank".

A company representative confirmed to IHS Jane's that this is a reference to the Lanza surveillance radar, which is in service with both the Spanish and Portuguese militaries, as well as several Latin American countries.

رادار بحث ومراقبة، يملك تغطية بزاوية 360 درجة، مع مدى 470 كم .. مواصفات مميزة!
هل بامكانه تتبع الصواريخ البالستية ...... عذرا اخي على الإزعاج