استخدام صاروخ Kh-29 كصاروخ ارض-ارض في ليبيا ؟؟؟؟؟


صقور الدفاع
26 نوفمبر 2008
4,647 52 4




The missile, a Kh-29T, normally uses TV-guidance to reach its intended target. In Libyan service, the Kh-29T was solely used on the Su-24 delivered from the Soviet Union in the late 80s. Unable to maintain the five Su-24MKs and one Su-24MR on its own because of the imposed arms embargo, both Syria and Iran helped keeping the fleet operational. Syria was subsequently rewarded by one Su-24MK fighter-bomber and Libya's sole Su-24MR reconnaissance aircraft.

In the early stages of the Libyan Civil War, 1124 Squadron flew a number of sorties with the remaining two operational Su-24MKs against National Liberation Army positions near. In the course of these operations, one Su-24MK was brought down. The sole operational Su-24MK and the two non-operational Su-24MKs were subsequently destroyed by NATO air strikes at Ghardabiya airbase.

The weaponry once bought to be used by these Su-24s was now useless as no other aircraft in Libyan inventory was capable of carrying these weapons. This left sophisticated KAB-1500 laser-guided bombs, Kh-25, Kh-29L and Kh-29T air-to-surface missiles without operator.​
It now appears efforts have been made to make some of this weaponry usable again, albeit not in their intentional role. The Kh-29T depicted in the launch photos had its fins and ailerons at the front and back removed for a somewhat more stable flight path in the unguided ground-to-ground role. The size of the warhead was obviously the reason these missiles are now used in their new role, packing a 320 kilogram heavy warhead.​
ممكن معلومه عن الصاروخ
القوه التدميريه

The missile, a Kh-29T, normally uses TV-guidance to reach its intended target. In Libyan service, the Kh-29T was solely used on the Su-24 delivered from the Soviet Union in the late 80s. Unable to maintain the five Su-24MKs and one Su-24MR on its own because of the imposed arms embargo, both Syria and Iran helped keeping the fleet operational. Syria was subsequently rewarded by one Su-24MK fighter-bomber and Libya's sole Su-24MR reconnaissance aircraft.

In the early stages of the Libyan Civil War, 1124 Squadron flew a number of sorties with the remaining two operational Su-24MKs against National Liberation Army positions near. In the course of these operations, one Su-24MK was brought down. The sole operational Su-24MK and the two non-operational Su-24MKs were subsequently destroyed by NATO air strikes at Ghardabiya airbase.

The weaponry once bought to be used by these Su-24s was now useless as no other aircraft in Libyan inventory was capable of carrying these weapons. This left sophisticated KAB-1500 laser-guided bombs, Kh-25, Kh-29L and Kh-29T air-to-surface missiles without operator.​

للتّصحيح فقط ٫٫ الصورة الأولى لا تخص الصاروخ KH29 ,,, بل هي للقنابل الروسيّة الموجّهة الثّقيلة KAB-1500l و هي النسخة الموجّهة ليزريا


و شكرا
ممكن معلومه عن الصاروخ
القوه التدميريه

صاروخ موجّه صناعة روسية ٫٫٫ توجد منه عدّة أنواع تختلف حسب طبيعة التوجيه ٫ منها KH29-t te توجيه تلفزيوني ٫٫٫ KH29-L توجيه ليزري ,,, KH29-d توجيه بالأشعة تحت الحمراء (حراري) ٫٫٫ KH29-mp توجيه راداري نشط ٫٫٫ يتميّز برأسه الحربي الكبير الذي يزن 320 كيلوغرام أمّا المدى فيختلف حسب النّسخة

KH29-L مداه 10 كلم ٫٫٫٫ KH29-t مداه 12 كلم ٫٫٫٫٫٫٫٫ KH29-te مداه 30 كلم
قمة الغباء

ياسيدى الفاضل تلك الجماعات لا يهمها غير القوه التدميريه فقط ولو باستخدام شتى انواع المقذوفات ا لموجهه حتى وان لم يكن مكان اطلاقها الواجب من الارض
هؤلاء فى صراع دموى عافاك الله لا يشفى غليلهم غير ان يروا هدفهم مدمر تمام ... كيف وبماذا ... لا يهم ... فقط التدميييييييييييييير