دول الناتو تفضل برنامج التشفير التركي


خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
28 فبراير 2012
3,895 1 0
برنامج التشفير ( crypto software ) الذي تم تطويره بواسطه مجلس الابحاث العلميه والتكنولوجيه TUBITAK يجذب اهتمام 7 دول من الناتو وهي المانيا , ايطاليا , ِبريطانيا , فرنسا , بلجيكا , اسبانيا ولوكسمبورغ وهي الدول التي اشترت طائره النقل العسكريه A400M

برنامج التشفير سيتم تركيبه على طائره النقل الحديثه A400M , البرنامج يقوم بنقل بينات الطيران ( flight information ) من حاسوب الطائره الى الحواسيب الارضيه بشكل مشفر ومؤمن

NATO prefers Turkish crypto for military aircraft

The crypto software developed by Turkish scientists attract NATO countries

The crypto software developed by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, or TÜBITAK, drew the NATO countries' attention. France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Luxemburg contacted TÜBITAK to purchase the software for their military aircraft.

TÜBITAK designed and developed a security software, DTM Data Transfer, for the military Airbus, A400M Atlas, which is a multinational, four-engine turboprop, military transport aircraft designed as a tactical airlifter with strategic capabilities. The software enables the user to move and transfer all flight information, between the A400M Atlas military aircrafts and the ground computers, through an encrypted system. Eight NATO countries, including Turkey, requested the crypto system for their military aircrafts.

Turkey approved TÜBITAK'S first party delivery, which is supposed to be integrated to the NATO planes. As new agreements about using the software for other aircraft started to accumulate on the table, TÜBITAK began mass-producing the system. The first party has been delivered to EADS Cassidian Electronics, the company that developed the electronic components of Airbus A400M.


Data Transfer Management, or DTM, is a configuration of cryptographic memory (SIR) and an interface adopter. DTM transfers the encrypted data that is stored on SIR to the flight control computer inside the planes, through Ethernet interface. In a similar way, it securely stores the flight reports in SIR and transfers to the ground computers via a USB interface unit.


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