# الناتو ... يقرر تقليص طائرات الايواكس #


سَلِيل أَخَوَان مِنْ طَاع اللَّه
خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
2 أكتوبر 2010
36,438 316 0
Saudi Arabia
NATO looks set to reduce its E-3 Airborne Warning And Control System (AWACS) fleet from 17 to 14 aircraft, according to an upgrade contract awarded to Boeing on 6 August.

The USD250 million contract will see the flight decks of 13 AWACS aircraft modernised to make them Global Air Traffic Management (GATM)-compliant. This is in addition to one engineering manufacturing and development (EMD) aircraft, which is due to enter flight testing later this year.

In May an alliance official told IHS Jane's that there was talk of reducing the 17-strong AWACs fleet to 14, and that allied commanders were re-working their mission capability planning to reflect this. Boeing's contract appears to suggest that this decision has now been taken, and that the NATO AWACS fleet will be cut by three airframes.

NATO had not responded to a request for comment by the time IHS Jane's went to press.

The E-3 AWACS entered NATO service in 1982, and the alliance disclosed earlier this year that it was considering options for a possible replacement. In May, officials noted that the ongoing and planned modernisation work will take the type's out-of-service date out to at least 2024, and possibly as far as 2035, saying: "A decision will need to be made by the end of [2014] about NATO's post-AWACS situation."

With budget and desired capability being the two main factors in deciding the future of the AWACS fleet, IHS Jane's has previously reported that officials will receive a report on this issue when the next NATO summit convenes in Wales on 4 September. "Everyone is aware that the AWACS are getting old. They're one of the major ISR [intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance] decisions the nations have to address," an alliance official said.


.... قرر حلف الناتو تقليص عدد طائرات الايواكس العاملة لديه من طراز E-3 من 17 طائرة الى 14 طائرة ....

... هذا ويذكر ان طائرات الحلف من هذا الطراز سوف تخضع لبرنامج ترقية وتطوير تم توقيعه مع شركة بوينغ الامريكية في 6 من اغسطس الجاري ...

... هذا ويذكر انه من القرر ان تعمل هذه الطائرات بعد خضوعها الى برنامج الترقية والتطوير حتى عام 2035م ...

14 طائرة محدثة ستقوم بالمهمة وربما هناك تخطيط لادخال طائرات اواكس بديلة عن الثلاث من طراز الاواكس التركية
14 طائرة محدثة ستقوم بالمهمة وربما هناك تخطيط لادخال طائرات اواكس بديلة عن الثلاث من طراز الاواكس التركية

ملاحظة في محلها أخي , دخول طائرات الأواكس التركية من نوع Boeing 737 AEW&C ممكن يكون سبب لإخراج الناتو لبعض الطائرات القديمة
