صفقة لزورقين دعم سريع لسلطنة عمان من شركة AUSTAL

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خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
26 يوليو 2008
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الف مبروك صفقة بعدد زورقين دعم سريع بطول 72 متر للبحرية السلطانية العمانية ..

قيمة الصفقة قدّرت بـ 124.9 مليون دولار وفازت بها شركة AUSTAL الشهيرة

Austal contract for two 72m High Speed Support Vessels is for the Royal Navy of Oman
Austal announced earlier this year that it has been awarded a contract from a naval customer in the Middle East for the design, construction and integrated logistics support of two new 72 metre High Speed Support Vessels (HSSVs) based on the U.S. Navy's Joint High Speed Vessels design. It now appears that this customer is the Royal Navy of Oman.

Rendering of Austal's High Speed Support Vessel (HSSV) currently being built for the Royal Navy of Oman. Note the Royal Air Force of Oman NH90 Helicopter on the helipad.
Image: Austal

The value of the contract is approximately US$124.9 million.

Austal will construct the HSSVs at its shipyard in Henderson, Western Australia. Construction of the first vessel is expected to commence in CY2014, with the second vessel expected to be delivered in CY2016.

The HSSVs will be deployed with a similar mission to the Joint High Speed Vessels currently being constructed by Austal for the US Navy at the Company’s shipyard in Mobile, Alabama.

Rendering of Austal's High Speed Support Vessel (HSSV) currently being built for the Royal Navy of Oman. Note the Royal Air Force of Oman NH90 Helicopter on the helipad.
Image: Austal

The HSSVs will offer a range of capabilities to support naval operations, including helicopter operations, rapid deployment of military personnel and cargo, and search and rescue operations.

Basic specifications of future Royal Navy of Oman HSSVs:
Hull number: 390 & 391
Hull type: Catamaran
Length: 72.50 metres
Capacity: 320 tonnes, 69 Crew, 69 fixed berths, 250 personnel seating
Speed: 35 knots

شكراا اخ كميكازي على الخبر الجديد والحصري المفرح

لا اعلم طريقة التقييم والا قيمتك
الخبر من موقع شركة AUSTAL

March 10, 2014

Austal Limited (Austal) (ASX:ASB) is pleased to announce it has been awarded a contract from a naval customer in the Middle East for the design, construction and integrated logistics support of two 72 metre High Speed Support Vessels (HSSVs).

Austal Limited (Austal) (ASX:ASB) is pleased to announce it has been awarded a contract from a naval customer in the Middle East for the design, construction and integrated logistics support of two 72 metre High Speed Support Vessels (HSSVs).

The value of the contract is approximately US$124.9 million.

Austal will construct the HSSVs at its shipyard in Henderson, Western Australia. Construction of the first vessel is expected to commence in CY2014, with the second vessel expected to be delivered in CY2016.

The HSSVs will be deployed with a similar mission to the Joint High Speed Vessels currently being constructed by Austal for the US Navy at the Company’s shipyard in Mobile, Alabama.

The HSSVs will offer a range of capabilities to support naval operations, including helicopter operations, rapid deployment of military personnel and cargo, and search and rescue operations.

Austal Chief Executive Officer Andrew Bellamy said the contract reflected the Company’s strategy of pursuing higher-value, defence vessel export opportunities in new markets.

“I am delighted that we have been awarded this contract, which is in line with our strategy of leveraging our revolutionary intellectual property and technology to new defence markets, particularly for underpinning the Henderson shipyard,” Mr Bellamy said.

“This contract reinforces the significant progress we have made in positioning Austal as a prime defence contractor.

“At Henderson, for example, we have a proven ability in designing, constructing and supporting defence vessels, including our current eight-ship Cape Class Patrol Boat contract for the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service. Meanwhile, our commercial ferry operations have been successfully transferred to our Philippines shipyard.

“The contract also illustrates the growing recognition by international naval forces of the utility of high speed support vessels, following on from our 10-ship Joint High Speed Vessel contract for the US Navy.”

Further details cannot be released at this time due to a customer confidentiality agreement.



الشركة لديها تواجد في سلطنة عمان الشقيقة


Austal HSSV 72



ClientRoyal Navy of Oman
Hull number390 & 391
Hull typeCatamaran
Length72.50 metres
Capacity320 tonnes, 69 Crew, 69 fixed berths, 250 personnel seating
Speed35 knots
Year Delivered-
Work In ProgressYes
Data Sheet

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