جزئية نشرت في 2011 واحببت ان اشارككم اياها :
ADCOM Systems shows off new target and bomb
By: David DonaldPublished: 20 Feb 2011
Mussafah-based ADCOM Systems (Hall 4, Stand C15) is adding new members to its family of aerial targets and UAVs, which are all designed and produced here in the UAE.
Thanks to an innovative configuration, the new Yabhon- GRN target ushers in a new generation offering greater speed and altitude capability to simulate missiles.
Details of the Yabhon-GRN were revealed last month after the vehicle undertook a successful series of initial flight trials, during which it achieved speeds of up to 560mph (900km/h) with high stability. It also topped 36,000ft (10,970m).
Resulting from a five-year development programme, the Yabhon-GRN employs an entirely new configuration with forwardswept wings and tailplanes.
Its turbine engine is buried in the rear fuselage and fed through a dorsal intake, rather than using externally mounted engines. Take-off weight is 485 lb (220kg), with a variety of payloads available.
Also new on ADCOM’s stand is the Yabhon Xtrem, a Mk 80 series-based glide bomb with precision capabilities. The system uses INS/GPS guidance, combined with either infrared or laser terminal guidance. It has pop-out wings to give it a range of up to 140km when launched from high altitude. The Yabhon Xtrem has already been tested by the company from one of its UAVs.
ADCOM’s fertile development process has also created a UAV ground control station based on a recreational vehicle for extended operation in austere locations, and has added Hellfire missile capability to the Yabhon- R1 UAV.
الامارات اضافت الهيلفاير على طائرتها بدون طيار من نوع يبهون R-1
In the meantime, a 30 per cent larger Yabhon-R2 has been developed and two air vehicles built for flight testing later this year. The R2’s increased size is to cater for a greater weapons load to be carried from eight stations.
نسخة يبهون R-2 ستكون اكبر حجما من الاولى بنسبة 30% .. تأتي زيادة الحجم لحمل اسلحة اكبر على 8 نقاط تعليق ..
هنا صورة اليبهون R-1
وهنا تبدو الـR-2
بحسب الرابط .. لديها حمولة مابين 30-270 كج
لو حملت فقط 200 كج من الهيلفاير وترك باقي الوزن للمستشعرات وحيز المناورة ( سيمكن نظريا حمل 4 هيلفاير , على اعتبار ان الصاروخ الواحد يصل وزنه لـ 50 كج )
طائرة كهذه بعدد 4 هيلفاير ..
قدرات فذة تحققها الامارات بهذا الانجاز ( الذي يعود لسنة 2011 .. وعلى طائرة لم تأخذ حقها من الشهرة قياسا بالانواع : يبهون جلوبال , يبهون يونايتد 40 بلوك 5 واليبهون U-40 Navy )
بمقدورها بالهيلفاير ,, تشكيل رعب وتهديد جدي اضافي للمدرعات
بجوار المنصات المتخصصة كالاباتشي والمقاتلات المزودة بالصواريخ المضادة للمدرعات ..
ADCOM Systems shows off new target and bomb
By: David DonaldPublished: 20 Feb 2011
Mussafah-based ADCOM Systems (Hall 4, Stand C15) is adding new members to its family of aerial targets and UAVs, which are all designed and produced here in the UAE.
Thanks to an innovative configuration, the new Yabhon- GRN target ushers in a new generation offering greater speed and altitude capability to simulate missiles.
Details of the Yabhon-GRN were revealed last month after the vehicle undertook a successful series of initial flight trials, during which it achieved speeds of up to 560mph (900km/h) with high stability. It also topped 36,000ft (10,970m).
Resulting from a five-year development programme, the Yabhon-GRN employs an entirely new configuration with forwardswept wings and tailplanes.
Its turbine engine is buried in the rear fuselage and fed through a dorsal intake, rather than using externally mounted engines. Take-off weight is 485 lb (220kg), with a variety of payloads available.
Also new on ADCOM’s stand is the Yabhon Xtrem, a Mk 80 series-based glide bomb with precision capabilities. The system uses INS/GPS guidance, combined with either infrared or laser terminal guidance. It has pop-out wings to give it a range of up to 140km when launched from high altitude. The Yabhon Xtrem has already been tested by the company from one of its UAVs.
ADCOM’s fertile development process has also created a UAV ground control station based on a recreational vehicle for extended operation in austere locations, and has added Hellfire missile capability to the Yabhon- R1 UAV.
الامارات اضافت الهيلفاير على طائرتها بدون طيار من نوع يبهون R-1
In the meantime, a 30 per cent larger Yabhon-R2 has been developed and two air vehicles built for flight testing later this year. The R2’s increased size is to cater for a greater weapons load to be carried from eight stations.
نسخة يبهون R-2 ستكون اكبر حجما من الاولى بنسبة 30% .. تأتي زيادة الحجم لحمل اسلحة اكبر على 8 نقاط تعليق ..
هنا صورة اليبهون R-1

وهنا تبدو الـR-2

بحسب الرابط .. لديها حمولة مابين 30-270 كج
لو حملت فقط 200 كج من الهيلفاير وترك باقي الوزن للمستشعرات وحيز المناورة ( سيمكن نظريا حمل 4 هيلفاير , على اعتبار ان الصاروخ الواحد يصل وزنه لـ 50 كج )
طائرة كهذه بعدد 4 هيلفاير ..
قدرات فذة تحققها الامارات بهذا الانجاز ( الذي يعود لسنة 2011 .. وعلى طائرة لم تأخذ حقها من الشهرة قياسا بالانواع : يبهون جلوبال , يبهون يونايتد 40 بلوك 5 واليبهون U-40 Navy )
بمقدورها بالهيلفاير ,, تشكيل رعب وتهديد جدي اضافي للمدرعات

بجوار المنصات المتخصصة كالاباتشي والمقاتلات المزودة بالصواريخ المضادة للمدرعات ..
التعديل الأخير: